Supreme God King

Chapter 3702: Antecedent

That was a long time, a long time ago.

After the Great Emperor was suppressed, the world of meaning became the true master of the prehistoric universe. They began to teach sentient beings in the way they hoped, and brought many powerful gods and kings of the prehistoric universe to the world of meaning and visit various splendid scenes of the world of meaning.

But the background of the primordial universe makes this universe a subsidiary universe of the world of meaning, but it still maintains a high level of civilization and the foundation of martial arts.

Moreover, although the world of meaning has been constantly dividing the primordial universe, trying to split the sentient beings of the primordial universe into numerous empires and forces, letting them fight against each other openly and secretly to maintain balance, the primordial universe never follows the vision of the meaning world.

Before the meaning world managed the primordial universe, the primordial universe did split into many large and small forces, and even each other did not know the existence of each other, but in the war against the meaning world, the sentient beings of the primordial universe and all powerful leaders They all stood together. Although this war was defeated, more than half of the strong were killed, and some strong were suppressed. However, facing foreign enemies together, as well as the identification of self-culture and even paranoia, made the universe thinking The above has become a whole.

Therefore, after the world of meaning dominates the primordial universe, the primordial universe has developed rapidly on the one hand, and on the other hand, although the primordial universe is still divided into hundreds of forces, large and small, these forces have never been divided by the meaning world. No matter how hard the meaning world tries to change their culture, they still adhere to the ancient traditions of the primordial universe and believe that all the creatures of their primordial universe have the same root and are very proud of the achievements they have created.

Although it is divided into many forces, at the ideological and cultural level, the primordial universe has always been a whole.

Many years ago, when Ren Xifeng was still a child, the Primordial Universe had developed to an astonishing level, with nearly ten million kings.

At that time, there were still many "rebels" in the wild universe.

Their core idea is to maintain an independent tradition and resist the **** of the world of meaning.

Although the rebels are hidden in the dark, and no one even knows the specific appearance of the rebels, the thought of resistance is always in the light.

This kind of thinking,

When Xifeng was young, he gave birth to the "University Reunion".

The University Student Association is a non-governmental organization of the Primordial Universe. Its core is to restore various miracles and martial arts in ancient times, study the cultural origin of the Primordial Universe, fill the historical gaps of the Primordial Universe, and preserve the books and traditions of the Primordial Universe.

From its inception, the University Student Association has developed more than one billion members in a short period of time, including more than a million gods.

In the prehistoric universe at that time, the number of **** kings was about 9.8 million. In other words, one of every ten **** kings must have joined the college.

The university society is regarded as a tangible form of invisible resistance by the world of meaning. The pride and sense of self-identity in the primordial universe are rising rapidly, and finally a resistance entity is formed, so the world of meaning begins to suppress the university.

When the University Association was born, the war between the Road of Meaning and the Road of Immortality was over. The world of meaning is no longer the world of tolerance and love back then. Its foreign policy tends to be brutal, and its attitude towards all attached universe beings becomes more and more arrogant. Think of all beings as ants.

But there is also a benefit.

That is, when the minds of all Taoists are focused on the pursuit of immortality, the management of the many subsidiary universes by the world of meaning becomes loose.

Therefore, the world of meaning cruelly suppressed the college students’ association, and eventually forced the college students’ association to disband, but this is only a temporary solution. The college students’ association is just a label. The thoughts and cultures of all beings in the universe cannot be dissolved. After the disappearance, various organizations appeared one after another. Their core ideas all originated from the college students' association. These brand-new organizations are quite wise. They understand what the world of meaning is afraid of and hate, so they hide many untalkable topics. Deep down, but on the surface, many large alliances that seem loose but actually very strong have been established.

1.7 billion years ago, the emergence of the Primordial Universe Peace Alliance symbolized that the Primordial Universe was transformed into a whole in many ways, rather than being scattered individuals.

At that time, it was exactly when Ren Xifeng began to make his mark.

The Peace Alliance means that all members who join the alliance maintain absolute peace with each other. There is no war. Instead, they communicate through trade, learning, and exchanges. At the beginning of the establishment of the Peace Alliance, Hong Huangyu

More than ninety percent of the **** kings of Zhou joined this alliance. At that time, Ren Xifeng, as the **** king of the Seven Tribulations, as an envoy of the peace alliance, wandered among many forces.

After a few more years, all the native **** kings of the Primordial Universe joined the Peace Alliance, and the Peace Alliance became the highest institution of the Primordial Universe.

Four hundred million years ago, Ren Xifeng stepped into the Ten Tribulations and became one of the thirteen peak hegemons of the prehistoric universe.

370 million years ago, Ren Xifeng became the supreme commander of the Fourth Peace Corps of the Peace Alliance, and successively became the ruler of 1,170 cities and fortresses, establishing a dynasty of his own.

By then, Ren Xifeng was already one of the commanders of the Twenty Army of the Peace Alliance, the emperor of a giant dynasty, and a member of the presidium of the Peace Alliance.

Many years have passed.

About 30 million years ago.

The thirteen peak overlords of the prehistoric universe held a secret internal meeting.

At the meeting, many overlords believed that an era of change had arrived.

Because at that time, the word "heterogeneous invasion" began to constantly appear in everyone's sight.

And the world of meaning has become "more and more decayed." The world of meaning is no longer a world full of ideals. Taoists only value the interests of themselves and their families, and they don’t care about everything else. The families of the Taoists interact with each other. The intrigue between them has become more intense, and has even been brought to the table. Even if the inside of the meaning world is like this, the attitude of the meaning world towards the outer universe is even worse.

The pursuit of immortality in the world of meaning also convinced the overlords of the primordial universe that the ultimate death is inevitable and will definitely come, and everyone believes that with the attitude of today’s meaning world, they have no intention of delaying the final death. The coming, and more is to think about how to let oneself through the final death, how to achieve higher immortality, all subsidiary universes are no longer a sphere of influence of the meaning world in the eyes of the meaning world, but some can The resources used, the world of meaning, has become more cruel in its control of many affiliated universes, and the squeezed more fierce.

So a series of plans began to run in secret.

As one of the thirteen overlords, Ren Xifeng was obliged to take on a task.

Step into immortality.

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