Supreme God King

Chapter 3691: First line

There are still three hours before the 80th anniversary of Weiyang Palace.

Various decorations have been placed in the streets and lanes of Weiyang Palace, and even many gifts have been distributed.

This time the anniversary celebration, Weiyang Palace specially painted its own banner.

Before, Weiyang Palace was just a name, but now Weiyang Palace has gradually become a spiritual entity, so the people in the city are recruited to provide banner ideas. Finally, they chose a very simple but full of symbolic banner, black background, red Four light spots, the center is a huge golden orb.

The four light spots represent the four schools, and the huge golden ball in the center represents the palace of Weiyang Palace.

Finally, the administrative hall has added some starlight patterns that seem to be irregular, but are in line with the direction of heaven. A total of 1,296 stars, the number of one yuan. This meaning is more complicated and can be interpreted at will. .

Weiyang Palace issued a total of 700,000 flags. According to regulations, each flag can be exchanged for things in Weiyang Palace on the day of Daqing and within one month thereafter. It can be a spar or a free use right for the teleportation array for ten years. It can be some kind of magical implement, etc.

This is actually just a small part of the Weiyang Palace Daqing event.

The administrative hall and the city defense army have already announced many activities in advance.

In addition to the benefits of issuing flags, within one month of Daqing, all residents with local household registration in Weiyang Palace can receive various allowances from Weiyang Palace, and the city will be exempted from trade tax within one month.

Thousands of people who have contributed the most to Weiyang Palace and have no bad records will be selected from among the residents who joined Weiyang Palace first, and they will be exempted from the 500-year tax.

By then, there will be large-scale performances and banquets in various areas of Weiyang Palace.

Officials in the Weiyang Palace, such as the Administrative Hall, the City Defense Corps, and the Great Prison, will also receive subsidies equivalent to 50 years of salary during this Daqing celebration.

Etc., etc.

The whole of Daqing can be understood as a feedback from Weiyang Palace to the people and travelers.

Every year, Weiyang Palace must consider how to empty the vault and release resources and money. This year, Daqing also has this purpose.

Resources are only meaningful if they are circulated, and hoarding in the vault is trash.

Two hours before the beginning of Daqing, the City Defense Corps had a change of guard, and some gates that were not allowed to enter and exit at will were also opened. There were splendid fireworks blasting into the sky everywhere in Weiyang Palace. The splendid scene created by the explosion of vitality, a firework illuminates the entire sky.

An hour before Daqing, a refreshing fragrance filled the inside and outside of Weiyang Palace. It was the administrative hall that ignited huge furnaces in various places, and the boiling elixir and spar were transformed into the purest vitality.

Then, several large-scale caravans appeared one after another, entering the various gates of the Unyang Palace.

These caravans are envoys from all sides, and in line with the trade-based principle, these envoys also carry a large amount of goods when they arrive.

In addition to these envoy groups, in fact, as early as a few days ago, the Diamond Kingdom and the Feileng Kingdom among the eight empires had sent envoys to participate in the celebration. These two kingdoms were the first to establish a trade agreement with Weiyang Palace. Every year, an astonishing amount of goods are sent to directly trade with Weiyang Palace, and Weiyang Palace has also given very low tariffs. Therefore, the two kingdoms of God have already sent envoys and those who act as envoys about ten days before the celebration. The status is not low.

The Diamond God Kingdom came from the Diamond God Order who had been in conversation with Meng Fan. The second person in the God Kingdom, and the Fei Leng God Kingdom sent a central minister. If the God Order is a national teacher, then the central minister is quite the same. The leader of the court of the Kingdom of God is the prime minister.

In addition, in the past few days, various forces in the Great Reef, as well as many chambers of commerce in the Eight Kings Universe, have also sent envoys.

Among the various forces, the ones that were really invited, except for a few kingdoms of God, were the forces of the Great Reef. The entire Great Reef was invited, and outside the Great Reef, no forces received invitations. After all, Weiyang Palace It is huge, but its influence is actually limited to the area of ​​the Great Reef. In other parts of the Eight Kings Universe, Weiyang Palace does not have much influence, mainly for trading with several great kingdoms.

However, there are many chambers of commerce outside the Great Reef, uninvited.

They are all eyeing the huge market of Weiyang Palace, thinking about taking this opportunity, on the one hand, to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the completion of Weiyang Palace, on the other hand, because after the celebration, for a period of time, Weiyang Palace will exempt a lot of trade. Taxes are also a good opportunity to do business. In the end, many caravans want to sign some trade agreements with Weiyang Palace.

For various reasons, mainly because of making a fortune from the Daqing event, caravans of innumerable large and small entered the Weiyang Palace one after another the day before Daqing.

According to statistics from the administrative hall, the caravan entering and leaving Weiyang Palace suddenly increased by 20% on the day before Daqing began.

In other words, Daqing has not officially started, and tens of millions of businessmen have arrived in Weiyang Palace.

According to speculation, after the start of Daqing, the number of people will increase significantly.

At this time, the allowance of the City Defense Corps was issued.

Except for the 50-year salary, all the city defense regiments received a black diamond weighing a hundred catties, and a low-grade Taoist artifact!

This level of subsidies is terrible.

You know, the city defense corps is numerous.

When the allowance was released, it was only half an hour from Daqing.

Zhao Wuye issued a speech to all members of the City Defense Corps. While all members were getting allowances and morale was high, Zhao Wuye affirmed this time several times

The meaning of Daqing to Weiyang Palace.

This is naturally purposeful.

Because in the Big Reef domain, all the forces and all the decent figures have been invited by Weiyang Palace, but now there is only half an hour left before Daqing begins. The forces in the Big Reef domain really come to participate in the celebration, which only accounts for about the entire Big Reef domain. One third of the reef.

And those really huge forces, such as the Hao Dang Mountain, Qianchuan, and Dewu Sect, none of them came.

This has actually shown the attitudes of all forces on the Great Reef.

On the surface, the bustling and bustling, secretly, is already tense.

The invitation from Weiyang Palace to the foot of the mighty mountain, there is no retreat, as long as the mighty mountain does not come, the lord of the Weiyang Palace will go to the mighty mountain himself, and nowadays, the princess of the mighty mountain is imprisoned in the dungeon of the Weiyang palace, either the mighty mountain shows weakness, or, war.

Of course the members of the City Defense Corps didn't know these complicated things, and Zhao Wuye couldn't tell them.

In fact, in Zhao Wuye's mind, there is a little bottomless.

It is naturally better to work for a pinnacle creature. Zhao Wuye really regards Weiyang Palace as his home. However, he has been roaming for so many years and he knows the various forces on the Great Reef, as well as many powerful people, pinnacle creatures. Although not many, there are more than a dozen of them. If it is really time for war, can Weiyang Palace stand it?

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