Supreme God King

Chapter 3679: Building a business hall

The area of ​​the Eight Kings Universe is close to that of Sarah Universe, not much larger than Liuli Universe.

Because immortal crystals can be released, many peak creatures come to settle here.

This is the reason for the prosperity of the Eight Kings universe.

Although many pinnacle creatures like to live in seclusion, the number of pinnacle creatures in the Eight Kings Universe can still be easily guessed, at least, there are a hundred!

A hundred peak creatures are gathered in a universe, and it is impossible for this universe to flourish.

Sarah Universe, Thousand-Star Universe, Liuli Universe, and Vigorous Universe, although their strengths are different from each other, the number of peak creatures is almost in single digits. Sarah Universe is an important means of communication and is relatively powerful. Peak creatures The number may exceed ten.

But the number of peak creatures in the Eight Kings Universe is at least ten times that of the Sara Universe.

A pinnacle creature can feed a huge business hall.

It is impossible for Meng Fan to refine pure gold by himself and accumulate wealth a little bit. He turned the original universe into a huge factory. It is impossible for other peak creatures to retreat on his own for hundreds of millions of years to refine pure gold. , Will also consider other methods to speed up the refining speed.

Therefore, many pinnacle creatures came from other universes, and after they settled in the Eight Kings universe, they began to establish their own "commercial halls", doing business, doing business, and purchasing Chijin in various ways.

There are also some pinnacle creatures, after coming to the Eight Kings Universe, they choose to work for a powerful empire, sign a contract, make some transactions, in exchange for pure gold, or directly in exchange for immortal crystals.

The Eight Kings Universe has been managed by the World of Meaning and has still maintained the system of the "Eight Great Empires". Today, the giant forces of the Eight Kings Universe are the eight empires from the ancient Taoist era. The emperors of these eight empires, They are also the descendants of the ancient Taoists who built the empire.

The Eight Great Empires manage most of the territory of the Eight Kings Universe, and there are also some areas that no one can manage, such as the Big Reef, and the Eight Kings Universe's many business halls, more than 90%, are also under the management of the Eight Great Empires.

Therefore, after many peak creatures arrived in the Eight Kings Universe, they would choose to directly visit the emperor of a certain empire, and then seek some methods to quickly obtain pure gold or directly obtain immortal crystals.

Pinnacle creatures build their own business halls, do business, and collect cash. They will often create a business empire that can feed hundreds of thousands of kings. If Pinnacle creatures do not choose to do business on their own, they will choose to become a guest of a great empire. Working for this great empire in exchange for what you want is also a great thing for the empire, which can greatly enhance the strength of an empire.

Peak creatures are the objects of awe and solicitation by everyone everywhere.

A pinnacle creature, if serving for a great empire, will often sign three types of contracts. The first is an offensive and defensive alliance. This pinnacle creature will fight for the empire or protect the imperial capital. The second is to set up a school, where the pinnacle creatures spread their knowledge, philosophy, and martial arts, teach excellent disciples, and strengthen the empire. The third is to become a craftsman, build a large number of cities and fortresses for the great empire, or rebuild some cities, repair huge formations, and so on.

Ninety-nine percent of the pinnacle creatures who settled in the Eight Kings universe chose to open their own business hall or join a certain empire.

In addition, there are also some peak creatures who do not settle in the Eight Kings Universe, but they also have contracts with many commercial halls.

Because any pinnacle creature can dominate anywhere, and can build a huge sect or empire, so there are many pinnacle creatures of other universes. They do not settle in the Eight Kings universe, but master it. After the method of refining Chijin, in your own world, use your own power, resources, etc. to refine Chijin. Every few years, after you have accumulated a sufficient amount, you will come to the Eight Kings universe to trade.

Or, instead of refining pure gold, they produce other precious resources, and then come to the Eight Kings Universe to exchange for pure gold, and then exchange pure gold for immortal crystals.

A pinnacle creature has nothing to ask for.

The most eager thing in the heart of any peak creature is to be able to step into immortality.

Therefore, the pinnacle creatures will do their best to put all their energy on how to step into immortality and how to obtain immortal crystals.

Therefore, the many trade routes around the Eight Kings Universe are very lively with people coming and going, and almost every few years, there will be a very large caravan, often stretching for hundreds of miles, and many gods escorting goods. This This kind of caravan is the caravan of the pinnacle creatures in exchange for pure gold or immortal crystals.

A large number of pinnacle creatures settle in the Eight Kings Universe, and there are also various huge caravans coming and going in the Eight Kings Universe. The Eight Kings Universe is of course extremely prosperous.

And such a prosperous universe with many gods and kings, powerful as a cloud, and many outsiders, in exchange for immortal crystals, is exactly what Meng Fan needs.

In a blink of an eye, another three years have passed.

Meng Fan refined a large amount of pure gold for the Tianzi Tower, in exchange for 30 fifth-class immortal crystals. After all the refinement, Meng Fan had already felt that there were tens of thousands of particles in his body, loosened and transformed.

He is getting closer and closer to immortality.

It is very difficult for other peak creatures to refine an immortal crystal. The immortal crystal in the hands of Emperor Hu'er has been held for many years, but it has not been refined into the body. Emperor Hu'er is at the peak In, they are all first-class characters.

It is difficult to exchange for an immortal crystal, nor is it easy to refine an immortal crystal.

But Meng Fan's speed at refining immortal crystals was so fast that he could completely refining into his body in just a few breaths.

He has cooperated with Tianzilou for six years. In these six years, Tianzilou has also made a lot of money because of Meng Fan. He served Meng Fan as a guest. The big boss has come to visit Meng Fan countless times, and has met Meng Fan with the etiquette of junior students. Fan talks, after all, Meng Fan's realm is higher than the big boss, and the big boss doesn't dare to pretend.

Six years later, the big boss once again met with Meng Fan and put forward some ideas to Meng Fan.

He believes that Meng Fan should, like other top creatures settled in the Eight Kings Universe, set up a business hall, do business, purchase a large amount of Chijin, or recruit workers to help him refine Chijin, although the big boss has always He didn’t guess why Meng Fan could refine Chijin so fast, but he didn’t dare to ask and believed that a peak creature must have powerful methods that others didn’t know. So the big boss spoke to Meng Fan bluntly. With the means and abilities he possesses, if a business hall is established, it is entirely possible to become a brand name in the Eight Kings Universe.

The Tianzi Tower will unconditionally help Meng Fan build a business hall.

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