Supreme God King

Chapter 3699: The Mystery of Chijin

The meaning world naturally has its own policies, but there are so many Taoist families in the meaning world, and there are conflicts of interests and power divisions among the families, and even the meaning world does not have a real leader. The one who manages the entire meaning world is A huge group of hundred people.

Under this circumstance, it is difficult to unify the thoughts of the world of meaning. It is conceivable that the mainstream thought of the world of meaning is the road of immortality, but there are still many remaining roads of meaning, and there are even a large number of ways to maintain neutrality. Lord exists.

When various groups and interests collide, they will inevitably form shocks and power gaps, and then some things that are not recognized by mainstream ideas will appear.

The world of meaning firmly clings to the secret of the road to immortality, but it allows the exchange of immortal crystals in the most important subsidiary universes. This is a typical example.

The existence of any special case should be short-lived.

If the world of meaning cannot accept the existence of such a special case, then it will do its best to correct the "error" and change the special case.

But since the Eight Kings universe can be exchanged for immortal crystals, and it has lasted for so many years, it means that after the emergence of this special case, various debates and confrontations have occurred in the world of meaning, and the final result of the confrontation is that the world of meaning believes to do so. That's right.

At least, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

Moreover, most Taoists can get benefits through this bill, and this special case will become the norm.

So in Meng Fan's vision, a very simple formula was born.

The exchange of immortal crystals is the responsibility of the Eight Kings Universe Defense Department. In order to facilitate control and avoid loss of control, the Zhen Defense Department has strict requirements for those who exchange immortal crystals, so through layers of screening, from the local chamber of commerce in the eight kings universe In, the guild halls that the Town Defense Department considers qualified are selected. Only these guild halls can exchange immortal crystals from the town defense department. These guild halls must be careful because the town defense department may cancel their qualifications at any time.

Generally speaking, the time limit for a guild hall to be eligible to exchange for immortal crystals is 40,000 years. This time limit is also very good. A pinnacle tyrant is mainly refined to 90 million taels of red gold. It will take about 40,000 years without stopping day and night. Time is equivalent to saying that the Town Defense Department gave each guild hall a contract with the pinnacle creatures.

And refining a batch of pure gold time.

After forty thousand years, the qualifications of a club will be re-evaluated. No one knows the criteria for the evaluation, and the town defense department is never exposed. The only thing that can be known is the degree of loyalty to the world of meaning, contribution to the town, and The attitude of the Defense Department is a criterion for whether a commercial hall can be qualified. This is beyond doubt.

But this is not the only standard.

The other standards are all secrets.

Therefore, all local business halls in the Eight Kings Universe have only one way to qualify, which is to pray.

Because no matter what effort is made, it doesn’t make much sense. Some commercial halls often pay a huge price and fail to obtain qualifications. Some commercial halls are small in scale and never considered obtaining this qualification, but suddenly discovered There was himself in the list of qualifications, so he immediately passed this qualification within 40,000 years, because as long as he obtained this qualification, there would be a peak overlord to conclude a contract with him. This is a good opportunity.

And those commercial halls that once had the qualifications but lost the qualifications tend to decline.

In fact, Meng Fan could guess why this happened.

It is regulation.

The world of meaning uses this method to regulate and release the amount of immortal crystals. If a huge commercial hall has always been eligible to exchange for immortal crystals, then this commercial hall will become bigger and bigger, and it will gradually become a lot of people's. First, its ability to exchange immortal crystals will become stronger and stronger.

The world of meaning does not allow this to happen.

The immortal crystal is a monopoly. The monopolist is the Town Defense Department, not any independent commercial hall.

Through the issuance of qualifications every 40,000 years and the regulation of the market, the price of the fifth-class immortal crystal has been constant at 90 million taels all the year round.

The exchange price of the Town Defense Department has also changed very little.

The formula is that the Town Defense Hall exchanges a fifth-class immortal crystal from a qualified merchant for 75 million taels of red gold, and then the qualified merchant sells an immortal crystal to the peak hegemon for 90 million taels. .

In this process, the merchant’s income was basically constant at 15 million taels of red gold, and red gold became hard currency because it could be exchanged for immortal crystals.

The simpler the exchange process, the better, so many merchants hope to exchange directly instead of signing a contract. For example, many merchants will directly bid for an immortal crystal at a price of 80 million taels after obtaining the qualification. The requirement is The peak overlord who purchases immortal crystals must directly take out all 80 million taels, because if the contract is really concluded, the cycle for a peak creature to refine 90 million taels of red gold is too long. The longer the time, the higher the cost. , The more uncertain factors, the simplest thing is that once 40,000 years have passed and the qualification is cancelled, then there is nothing left.

So for a period of time, because of this method, a large number of pinnacle overlords have accumulated Chi Jin in their hands, waiting for the 80 million taels to be exchanged together.

But price is not something that can be controlled artificially.

The immortal crystals distributed by the world of meaning are limited. With such strict control, how can the merchants decide? Once the immortal crystal of 90 million taels becomes 80 million taels, this difference of 10 million taels will greatly increase the purchasing power of the pinnacle overlord, and they all like to accumulate the red gold to buy when it is the cheapest. The demand will surge, and the result of the surge in demand is that supply exceeds demand, and then the price of immortal crystals will become higher, so in the end, it will remain constant at 90 million taels.

So, qualified merchants can earn a price difference of 15 million taels of red gold, so how much can they make if they are responsible for distributing the source of immortal crystals and the world of significance?

No matter how much the meaning world can earn, from the perspective of the meaning world, the value of 75 million taels of red gold must exceed a fifth-class immortal crystal.

What is more valuable to the world of meaning than immortality?

More immortality.

Therefore, in Meng Fan's speculation, red gold is most likely an important material for refining immortal crystals.

And Meng Fan believed that 90 million taels of red gold should be enough to refine at least three immortal crystals.

This is the temptation of interest.

Because of this temptation, the world of meaning will allow some universes to be exchanged for immortal crystals.

And how to use red gold to refine immortal crystals is undoubtedly the biggest secret, a secret that the world of meaning will never reveal.

It is also the secret that Meng Fan wants to know most.

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