Supreme God King

Chapter 3662: First family

Even though the eight-legged evil scorpion of that year had already gained a reputation and had a considerable position in the Pillar of Faen, he was still far away from the true peak of power.

However, as the core of the Luo family, he has personally participated in many power struggles, so he knows many things. He has seen the list of the first Hundred Group and the list of leaders of several pillars. Quite proficient, it is very unlikely that the leader of the Hundred-member group is the Luo family, because at that time the power of the Daozhu family was relatively balanced, and the Luo family’s Patriarch, the elder brother of the Eight-legged Evil Jiao, was a very tolerant person According to the Eight-legged Evil Jiao’s guess, his elder brother should abandon the position of contender, because there is only one position of this kind, and it is supreme, and it will definitely become a target.

For this, the Eight-legged Evil Jiao also agrees.

Although the Luo family was quite active in the war, their activity was not on the surface, but in the dark. Just as the eight-legged evil dragon became a fearful assassin and secret agent, many of the Luo family were active. Behind the scenes.

But he never expected that the Yi family would reappear and become the main congregation.

At one time, the eight-legged evil dragon believed that this was the result of a power struggle. The position of the leader is too important. It can even be said that it is the leader of the Hundred People's League. Furthermore, it is the leader of the meaning world. This metaphor may not be appropriate. Because the power of the conference will not be too great. After all, there are constraints of the Hundreds and the major pillars, but if all powers are compared, the conference will undoubtedly have the greatest power in the world of meaning.

He believes that it is because the families fight each other to no avail, and this position is too important. In the end, they chose to push a member of a small family to this position. In this way, everyone does not have to fight. We can continue to maintain balance. Balance is the most important thing. If it is out of balance, war will break out. In the end, a balance must be reached.

In the first few years, the Eight-Legged Evil Jiao always believed that the congregation was just a puppet that was emptied.

But with the passage of time, some trivial things made the Eight-legged Evil Flood change his mind a little bit, and his back became cold several times.

The Yi family is still very mysterious. Most people have never seen the Yi family. This is a family that will be ignored and forgotten by everyone. However, when the Eight-legged Evil Jiao is engaged in secret missions again and again, there are always so many times that they will watch To the shadow of some Yi family.

Secret tasks are always troublesome and complicated.

Because it is a secret task, the Eight-Legged Evil Jiao often doesn't even know who issued this task and who meant it.

But on several occasions, the Eight-Legged Evil Jiao discovered that no matter how complicated a task is, as long as the shadow of Yi's family appears, the task becomes simple immediately.

Everything is done according to the wishes of the Yi family.

Gradually, the Eight-legged Evil Jiao understood.

This Yi family with only a few members, no collateral or branch, is a well-deserved main congregation.

When he finished speaking, Luo Wumei fell into silence, and his face also showed anxiety.

The lineage and direct lineage of the twelve major families have the identity of the Taoist from birth. They have always been high above, overlooking the world of meaning and the sentient beings of the various subordinate universes, including those unknown worlds. In the eyes of the Taoist, they are all barbaric. .

But for the first time, Luo Wumei discovered that there was still a terrible existence on their heads.

This existence is not a giant, only a few people.

"So, the Yi family... are the first families to choose immortality just like us?" Luo Wumei asked.

The Eight-legged Evil Jiao shook his head: "I don't know, maybe your grandfather, my brother, know some, but he doesn't want to say, remember, Wumei, since you have met the Yi family, then from now on, If it is unnecessary, try not to mention the Yi family. This is a taboo."

Luo Wumei nodded solemnly.

At this moment, they heard some vibrations.

The shock was so weak that even the mighty God King couldn't feel it. Only Luo Wumei and the Eight-legged Evil Jiao felt it in the New Blade Hall.

They also looked in the direction of the vibration.


Within one night, Liuli Universe, the four major sects of the Qing Clan disappeared.

No signs, no waves.

The four giant sects that had a history of several billion years, gathered tens of millions of gods and kings, and were the leaders of the Liuli universe's green clan, disappeared.

Liuli Universe didn't make any waves because of this, because everything happened too suddenly, and too quietly, and it seemed too weird. The billion-dollars did not have any other expressions besides being at a loss.

Immediately, the New Blade Palace, which had assembled a certain amount of troops, carried out a merciless massacre on all the remaining forces of the Cyan Front!

The world of meaning showed absolute strength and absolute coldness. At this moment, the green people of Liuli universe realized that their pride and fragility were extremely vulnerable. In the eyes of the world of meaning, they were just inferior creatures. , Even-pets.

When the pet bites the owner, the owner does not hesitate to exterminate them!

Yes, this is a massacre aimed at extinction.

Because the four major sects disappeared, the core strength of the Qing clan was completely destroyed. After the surviving Qing clan front was at a loss, immediately decided to regroup and condense into a rope, but the attack of the New Blade Palace was too fierce and it was attacking. At the same time, they also used many methods that caught the youth by surprise. While attacking, they used high-handed and cruel policies to force certain youth settlements to surrender, and even spread rumors that certain youth front branches had surrendered. The parties were unable to communicate with each other, so they were susceptible to each other, turning the Youth Front that wanted to regroup into a mess of sand that could only be broken by each.

In just ten days, four million young people were killed!

With the demise of the four major sects, the disintegration of the Qing clan's line, and the fierce attack of the Blade Palace, the Qing Clan has only three choices left, escape from the homeland where it has survived for generations, surrender to the Blade Palace, or perish.


Because on the night that the four major sects disappeared, all the Ten Tribulations God Kings of the Qing Clan also disappeared!

The number of young people killed is increasing every day.

One month later, 20 million Green Clan had been killed in Liuli Universe!

Blade Palace adopts an undifferentiated slaughter method. Regardless of whether men, women, young or old, regardless of realm, as long as it is a green clan, all are killed. From the perspective of the world of meaning, the hatred has already been formed, and then it must be wiped out.

It seems that if the Qing clan is not extinct, it will not stop.

After the 20 million youths were killed, the killing speed of Blade Hall slowed down. On the 55th day after the collapse of the four major sects, Blade Hall issued a martial law order, not allowing various youth forces and settlements. There will be contacts again, and the martial law has no time limit. It may be lifted a long time later, but after the martial law is issued, the massacre will stop.

It is not that the world of meaning has compassion.

Because the Qing Clan God King, there is not much left.

Among the 20 million young people who were slaughtered, more than one million were **** kings.

The four major sects gathered tens of thousands of **** kings. Among the slaughtered young people, there were five million **** kings, and 11 million young people had already been killed.

In the entire Liuli universe, the number of **** kings is the largest among the three universes, about 14 million.

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