Supreme God King

Chapter 3678: prosperity

Meng Fan got an immortal crystal the size of a millet grain and directly refined it.

Such a small immortal crystal, in front of the torrent of the Yuanjie Bow and God King Universe, was easily broken like dust, and then refined into Meng Fan's body.

In Meng Fan's body, some particles were loose and bounced violently, constantly hitting the surrounding particles.

This time, the loose particles are obviously much more than before. Just as Meng Fan thought, as long as enough immortal crystals are refined and collide with each other, a domino effect and chain reaction can be formed.

The bounced particles turned into a substance that surpassed the monumental monument in a short time, and Meng Fan felt the further strengthening of his body.

Up to now, Meng Fan's understanding of immortal matter is a pure, physical power transformation, and has nothing to do with spirit.

After that, Meng Fan continued to refine immortal crystals.

In an instant, three years passed.

Within three years, Meng Fan refined massive amounts of pure gold for the Tianzilou and exchanged 24 immortal crystals!

In the past three years, Meng Fan has also learned enough about the color of immortal crystals. Such immortal crystals with the size of rice grains are called fifth-class crystals. If immortal crystals are leftovers of immortal substances, then fifth-class immortal crystals. , Is the leftover material in the immortal crystals. Once the immortal crystals are born, they cannot change their size and shape, nor can they merge with each other. Therefore, when some immortal materials are born, some small particles will appear. This is the immortal crystal, among the immortal crystals. No matter how small the particles are, they are the fifth-class immortal crystals.

In the world of meaning, the real hard currency is the immortal crystallization of second-class and first-class.

Meng Fan also learned about the highest reward order.

In the Eight Kings universe, there are many secrets and news of the world of significance.

The highest reward order is issued by the world of meaning, the highest level, and everything must make way for it, and the highest reward order, the immortal crystal, is the first-class immortal crystal.

It is said that the first-class immortal crystal is the size of a goose egg, silver gray, and the same as a silver egg. Just seeing it makes people dazzling.

When Meng Fan knew this, he couldn't help but smile. His reward was so high that he could exchange ten goose egg-sized immortal crystals. Once such an immortal crystal fell into his hands, he would It is possible to step directly into immortality!

And the first-class immortal crystallization, even in the world of meaning, is also an expensive thing.

Meng Fan finally knew what kind of spike he had to pull out in the eyes of the world of meaning.

However, Meng Fan didn’t care about external matters for the time being. What he had to do was to continuously refine the pure gold in exchange for immortal crystals. This kind of fifth-class immortal crystals, Meng Fan needed a lot, not dozens or even a few. Hundreds, but thousands.

Meng Fan needed to refine thousands of fifth-class immortal crystals for many years.

Meng Fan is like an abyss, and can swallow any power. After all, the Metaverse Bow and the Origin Universe help him digest, so in his opinion, the more immortal crystals he gets, the better, and the greater the possibility of stepping into immortality.

And thousands of immortal crystals are just conservative estimates.

In the Eight Kings universe, there are many pinnacle **** kings. They all use Meng Fan's method to refine pure gold, and then exchange for immortal crystals. Some people retreat and refine pure gold for hundreds of millions of years!

For one hundred million years, doing nothing, just refining pure gold, and then in exchange for immortal crystals, which can be exchanged for more than one thousand.

There have been many such people in the history of the Eight Kings Universe.

Since the road of immortality has become the mainstream thought of the world of meaning, all affiliated universes hope to enter the world of meaning, even if they become an apostle, the reason is nothing more than status and power, but the most essential thing is that they can step into immortality.

When a creature reaches ten calamities, its life span may be tens of billions of years, which is almost infinite, and it is a **** in any world.

But this does not mean eternal life.

Immortality tempts many people.

Once you step into immortality, you not only have the ability to survive the final annihilation, but also have a lot of means that the **** king cannot imagine.

Strength is what all beings have been pursuing.

Therefore, the world of meaning has extremely strict control over immortal matter, and immortal matter is inherently scarce.

This shows that the Eight Kings Universe is indeed a jewel in the eyes of the world of meaning.

Because the world of meaning has given the Eight Kings universe some authority, allowing the trading of fifth-class immortal crystals, and the world of meaning only requires pure gold, so the business of red gold for immortal crystals has been in the Eight Kings universe for many, many years.

According to rumors, there seem to be universes like the Eight Kings Universe that have the qualification to exchange immortal crystals, but they are definitely not many, and they are very few.

The unified pillar of the world of meaning entrusted the power to exchange immortal crystals to the Defense Department of Eight Kings Universe. However, many strict requirements were put forward in order to be able to control the flow of immortal crystals. Therefore, the Defense Department granted authorization through authorization. The exchange rights of 1,800 shops in the Eight Kings Universe.

Only these thousand and eight hundred business halls have the qualifications to exchange the red gold for the fifth-class immortal crystal at the Zhenfang Department.

Moreover, this qualification is not permanent. The Town Defense Department is reviewing various commercial halls anytime and anywhere. The review standards are not only strict, but also very mysterious. Some commercial halls are suddenly disqualified, and some commercial halls are suddenly disqualified. Qualified in time.

Although the criteria for review are somewhat mysterious, there are several points that can be determined, that is, the scale of the commercial hall must be large, it must be orderly, it must have a long history, and it must be absolutely loyal to the world of meaning.

Once you get this qualification, a business hall can easily sit up.

However, that was early days.

In the beginning, when the world of meaning just allowed the release of the fifth-class immortal crystal in the Eight Kings Universe, an immortal crystal could be exchanged for 300 million taels of pure gold!

Even so, the **** king who came to refine the pure gold was still in an endless stream.

Because the price is high and the price difference between them is bigger, the first few commercial establishments that get the qualifications can often double the benefits.

In other words, every time you exchange for an immortal crystal, the shop itself can earn one for nothing.

This profit is too big.

But later, as the Town Defense Department continued to issue qualifications, the price of Immortal Crystals began to fall. In addition, those who were able to refine Chijin were generally the Peak God King. Only a handful of Nine Tribulations God Kings could also refine them. There are more shops where immortal crystals are distributed, and the number of people who can refine pure gold has reached the upper limit, so the price of immortal crystals has completely stabilized.

It was also because the Eight Kings Universe could release immortal crystals, which led to a result.

Unparalleled prosperity.

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