Supreme God King

Chapter 3704: Big secret

Hearing what the old man said, Ren Xifeng's face was expressionless, and then her eyes widened and she was dumbfounded.

Suddenly, there was no understanding.

The old man was not eager to explain anything to Ren Xifeng, just waiting for Ren Xifeng to digest himself.

When the Honghuang Tiandi was suppressed, let alone Ren Xifeng, even the old man was not born.

To be precise, the great-grandfather of the old man had just come into the world when the primordial universe and the world of meaning were confronting each other.

When the emperor of the wild departed, the universe lost the firmament.

Since then, the primordial universe has lost its core, and the two thousand seven-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundest laws have scattered everywhere, lost order and power.

There is no "end point" in the way of heaven that everyone pursued in ancient times, and no one will walk on the way of heaven.

Some people say that the primordial emperor has been obliterated and disappeared forever.

But there was another voice in the University Student Association and the later Peace Alliance. The Emperor of Heaven did not leave. He will return one day. The day he returns is the moment when the primordial universe is filled with all the laws.

But this is just a legend derived from faith.

No powerful **** king believed this legend.

Including Ren Xifeng.

Because they can't think of any reason for the meaning world, and they still need to keep the prehistoric emperor.

Ren Xifeng's eyes gradually focused, looking at the elderly.

She finally understood what the old man meant.

The old man said: "The Emperor of Heaven has been imprisoned in the Luotian Universe for a long time, and the Emperor of Heaven has already stepped into immortality many years ago.

Many years ago, the Luotian Uprising broke out. Many prisoners detained in the Luotian Universe fled, and our Heavenly Emperor was among them.

After tossing and turning, the Emperor of Heaven has returned. "

Ren Xifeng blinked his eyes full of spirit, his eyes scanned back and forth in the hall.

She understood why the Presidium of the Peace Alliance would issue the highest-level secret letter to let her return.

For her, the prehistoric emperor has always been a legend and a story that children listen to before going to bed.

"I don't understand..." Ren Xifeng murmured: "I don't understand, why does the world of meaning..."

"Always keep the prehistoric emperor." The old man said. "This question is actually very easy to answer.

In the era when the Emperor of Heaven was suppressed, the world of meaning had not yet discovered the path to immortality. At that time, the world of meaning was still tolerant and universal. They were interested in all the culture and martial arts attached to the universe. It was for them to suppress the Emperor. It was just a helpless move, because they needed to establish order, but if they wanted them to completely obliterate the Emperor, they couldn't do it.

Our wild universe is too special for the world of meaning.

Among the sixty-six subsidiary universes, it is too rare for us to have a complete system of laws, thousands of supreme laws, and the derivation of the supreme heavenly path.

The Taoists of the ancient world are so curious about everything about us, so they can't destroy the Emperor of Heaven.

Many years ago, I entered the world of meaning as a messenger. After hard work, I read some ancient books about the world of meaning conquering the prehistoric universe war. I saw that after the war, how to deal with the problem of the prehistoric emperor, meaning Some Taoists in the world have discussed it. In the end, the vast majority of Taoists did not approve of destroying the Emperor, so they chose to imprison the Emperor in a big prison in the world of meaning.

Later, the Luotian Universe was established, and the Emperor of Heaven was transferred to the Luotian Universe.

After the road of immortality appeared and the road of meaning was defeated, the world of meaning has changed. It is no longer the world of tolerance and love back then. I thought that in the new era, the emperor may have died on the road of immortality. In the hands of the masters.

But the Emperor is still alive.

And returned.

At the beginning of my return, I thought that the emperor was forgotten in the Luotian universe and escaped the fate of being destroyed.

But the Emperor of Heaven told me that it was not the case. "

Ren Xifeng said in surprise: "Uncle, have you talked to the Emperor of Heaven?"

"Yes." The old man nodded. "The Emperor of Heaven is a repeat offender of Luotian Universe, and one of the few immortal hegemons among the tens of millions of prisoners in Luotian Great Prison. Moreover, the Emperor of Heaven knows many secrets that the world of meaning never wants people to know. Once the world of meaning knows I can’t guess what the Taoists will do when the Emperor of Heaven returns, but I can imagine that in order to catch the Emperor of Heaven, the world of meaning should destroy the primordial universe without hesitation."

Everything the old man said was too shocking and too frightening for Ren Xifeng.

Even if Ren Xifeng has been in the Ten Tribulation for many years, he has seen countless storms, but it is still difficult to digest.

The old man took out a piece of paper from his arms and put it on the table in front of Ren Xifeng.

This is a reward order.

On the reward order, there was a clear and elegant white robe man.

The man has black hair like a waterfall, reflecting a dazzling luster.

The man's eyebrows, nose, and every inch of his face are flawless and fascinating.

The man's gaze and face were calm, as if tired of seeing the vicissitudes of life.

On the man’s white robe, there are many blue flowing cloud signs, and the shapes of these flowing clouds are very strange. Each cloud is in the shape of a spiral, and it is always rotating, seemingly endless, repeating. .

Ren Xifeng couldn't help but look at the podium in the middle of the hall.

Above the podium, there is a sign of flowing clouds.

It was exactly the same as the flowing cloud on the man's white robe.

The only difference is that the flowing cloud on the man's white robe is sky blue, while the flowing cloud on the podium is fiery red.

Ren Xifeng naturally knew the meaning of the flowing clouds on the podium.

That is the symbol of the emperor in the legend.

Finally, Ren Xifeng saw the amount of reward on the reward order.

Fifty, the first-class immortal crystal!

Ren Xifeng was stunned.

In the Eight Kings Universe, the only thing that you can see for the kings who are striding towards immortality is the fifth-class immortal crystal.

According to the standard of the Eight Kings Universe, hundreds of fifth-class immortal crystals have a mass approximately equal to the fourth-class immortal crystals.

As for the third-class immortal crystal, Ren Xifeng has never seen it.

Ren Xifeng didn't even know what the first-class immortal crystal looked like.

Prior to this, Ren Xifeng had heard that the highest amount of reward was an outlier named Meng Fan who was offered a reward for ten first-class immortal crystals. This person was regarded as the most powerful outlier ever to appear. Various data show , There is a very powerful universe behind this person, and this alien has also fought against Yin Gu, who has been famous for a long time in the world of meaning, but has not been caught.

Later, during the Luo Tian uprising, it was heard that the resistance army would also establish Meng Fan as the spiritual leader.

Later, I heard that Meaning World finally rounded up the alien Meng Fan, but the result was that the two immortal Taoists who sent out the arrest of the alien Meng Fan were defeated at the same time.

This person is already a thorn in the eyes of the world of meaning, and at the same time a sign of the outbreak of a heterogeneous crisis.

However, the amount of reward offered by the Honghuang Tiandi was five times that of this person!

The old man said: "I will take you to see the Emperor. Before that, you need to know two things.

First, the reason why the Emperor of Heaven was not destroyed by the world of meaning is because the world of meaning discovered a way to refine immortal matter many years ago. Xifeng, you know, after the immortal road appeared, because of the scarcity of immortal matter , The world of meaning suddenly became closed and exclusive. At the same time, they continued to think and experiment, hoping to use their own methods to refine immortal matter. Many years ago, they found a way.

They found that immortal matter is very similar to the formation process of the Supreme Law monument of our primordial universe.

Second, they used the Emperor of Heaven to simulate the birth of immortal matter. They succeeded. At the same time, the Emperor of Heaven also stepped into immortality in the process of experimenting with the world of meaning. Therefore, the Emperor of Heaven knew the method of refining immortal matter. "

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