Supreme God King

Chapter 3707: Between true and false

Wang Yang.

A vast ocean without boundaries.

Meng Fan was up and down in the ocean.

Every drop of water is a world.

And every tiny particle in every world was so clear and thorough in Meng Fan's eyes.

He waved his hand.

Wang Yang turned into clouds, rising or sinking.

Meng Fan has never felt so free.

Many years ago, when he defeated the Emperor of Heaven and turned into the Lord of the Way of Heaven, he had a brief period of freedom.

At that moment, the laws of the God King universe can no longer restrain him, can no longer affect him, life is almost infinite, the soul is strong enough, and all things are under control.

But that feels too short.

Because Meng Fan did not completely escape the law.

He is still part of the law, even the deity of the law.

But this moment.

The moment when he stepped past the end of the martial arts and passed the end of the law.

He knows what freedom is.

His life is no longer near infinite.

He can't see the end of life.

Even in his understanding, there is no concept of death and weakness.

He no longer lives with the sky.

He is above the sky.

All life and death have become the past.

His power is no longer bound by the law.

After the body is immortal, it will be difficult to have any power to completely destroy him.

He felt the endless possibilities.

Even if it disappears completely, as long as there is a little mark left in the world, he can be reborn.

If you want to kill him, you must erase all traces of him.

This feeling is amazing.

But then, Meng Fan began to fear.

The reason for fear is... he has no fear!

From the moment he stepped into martial arts, fear accompanied him. Fear was his partner and friend. All threats were the power that made him rise.

But at this moment, the fear disappeared.

Because of the disappearance of fear, Meng Fan developed fear, but soon, this fear became peaceful.

He is even more indomitable!

Flip in the clouds.

He reached out and took hold of an empire.

A very old empire that has long since disappeared.

But at this moment, time has no meaning.

So what has long since disappeared has not disappeared.

Those who have died will live forever.

Meng Fan looked at the empire.

The leader of the empire has a daughter


The daughter is called Tianzhimei.

She grew up smart, flawless, and unparalleled.

To be regarded as the jewel of the empire is everyone's dream.

Many powerful empires, princes, generals, nobles, and even hidden overlords, all hope to become a couple with the charm of the sky.

But the charm of the sky is calm and indifferent, because it is the jewel of everyone, so it feels dull to all suitors.

Tian Zhimei chose to meditate and delve into martial arts.

She felt for many years and touched the threshold.

That is a further threshold.

Looking at all the known worlds, the most powerful existence is the **** king who has experienced two tribulations.

She thought that she might have touched the third catastrophe.

So, in order to usher in the third catastrophe, she chose to retreat.

During the long retreat, she fell asleep and entered a state of meditation that no one had stepped into.

Divine Soul wanders in all the world she knows or does not know.

She saw many splendid scenes, many terrifying scenes, many lives and deaths.

However, she has been away from home for too long.

Her mind was lost.

Her memory began to appear torn.

In order not to forget everything, the wandering spirit of Tianzhimei gathered the essence of heaven and earth, and condensed a new body.

Then use this body to walk around the world.

She knows many people and has many friends.

Suddenly one day, she encountered a powerful enemy.

An old man who claimed to be a "servant of the sky".

The old man easily defeated her and destroyed her body.

The surviving spirits escaped and reborn again.

But the two rebirths of the home, let Tian Zhimei experience two fetal fascination, her memory has lost more than half.

But she always remembered that there was a very powerful old man who wanted to hunt her down.

She didn't understand the reason for killing her.

The old man said: "In the dark, between cause and effect, you are a very important person. The firmament has deduced many things, but the firmament does not know what to do, because the firmament cannot think.

Some people say to control you.

Some people say to change you.

But there are many people who say that you should be killed directly.

Completely change the future. "

Tian Zhimei avoids chasing and runs around the world.

She knew that she had another identity, a noble identity, a powerful father, and a magnificent empire. She had to go back to avoid hunting down.


... She forgot.

Who is she?

Where is her hometown?

She forgot.

So she could only run for her life while searching for her past.

She escaped for many years.

Escaped a long way.

Escaped to a world she had never seen before.

An ancient world of vicissitudes.

Because of her injury, her vitality passed quickly, and in desperation, she seized her home again.

This is the third rebirth.

Thus, she experienced the third fetal mystery.

She completely forgot everything.

The third time she seized the dorm, she seized a baby still in her womb.

She was born in the world as a baby, and her past memories, life and death, grievances, cause and effect, she has forgotten and lost.

This is lucky.

Because the people who chased her could not find her.

But this is also unfortunate.

She was born as a baby, her memory is also a baby, she has forgotten everything.

She was named, Ruo Shuiyi.

She showed amazing talent since she was a child, quickly became a strong man, met many people, and forged many grievances.

But she cut off all grievances and moved towards a higher world.

at this time.

She was found again.

Because of her rise, some things have revived, and some cause and effect have been reshaped.

Another servant of the sky appeared, destroying her body again.

But Tianzhimei seems to vaguely remember something since she was young.

So she built a natal device.

A self-opening bead.

She is indeed dead.

Ninety-nine percent of the souls were destroyed.

But there is still a ray of surviving spirits, pinned in beads, lost in the world.

Many years, many years later.

A young green onion picked up this bead.

Meng Fan watched all this quietly.

There was a question in his mind.

What he saw was real, or his own fantasy, or obsession?

But whether it was true or not, when he saw all this, he made a choice.

He stretched out his hand.

Spilled a drop of scarlet golden blood, falling into those causes and effects.

The blood turned into a human form.

To touch the cause and effect, change the cause and effect.

Start from the source.

For the first time, Meng Fan's incarnation became a partner who grew up with Tian Zhimei, and was Tian Zhimei's best friend.

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