Supreme God King

Chapter 3703: return

After a journey of 14,000 years, Ren Xifeng returned to the prehistoric universe ten days ago.

She has been away for many years.

With the mission of stepping into immortality and spying on the world of meaning for the primordial universe, Ren Xifeng has been running his own forces in the Eight Kings Universe. This return is due to the news received 14,000 years ago, a member of the Presidium of the Peace Alliance Council. Ren Xifeng didn't know the specific reason for the return of the overlord who was in the outside world jointly. Ren Xifeng didn't know it, nor did it clearly state in the letter, but the signature of the letter was a sign of a peaceful alliance.

There are signs on all the letters of the Peace Alliance, but on the letter sent to Ren Xifeng, the final code of the signs is somewhat special.

The logo of the Peace Alliance is a circle with a pattern of the Primordial Universe in the center, surrounded by a very old kind of Heavenly Words from the Primordial Universe. Different letters have different codes for Heavenly Words. By arranging these codes, one can know the importance of the letter.

This kind of coding is very complicated and very advanced. Even as Ren Xifeng, as the King of Ten Tribulations and the Overlord of the Peak, it took many days to interpret these codes. If it is someone else, they don’t understand the coding sequence and this. In the case of a cryptographic system, it is impossible to understand the meaning of the code at all.

And the coding system is not fixed yet.

This encoding system also has a hidden time system, that is, every once in a while, usually around a thousand years, the order of encoding will move one bit backward. This small one is enough to change the entire encoding system.

After reading the code, Ren Xifeng understood that this letter was the highest-level letter. The reason for not telling Ren Xifeng was of course his fear of losing the letter.

So Ren Xifeng hurried back to the prehistoric universe after hurriedly confessing the various matters of Qianchuan.

On the first day of his return, Ren Xifeng received news that two other hegemons of the Peace Alliance had not rushed back, so no meeting would be held for the time being.

So Ren Xifeng first wandered around his empire, met many old people, and learned about what happened in the prehistoric universe over the years.

Then, Ren Xifeng received the news that the oldest and oldest hegemon in the Peace Alliance hoped to meet her.

So she appeared in the chairperson conference hall of the Peace Alliance.

The chairman conference hall is 875 feet long and is a perfect rotunda, with a towering podium in the middle, surrounded by 17 rows of brown wooden benches. There are four entrances and exits in the east, west, south, and north. Each door , Are guarded by two Eight Tribulations King Warriors.

In the hall, you can see many traditional cultures of the primordial universe, such as the pictures of beasts on the four doors, which are 112 kinds of beasts in the ancient legends of the primordial universe. There are also auspicious clouds, colorful colors, and eyes of heaven in the beast pictures. And other patterns.

And those brown wooden benches use a precious tree species that is already quite rare in the Primordial Universe. This precious tree species is the "mother tree" in the eyes of many races in the Primordial Universe. On all benches, there is a simple humanoid picture. The humanoid picture itself is nothing strange, it is the action of each humanoid pattern, in fact, this is a kind of language.

It is the oldest pictorial text known in the prehistoric universe.

Everything and so on are highlighting the cultural atmosphere of the presidium hall.

In the presidium hall, there will be a presidium meeting every year to discuss various matters of the prehistoric universe. The meeting will be attended by all members of the Peace Alliance parliament and vote. All those who cannot come to the scene can entrust someone to participate in the meeting instead of their will.

Each meeting will last for about a month, and usually, the presidium hall will not be vacant. Other meetings of the Peace Alliance are often held in the presidium hall. As for the internal meetings of the thirteen giants, they are also held here.

Ren Xifeng hasn't returned for many years. When he walked through a door and walked into the hall, Ren Xifeng suddenly remembered that she first joined the Peace Alliance many years ago, and began to fight for the primordial universe, and step by step became a member of Parliament and entered the ranks of the peak overlord. , Became a member of the presidium and became one of the thirteen giants of the prehistoric universe.

On the podium in the hall, there is already an old man standing, I don't know how long he has been waiting for her.

The man was six feet tall and was a rotten old man with drooping eyelids and dim eyes. He was wearing a goose yellow robe without any pattern.

The moment the old man saw Ren Xifeng, he smiled and the folds of his face were packed together.

Ren Xifeng arched his hands and said, "Uncle."

The old man is the oldest member of the presidium. When he was just a member of Xifeng, the old man was already the king of ten tribulations and the peak overlord of the prehistoric universe. He had also served as the presidency of the presidium several times and once served as the head of the secretary.

When Ren Xifeng first met the old man, the old man appeared as Ren Xifeng's father and brother.

They are not related by blood, but in an older era, when Ren Xifeng was not born, to be precise, when Ren Xifeng's father was not yet born, Ren Xifeng's grandfather was once a city defense officer of a huge empire in the prehistoric universe. At that time, let alone the Peace Alliance, even its predecessor, the University Student Association had not been established. As an imperial city defense army, Ren Xifeng’s grandfather had a very capable fighter, the old man in front of him. Later, the old man saved Ren Xifeng's grandfather, so Ren Xifeng's grandfather accepted the old man as a righteous son.

That year, Ren Xifeng's grandfather was 427,700 years old.

The old man is fifty-eight thousand years old.

One million years later, when Ren Xifeng's grandfather was 1.42 million years old, he gave birth to a son, and this son was Ren Xifeng's father.

Because the old man was the adopted son of Ren Xifeng's grandfather, the father of the newly born Ren Xifeng became the younger brother of the one million-year-old old man.

That's how the word uncle came about.

In addition to being the oldest member of the Presidium of the Peace Alliance, the old man is also recognized as the God King with the highest status and the most right to speak in the Primordial Universe. In addition, the old man has another identity, that is, the oldest God King in the Primordial Universe.

Few people know the specific age of the old man, but Ren Xifeng knows.

The old man has lived 4.4 billion years!

After Ren Xifeng called his uncle, he raised his head and looked at the old man with a smile.

The old man stepped forward, took Ren Xifeng's hand, and found a chair to sit down at random.

One old and one young, the two started talking. Ren Xifeng asked the old man how he had spent these years and what about the peace alliance. The old man’s answer was as flat as the tone of his speech. In the years since Ren Xifeng has left, the primordial universe has been as calm as ever. Years of resistance and struggle have allowed the Primordial Universe to have mastered the knack of communicating with the world of meaning, so the Primordial Universe has been calm and light for many years.

But this cloud is light and breezy, just superficial.

Honghuang Universe has never given up its resistance to the **** of the world of meaning and the protection of its own traditional culture.

The tasks assigned to all the pinnacle overlords that year were all in progress, and some tasks had already been completed.

Immediately afterwards, the old man asked Ren Xifeng about his experience over the years.

After Ren Xifeng said briefly, she replied with shame, she was still far away from stepping into immortality. Now let alone touch the threshold, Ren Xifeng doesn't know what the threshold of immortality is.

"Yeah." The old man smiled and nodded.

But a strange color flashed in his eyes.

Ren Xifeng noticed this strange color.

The old man said: "The emperor has returned."

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