Supreme God King

Chapter 3706: Immortal world

Illusion, real?

Meng Fan could not tell what he saw at the moment.

He is like a child living in a canyon or an abyss. He suddenly jumped to the top of the mountain. He can see the vast sea of ​​clouds flowing under his feet, and he can also see countless birds and distant forests, but he has never I've seen it before, so it's hard to tell the truth.

Meng Fan at this moment is like that.

He stood on a long river of illusions.

When his gaze focused on a certain corner of the Long River, he could see a small creature, slowly creeping to an extent that the naked eye could not detect it.

Then, this little creature began to metamorphose, growing limbs, and even... growing something resembling a head, it began to think.

When it started thinking, everything changed.

The end of its thoughts is the end of its life.

Meng Fan looked at one end of the river.

There, he saw the law of the surging explosion, without substance, without form, and illusory.

Then he looked at the other end of the river.

He saw countless monuments.

Each monument is releasing a completely different power.


An unprecedented calm.


Unprecedented restlessness.

The extreme calm and extreme restlessness kept colliding in Meng Fan's mind and heart, an indescribable sense of contradiction.

He walked along the river.

He saw the rise and fall of all things, the ups and downs of laws.

Everything is composed of two things.

One is matter and the other is law.

It's hard to say, who was born first, matter and law.

In the understanding of sentient beings, of course the laws were born first. Numerous illusory laws constitute the most basic order of the entire world. Matter must abide by these orders to exist, or it will be destroyed.

When matter collides with the law, life is born.

But the fact does not seem to be that simple.

It is not clear in a few words.

Meng Fan kept moving forward along the river.

Time passes in a hurry, it may be a moment, it may be ten thousand years.

Meng Fan reached the end of the river.

He saw the forest of countless monuments.

The monuments are all transformed by the law to the extreme.

He stroked the monuments, feeling the vicissitudes and heaviness revealed in the monuments, passing through the jungle formed by the monuments.

Then he saw a door.

An unattainable stone gate.

Above the stone gate, there are no patterns, no lines, extremely simple,

Extremely simple, extremely heavy, and extremely vicissitudes.

He stood in front of the door and stopped for a long time.

"The end of the martial arts.

The end of the law. "

These two words popped out of Meng Fan's mind.

From the moment they stepped into the King of Gods, everyone was searching for an end.

The end of martial arts.

What is martial arts?

The power of Dao is martial art.

Meng Fan knew that at this moment, he had come to the end of martial arts.

Over the years, the things accumulated and nurtured in his body and soul began to explode.

What is it?

Is power.

The strength of vitality, the power of vows, the power of faith, the humanity, the devilish spirit, the Buddhist merits, the dragon's breath, the killing intent, everything.

There are memories, experiences, and so on that are imprinted deep in his mind.

He surpassed all barriers and saw some things that have long been sealed by time.

He saw himself, the moment he stepped out of the God King universe long ago.

He saw the one speech at the first world conference.

He saw the heroic Nangong Jingyu.

Saw Niuniu galloping on the battlefield.

I saw the Jiuquan Demon Lord who was dead and left.

I saw the unstoppable central emperor who was born with humanity and rose all the way.

I saw the giant of Zhan Tian who had just stepped into the martial art and walked the world with strength.

I saw a small world and gave birth to a baby boy. He started to speak in seven days. He began to read various ancient poems at the age of six. He was named Zhao Qilin by his family at the age of one. He entered the martial arts at the age of four. He knew the meaning after seeing it.

The barrier of time was broken.

Next, is the barrier of space.

Meng Fan saw a handsome middle-aged man.

Wearing a gray cloak and a brown hat, walking on a vibrant planet.

In front of the man, there are many children.

These children have blue skin, pure black eyes, innocent, and full of curiosity. They surround the middle-aged man and listen to the man telling stories.

Suddenly, the man's voice stopped abruptly.

He turned his head and looked at Meng Fan.

"Immortal." The man said.

Meng Fan nodded: "It's still one step away."

The man smiled: "I really want to know what the world of meaning has become today, but I understand that there is no end in a few words."

Meng Fan said: "Where are you."

"A very distant world." The man replied. "After you and I talked, you went to the world of meaning, and I went the opposite

Direction, farther, more deserted direction. Once upon a time, I almost lost my life in nothingness, but I was lucky. At the end of my life, I encountered this universe. I chose to stay, plant the land, cultivate and teach this The creatures in the universe let them see the higher sky. "

Meng Fan nodded.

The man said: "Did you find the way?"

"I found it." Meng Fan replied lightly.

The man laughed: "Congratulations, maybe one day, we can really see you again."

"Maybe this time, it will be our last meeting."

Meng Fan said nothing.

The man disappeared.

Meng Fan's gaze fell on the huge stone gate in front of him again.

This door is not only the end of martial arts.

Maybe the end of the law.

Meng Fan didn't know what he would see and meet if he stepped through this door.

Is there still a way after the end?

"All beings will always find a way out."

A voice sounded behind Meng Fan.

Meng Fan turned around and looked at the voice.

On the edge of the monument jungle, a black-robed young man put his hands behind his back and looked at Meng Fan with a smile.

Meng Fan was startled: "Senior Baibuxian."

The youth gradually disappeared like a cloud.

Only one voice still echoed.

All beings will always find a way out.

Meng Fan pondered for a long time, his eyes fell on Shimen again.

"I'm ready, cross the end of the martial arts, cross the end of the law."

At this time, Shimen responded.

Meng Fan couldn't tell whether Shimen's voice was responding to him, or his own voice was responding to him.

Shimen is not tangible.

It is just a threshold, a border.

Then, the answer to him is not from Shimen, but from the bottom of his heart.

He can answer his own questions by himself.

Can see countless self.

"When you step into immortality, you are no longer a creature.

Crossed the end of martial arts, and crossed the end of the law.

Immediately, the law can no longer restrain you.

Starting from the source of life, thinking about the world for the first time.

When he asked Xiangtian, he changed his fate against the sky.

Thoughts, hesitations, beatings, and torments have shaped you today.

When you are no longer a creature, what are you?

No matter what you are.

What did you do when you were a creature.

Both will determine your way afterwards. "

Meng Fan stretched out his hand.

Slowly pushed the door open.

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