Supreme God King

Chapter 3725: Keep a low profile

Destiny, cause and effect, aura, all intangible things became tangible in Meng Fan's eyes.

There is no dividing line between true and false, and Meng Fan finally understood that true and false are just a concept, true is false, and false is true.

After achieving immortality, Meng Fan could feel the infinite energy surrounding him.

Among these air machines, there are many fierce evils.

"To seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, keep a low profile."

Meng Fan only said four words and immediately entered the deepest part of Weiyang Palace and hid. On the one hand, he cultivated his spirit and realized immortality; on the other hand, he began to hide.

Qianlong is invisible, avoiding cause and effect.

These things are mysterious and mysterious. In the past, Meng Fan only used this kind of benefit to avoid disadvantages, fortunes and worries, as an auxiliary means, but now, Meng Fan can see all this with certainty. Knowing that the birth of an immortal has a huge impact, earth-shaking, and the world of meaning will pay attention to it. This is fierce, not a good thing.

News will always spread like wildfire.

But this time it was an exception.

Meng Fan is already quite famous in the Eight Kings Universe. Others may not know it, but the five giants of the Big Reef have a lot of contact with each other. The three of Jinding King, Xuan Dewu, and Yan Mixu, after knowing that someone in the Eight Kings Universe has stepped into immortality, One thought was Meng Fan.

However, none of the three came to meet Meng Fan to express their congratulations.

The pinnacle overlord, the ultimate creature, what kind of clever and wise character are they? Outside the world of meaning, the birth of an immortal statue is very rare in the past and the present. Even the Eight Kings Universe has only appeared in historical records. Facing such a narrow world of meaning today, what happened? Whether it's good or bad is unpredictable.

Therefore, none of the three giants showed up or made any announcements, and they remained silent very heartily.

The five giants often come and go, but outside of the Great Reef, the eight kingdoms of God know very little about Meng Fan. Among the eight kingdoms of God, there are only two gods who have seen Meng Fan, and they have not really said a few times.

Therefore, once the giants are silent, in the Eight Kings universe, it is not known who has stepped into immortality.

Just a few days after Meng Fan became immortal, the Eight Kings Universe Defense Department sent people to investigate the results.

They did not focus on the Great Reef, but on the Eight Kingdoms of God.

For a full month, the messengers on the surface of the town defense hall and the spies in the secret ground walked through the eight kingdoms of the gods, but they did not find the person who stepped into the immortality. Only then did they turn their eyes to the big hidden reef.

However, the various relationships on the Great Reef are intricate, and Meng Fan hides it again, claiming to the outside world that he is still refining pure gold in retreat, pursuing the path of immortality, indicating that he is still the pinnacle of life, not seeing guests behind closed doors, so the people in the town defense department use After a long time, I still haven't found out some of the reasons.

At this time, the Town Defense Department, or the World of Meaning, showed great perseverance.

For other things, the world of meaning is a blind eye, but outside the world of meaning, without knowing the world of meaning, an immortal is born, and the world of meaning appears quite nervous and vigilant.

So the exploration did not end, but increased its efforts.

During this period, Meng Fan hid in the deepest part of Weiyang Palace, struck numerous barriers, completely isolated from the world.

But he also understood that if the world of meaning does not find a result, he will never give up.

Because he has touched the most fragile nerve in the world of meaning.

After conducting a secret search for more than ten days in the Town Defense Department, Weiyang Palace suddenly invited Yan Mixu, Xuan Dewu, and Jin Ding Wang, as well as some major stewards from Qianchuan, to convene a meeting of the Big Five to discuss the next three thousand years, the Great Reef. development of.

Dewuzong, Chongshan Hall, Xuan Dewu was in retreat. Hearing the news, he was silent for a moment, and asked his men to take care of them, and set off tomorrow.

On the mighty mountain, Yan Mixu sat cross-legged on his throne, nodded to the princess, and set off immediately.

The Golden Tripod King who wandered in the Kingdom of Diamond God was more difficult to find. It was the last news that he received. When he heard the news, there were only a few hours left for the meeting to begin, and he immediately went to Weiyang Palace.

At the beginning of the Big Five Meeting, leaders and bigwigs of the five forces came to the scene and gathered in Weiyang Palace, about several thousand people.

Since the establishment of the Big Five Alliance, we have collaborated with each other to discuss what we encounter. It is also a matter of respect for all forces and at the same time maintaining a balance. Therefore, every meeting has many people participating.

And this time, it was extraordinarily much.

Generally speaking, in addition to the five leaders, the meeting of the Big Five is to bring some servants or cronies.

The largest conference, the number of participants is about two hundred people, and some small-scale conferences are often only 30 or 40 people.

But this time, too many people participated, more than 2,700 people.

There are several reasons.

First of all, it was the invitation from Weiyang Palace. It was very solemn and had a lot of content. After reading it, several giants thought it was written by Meng Fan. Obviously Weiyang Palace attached great importance to this meeting, and since the establishment of the Big Five Alliance With a complete order, there is no need to make drastic changes, but all of this, Weiyang Palace obviously means to make some big changes.

Also, according to the agreement of the Big Five, the location of each Big Five meeting cannot be fixed. Instead, it takes turns to be held within the territory of the Big Five. The first meeting was held in Weiyang Palace, and the second meeting was in mighty. Mountain, the third time was in Dewuzong, the fourth time was in Qianchuan, the fifth time was in the residence of King Jinding, and the sixth time was in Weiyang Palace.

According to the order, this meeting should be held in the mighty mountain, but Weiyang Palace did not follow this order, but directly invited everyone to Weiyang Palace, which made this meeting more unusual.

This is why several giants have brought so many people here.

In addition, Qianchuan sent many people because the leader Ren Xifeng was absent and no one could truly represent Ren Xifeng.

In the end, there is a hidden reason.

The other people in the Eight Kings Universe didn't know, but the giants had already guessed that it was Meng Fan who stepped into immortality.

So they knew it for granted that the Great Reef also changed drastically.

But there is another thing that makes them do not understand.

Although the town defense department is very secretive, the big giants know that nowadays, the town defense department's spies are densely scattered throughout the big reef, everywhere!

Under this circumstance, Weiyang Palace actually held this meeting. What does it mean?

The Big Five is the absolute leader of the Great Reef. In the entire Great Reef, except for a few peak hegemons who stay behind closed doors, everyone must abide by the order of the Big Five. The meeting of the Big Five is the biggest thing in the Great Reef. Why won't you come?

Could it be said that Meng Fan was not prepared to hide, but to be exposed, stepping into immortality, let him realize what, and to face everything calmly?

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