Supreme God King

Chapter 3690: Go to war

Daoshu Jufan was originally a powerful war weapon in the calculation of the universe, the Ark of Nothingness, concentrated the calculation of the universe’s highest wisdom at the time, and obtained the essence of Meng Fan’s martial arts. When transformed into a human form, its appearance, temperament, and breath are all perfect reproductions. With Meng Fan, he can be regarded as the perfect combination of calculus universe and **** king universe.

With the posture of the Nine Tribulations God King, carrying Meng Fan's power and the power of calculating the horror of the universe, as soon as it appeared, it caused Yanyuping to retreat, making his whole body uncomfortable.

Zhao Wuye naturally gave in a step backward.

Yan Yuping stared closely at Daoshu Jufan, silent.

"The rise of Weiyang Palace has harmed the interests of many inherent forces on the Great Reef. As the first force on the Great Reef, Mt. Hao Dang has been established for 40 million years. It has deep roots and lush trees. Therefore, I can understand Weiyang Palace's move. It’s just that what you did was too childish to deal directly with Weiyang Palace, only to rob a caravan in the Tianzi Building. To be honest, it’s not painful or itchy."

Daoshu Jufan spoke in his usual calm and unwavering tone, and every time he said something, he walked a few steps forward, getting closer and closer to the misty rain screen.

"In the eyes of Palace Master Weiyang, in my eyes, Hao Dangshan's approach is too... how to put it... ridiculous."

When talking about the word ridiculous, Daoshu Jufan was already standing in front of Yanyuping, with his eyes facing each other, but a distance of three feet.

Yanyuping felt the intense pressure, pressured his mind, and squinted his eyes and said: "So in the eyes of Weiyang Palace, what is, not ridiculous?"

"The news you just sent has been intercepted and will not be passed back to Mount Hao Dang. And three days later, your mother, the King of Mount Yan Mixu, must come to participate in the Daqing in Weiyang Palace, otherwise, it will be a war."

Daoshu Jufan said calmly.

Yanyuping's eyes flickered, she had never thought that Weiyang Palace had already planned the war!

Hao Dang Mountain’s attitude towards Weiyang Palace is only hostile and repulsive. Because Weiyang Palace has harmed the interests of all forces including Hao Dang Mountain, the three disciples of Hao Dang Mountain King proposed to reorganize order and establish an alliance with Weiyang Palace as the goal. Thoughts, but did not mention whether to fight head-on.

"Three days later..." Daoshu Jufan continued. "Either your mother came to Weiyang Palace to participate in Daqing, and then picked you up, or the war started and you used you to sacrifice the flag."

Yanyuping was startled.

Daoshu Jufan suddenly waved his hand, and the powerful law pressed it, instantly trapping Yanyuping's whole body and pressing it into the earth!

The earth tore and the rain screen continued to sink. She gritted her teeth and roared, but she was unable to resist. She saw the canals all over the Weiyang Palace, various underground passages, teleportation formations, and then thick soil. Finally, she was beaten. Into an empty underground world.

The underground world has formations and restrictions in all directions, and it is extremely high-end.

This is a cage.

Yanyuping was imprisoned.

She looked around and found that there was nothing to break in this cage.

Immediately, runes rose from her feet, and quickly imprinted into her limbs and limbs, and various acupuncture points. There were as many as tens of thousands of these runes, which seemed to lock her blood and spirit. .

The voice of Daoshu Jufan sounded.

"From the moment I imprisoned you, the war has started. Your life or death will determine the war lasting three days or longer."

The cage shrank and everything fell into darkness.

Yan Yuping shouted: "Weiyang Palace, you will pay for what you do!"

"Regardless of the cost, we have already won a step. The mighty mountain king comes to participate in the celebration, which is a sign of weakness. If she does not come to the celebration, you will be the first victim of this war. Stepping into Weiyang Palace is the biggest crime you committed. error……"


Two days passed.

The mighty mountain king, Yan Mianxu, sat in the hall, silent.

Several ministers stood around.

The leader is the three disciples.

The first big disciple received by Mt. Mt. Mt. Hadang had very ordinary talents. When he broke through from one calamity to two calamities, he was brutally backlashed by the law of heaven and earth because he broke through forcibly. He failed and was seriously injured. He died soon after. However, the second disciple died in a war many years ago.

Now, among the leaders in the mighty mountains, the first disciple group has the third disciple as the leader, and among the children, the eldest princess is the leader.

Yan Mixu sat in the hall, looked at the three disciples in front of him, and after a long silence, said: "No need to check, Ping'er should have been discovered by Weiyang Palace and captured."

"Weiyang Palace, dare to capture the princess?" The third disciple frowned. "They have no reason."

"But they have the guts." A minister said softly. "Master, Brother Three, a few days ago, when Weiyang Palace sent a scout team to hunt down the two mountain kings who had looted the Tianzilou caravan, they said two words-domineering, facing all those who threatened Weiyang Palace and its allies. , They will never have the slightest tolerance. When we were planning to establish an alliance to exclude Weiyang Palace, Weiyang Palace might have decided to go to war."

Yan Mi said indifferently: "Palace Master Weiyang is forcing me to participate in Daqing. If I don't go, Ping'er will be unpredictable."

The three disciples looked at the ministers behind them: "From your perspective, does Weiyang Palace really dare to attack the princess?"

All the ministers bowed their heads and remained silent, but their attitude has already explained everything.

Weiyang Palace was built eighty years ago, and then in just eighty years it has grown into a force that cannot be ignored on the Great Reef. It is full of vigor, rapid development, and extremely prosperous. It also actively trades with various forces and claims to be domineering. This kind of momentum, if Weiyang Palace really dared to imprison Grand Duke

Lord, once the war breaks out, Weiyang Palace may really kill the princess.

But this cannot be said.

Yan Mixu rubbed her smooth and white eyebrows: "It seems that no matter what the result is, Hao Dangshan has already lost a trick."

There was depression in the hall.

That's right.

If Yan Mixu really went to Weiyang Palace, this move would have been lost, indicating that Yan Mixu had shown weakness and could not refuse Weiyang Palace's invitation.

If Yan Mianxu does not go away, with the current attitude of Weiyang Palace, it is very possible to directly expand the looting of the Tianzi Tower and point out that the master behind it is Haodang Mountain. At that time, he will definitely ask Haodang Mountain to give a satisfactory The answer, even compensation, does not matter how much compensation, but as long as the Hao Dang suit is soft, it is also a loss.

And in the process of negotiation, Weiyang Palace has a very important bargaining chip in his hands, that is the Princess of the Mighty Mountain.

At the end of the day, if the two sides go to war, Weiyang Palace still holds this important bargaining chip, and Weiyang Palace can kill the princess at any time as long as it wants. As soon as the war broke out, Mighty Mountain lost the important general, Yan's parents. , Eight Dao creatures, the morale of Weiyang Palace will skyrocket, and the various forces on the Great Reef will also question the capabilities of Mighty Mountain. Once questioned, problems will arise in the alliance that cannot be consolidated.

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