Supreme God King

Chapter 3700: Ninth Kingdom

In the 244th year of the completion of Weiyang Palace, Meng Fan, Ren Xifeng, Yan Mixu, Xuan Dewu, and Jinding King once again gathered in Weiyang Palace.

During the talks, Meng Fan agreed to assist King Jinding to establish his own power on the Great Reef.

King Jinding is a person who has the right and the left, and he is also a true peak hegemon. In his eyes, the fights of all parties are children fighting. It is meaningless. He uses the easiest way to play for the eight kingdoms of God and act as a leader. The honorary leader of many forces on the reef, but for a long time, he has not had a power of his own.

With the new order in the Great Reef area, all kinds of incapable people were punished one by one. The huge alliance headed by the five giants reached out to every corner of the Great Reef. There was almost no blank space. King Jinding thought it was time, and thought To build some own team on the big reef.

This kind of thing is too simple for the Big Five.

So Jinding huge building was established.

Jinding Julou is a huge commercial hall. Meng Fan and Yan Mixu provided some land for King Jinding. Xuan Dewu provided guards and warriors for King Jinding. Ren Xifeng and Tianzilou signed a series of agreements with King Jinding. Commercial treaties, so a new and promising power emerged.

In the 260th year of the establishment of Weiyang Palace, Ren Xifeng returned to his hometown.

It seems that in her hometown, some situations and problems have emerged.

Before leaving, Ren Xifeng handed Qianchuan to the team she trained, and communicated with Meng Fan and others many times, hoping to help her take care of Qianchuan. After returning, I will thank you very much.

This journey may take many, many years.

Ren Xifeng’s hometown is the primordial universe closer to the Eight Kings Universe. Although it’s relatively close, it takes tens of thousands of years to reach it even if you walk the space ladder. It takes 20,000 years to go back and forth. This is just the time to go back and forth. Things in the primordial universe dragged on for a long time, and I didn't know how long it would take to return.

But fortunately, Qianchuan is a giant force with deep roots in the Great Reef. Nowadays, with the protection of the Big Five Alliance, there is no need to worry too much.

After Ren Xifeng left, all parties developed steadily, and the speed of the development of the Jinding Giant Building was even more amazing. It quickly occupied a corner of the big reef and grew into a land with more than 100,000 miles, a main city, and three sub-cities. The power of more than one hundred business halls, large and small, and the once defeated Jiangcheng Mansion

Because of the departure of the leader, he was also divided by Jinding Giant Tower again and again.

Weiyang Palace was completed in the 297th year.

As the last few Unable Mountain Kings were wiped out, the entire Big Reef had no empty space and completely obeyed the order set by the Big Five. By this time, the Big Five had already occupied about 70% of the Big Reef’s land and owned about 60% of the Big Reef. The king of God, controls ninety-nine percent of the business on the Great Reef.

The remaining lands and businesses that were not occupied by the Big Five belonged to hundreds of small-scale forces, and these forces, without exception, surrendered and obeyed the Big Five, and were vassal forces of the Big Five.

By this time, Weiyang Palace was already the number one giant on the big reef.

The territory of Weiyang Palace has already surpassed Hao Dang Mountain, and the number of **** kings is equivalent to Hao Dang Mountain plus Dewu Zong. For the entire Big Reef business, 40% are in the hands of Weiyang Palace.

Weiyang Palace is already a well-deserved leader.

Even in the Eight Kings Universe, there are rumors that the Weiyang Alliance is growing into the ninth kingdom of the Eight Kings Universe.

The Eight Kingdoms of the Eight Kingdoms has eight great kingdoms of God and an impossible big reef. The Eight Kingdoms of God each control some territories of the Eight Kingdoms of the universe. They have maintained peace all year round. At least in the past few hundred million years, the Eight Kingdoms of Gods have never had any wars. Earlier, there were only small-scale wars.

But it is still the "rule of nine." The Big Reef of the Eight Kings Universe not only undertakes all the gray business, but also assumes the responsibility of resolving the various conflicts of the eight kingdoms of God. The confrontation and friction of the eight kingdoms of God have always been great. The reef is happening.

When the Great Reef has its own order, and when the Big Five become the absolute leader of the Great Reef, the Great Reef has indeed become the ninth kingdom of the Eight Kings Universe, and Weiyang Palace is the leader of the ninth kingdom.

The only difference is that the Big Reef and the Big Five are not recognized by the World of Meaning and the Defense Department.

So fighting for the support of the five giants became the battlefield of the eight kingdoms of God.

Even the Great Reef already has the ability to threaten the balance of the eight kingdoms of God.

Because all kinds of prohibited goods and illegal resources of the Eight Kingdoms of God are dumped on the Great Reef, and all kinds of open and secret fights are also carried out on the Great Reef. The Big Five only need some measures, such as raising the price of one product, or even cutting off one. The supply of goods, the balance of the eight kingdoms of God will be out of balance.

Weiyang Palace was built for 300 years.

Meng Fan announced her retreat.

No one knows how long this retreat will last.

Because Meng Fan has reached the most critical moment to break through immortality.

Next, he would not ask any complicated and trivial matters, but devoted himself to the retreat of interpreting the mystery of immortality.

A hundred years have passed, it is another hundred years.

Then came the millennium.

Then came Wannian.

The Eight Kings Universe has always been peaceful and stable as always.

But outside of the Eight Kings universe.

Many things are happening.

There are also some news that spread to the Eight Kings Universe from time to time.

For example, although the great uprising that shocked the world many years ago has been extinguished, there are still many remaining problems.

These problems are fermenting.

Some secrets that have been guarded by the meaning world for many years are beginning to be revealed.

The various confrontations between the Road of Meaning and the Road of Immortality in those days caused many truths to be concealed in the mist.

There are rumors that many years ago, just a few years after Meng Fan built the Weiyang Palace, a sky prison was destroyed in a certain subsidiary universe. It seems that several people were imprisoned by the great families of the world of significance for many years. The person is released, and the world of meaning is searching for this person everywhere.

When Meng Fan started to announce her retreat, as expected, the Eight Kings Universe issued a reward order, offering a reward for an old monster who has lived for many, many years, and the reward amount was five times the reward amount offered by Meng Fan.

Fifty first-class immortal crystals.

This is the highest reward ever issued by the world of meaning.

Immediately, there were rumors that the Taoist families of the world of meaning had already prepared to abandon all affiliated universes.

Because the final death will inevitably happen, and it may happen at any time.

These are all rumors and conspiracy theories.

But these conspiracy theories have a lot of basis.

That is, the secrets that the world of meaning clings to.

But which is true and false is still indistinguishable.

In addition to the continuous fermentation of various chain reactions triggered by these prisoners, another chilling news is spreading.

A certain kind of plague is spreading rapidly.

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