Supreme God King

Chapter 3708: the first time

The first incarnation, Meng Fan was a child without a father or mother in a port town in the Empire.

When Meng Fan set the avatar, all he could do was to intervene and influence the avatar, but he couldn't really control the avatar.

Because at the moment the incarnation is formed, everything is between true and false.

He showed extraordinary talent and wisdom since he was a child, comprehended many ways of runes, and was loved by the mayor of the port town and became the mayor's adopted son.

He began to manipulate the seals at the age of four, and began to refine various runes at the age of five. He stepped into martial arts at the age of six and was called a genius. Even the mayor believed that all geniuses since ancient times are compared with Meng Fan. It's a fool.

In the year when Meng Fan was seven years old, Tian Zhimei was born.

To celebrate this event, the leaders of the empire held a grand celebration and summoned officials and nobles from all over to the imperial capital to participate in the celebration.

Meng Fan, the mayor and several entourages set off on the road.

Ten days later, they arrived in the imperial capital.

The grand ceremony held in the imperial capital quickly turned into a carnival. Seven-year-old Meng Fan, among the crowd in the imperial capital square, silently stared at the baby girl lifted by the high priest on the tower.

After the celebration, Meng Fan was attracted by the beauty of the imperial capital and stayed in the imperial capital and became a disciple of the master of talisman.

At the age of nineteen, Meng Fan had already made a lot of achievements in martial arts and refined many powerful talisman seals. For the first time, he accompanied Master to design a formation for a noble official in the imperial capital, compile the formation, and This year, for the first time in the home of a nobleman in the imperial capital, Meng Fan saw a twelve-year-old, innocent and innocent Tianzhi.

At the age of twenty-five, Meng Fan has already gained a lot of fame in the imperial capital and is known as the "Genius Talisman".

At the age of twenty-seven, Meng Fan and a group of young handsome men were summoned into the Imperial College. Meng Fan also became the youngest disciple in the history of the Imperial College. At that time, the average age of the disciples of the Imperial College was three hundred and forty years old. The youngest and most talented person in the entire empire. At that time, at the age of twenty, the extremely moving Tianzhimei who had come and went often went to and out of the Imperial College. Every time she came, the students would exclaim and exclaim. Tian Zhimei impressed Meng Fan the most, because they were similar in age.


At the age of fifteen, Meng Fan won many awards from the Imperial Academy, met with the imperial leader for the first time, and created hundreds of runes by himself.

At the age of 155, Meng Fan stepped into the realm of Shenyuan and participated in a war to annihilate the infidel rebellion. The war lasted for three months. Meng Fan’s meritorious service, a rainy night, Meng Fan took the sky as the top. Using rain, wind and frost as ink, and plain as paper, I drew an earth-shaking rune array, turning the plain into a silt swamp, trapping thousands of heretics and becoming famous in the first battle.

After the war, when Meng Fan and a group of meritorious officials received medals in the imperial capital, they were awarded the medals by the sky.

Through this battle, Meng Fan also realized the "community theory" that later became famous in the world. He used runes as the foundation to prove everything in the world. He believed that the fundamentals and laws of everything are runes and are all formations. I also believe that people who walk on any road will come to conclusions similar to Meng Fan's when they reach a certain level. For example, people who are dedicated to martial arts will think that everything in the world is martial arts at the core; and those who practice alchemy will He believes that everything in the world is nothing more than the principle of elixir. In the argument, Meng Fan deeply pondered why this happened, and why it can explain the truth of everything in the world no matter what angle it is viewed from, because Everything is "Tao".

The point of view of tongdao theory is actually not new, but Meng Fan’s exposition has made many masters and powerhouses in the empire admire. Meng Fan’s reputation has become even greater, and even people outside the empire know Meng Fan’s name.

At the age of 159, Meng Fan became the youngest rune sacrifice in the history of the imperial capital because of his various achievements, meritorious deeds, and his later fame. He participated in the construction of the imperial capital, the deployment of formations, and the government affairs of the empire. Matters.

It is also this year that the Princess Tianzhimei, who has been in the deep palace, taught by the old scholars, old gentlemen, and masters, finally completed the school arranged by her father and entered the Imperial College together with other students. Learn.

At the age of one hundred and sixty, Tian Zhimei completed the elementary courses of the Imperial Capital College, and began to occasionally participate in some of the government affairs of the Imperial Capital. Of course, they were all less important affairs. In the process, Tian Zhimei and Meng Fan’s Contact, more and more.

On the one hand, Meng Fan, as a senior, and

Moreover, he was called "a genius who has never been seen before" by many of the Imperial College's teaching staff, and he was the youngest and most promising among the students of the Imperial College at the same time, so Tian Zhimei often asked Meng Fan for lessons.

On the other hand, Tian Zhimei also needed Meng Fan's help when handling various government affairs in the imperial capital.

Finally, Tian Zhimei is very interested in the outside world.

Tian Zhimei has been living in the imperial capital since she was born, only a few times. She walked outside the walls of the imperial capital and saw some mountains and forests and some farmland.

Therefore, Tian Zhimei envied Meng Fan, who came from a port town on the edge of the imperial capital and participated in the war.

A few years have passed, and Meng Fan's and Tian Zhimei are getting better and better.

They are almost inseparable, and they are secretly emotional.

But Meng Fan has always known his identity, and he also knows Tianzhimei's Proud Girl of Heaven in the eyes of many people, and although he has a considerable identity and status in the imperial capital, he still cannot go beyond the rules.

Therefore, he has always respected Tianzhi as a princess.

In this way, many more years passed.

Meng Fan became a **** king when he was 470 years old.

He has also become the youngest **** king since the empire has historical records.

Before Meng Fan, the youngest **** king recorded in history was the realm of **** king who entered at the age of 3,500.

At that time, Meng Fan had become the first rune master of the empire, and even became a teacher at the Imperial College. He also accepted some disciples and students, and created his own rune system.

In the empire, the realm of the gods is already a master and has a very high status.

The realm of the **** king is one of the few. There are not many in the entire empire. Meng Fan rises like a star and the sun, allowing everyone to look up. Numerous officials and nobles all hope to recruit Meng Fan into the mansion and become the husband-in-law at home.

But Meng Fan has always been alone and silently guarding the beauty of the sky, which has been called "the beauty of the sky".

Then, when Meng Fan was 1,500 years old.

Tianzhimei has also become the **** king. Without Meng Fan, Tianzhimei is the youngest **** king recorded in history.

And Meng Fan became the God King of Two Tribulations.

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