Supreme God King

Chapter 3726: Overlord

The Big Five meeting will last for 21 days, and it is still a conservative estimate. After the arrival of all parties, they have received a thick new agreement in the hands of the Central Palace. Everything is in it, and it has mapped the next three thousand years. Various developments and changes.

It can be as large as the five giants strengthening the alliance, garrisoning each other, developing some wasteland in partnership, unifying the price of goods, etc., as small as the division of hills and the construction of some post stations.

The content and complexity are staggering.

Really is a very huge workload.

So a few days before the meeting, the five forces hardly met, they were studying these documents in their respective houses.

A few days later, there were some small-scale talks, but each talk was often a dialogue between two forces, or at most three parties, to discuss various matters in the agreement. During this period, they competed with each other. , Concessions are happening, trying to achieve a balance.

However, after reading the new agreement thoroughly, the several parties believed that although some of the items need to be carefully studied, the new agreement showed a rather ambitious plan, and even let all parties see that after three thousand years, it will be brilliant and of a sizeable scale. Big hidden reef than the kingdom of God.

Moreover, once these agreements are signed, the alliance of the Big Five will become stronger and firmer. As time goes by, it will gradually become a whole and become a force.

For example, in the agreement, it is mentioned that the five parties can obtain full status and power on the other's territory to build commercial halls, houses, post stations, etc. As time goes by, there are more and more buildings. Even the formation of enclosure movement, the five parties means you have me in you and you in me.

There is also a new housing law. It is hoped that the people of the five forces can move freely with each other without setting any obstacles to promote integration.

The most important thing is that the new alliance will completely shape the Big Five Alliance into a "Great Reef Council". All five parties can send representatives to occupy seats in the Great Reef Council and elect a speaker, the power of the speaker. It is quite large and can almost do anything arbitrary, but the parliament can issue a distrust impeachment against it at any time, and then after a set of complex procedures, distrust of more than half of the deputies, the speaker will face the danger of restraining power and even stepping down. The speaker can only serve for 1,500 years, and he can even

Served for six terms.

These agreements link the forces of the five parties together, and then, by concentrating their forces, more important things can be done.

For example, uniform prices of goods.

This unified price of goods does not unify the prices of all commodities, but the prices of goods entering and leaving the Great Reef. Within the Great Reef, the price of all commodities is determined by the market. The Great Reef Council will not interfere, but only manage it. There are a total of 39 types of goods that enter and exit the Great Reef, and the newly established council must manage their prices to control the market. These 39 types of goods basically account for 90% of the goods that enter and exit the Great Reef. Above, things like black diamonds.

Other goods are also subject to the management of the council. Although they are not priced, they can intervene.

This is a huge income.

Once this income is determined, the five parties can get huge benefits, because the entire Great Reef is the most important market and the largest market in the Eight Kings Universe, and the five parties control part of the market.

In addition, joint efforts to develop some wasteland, joint trade with the eight kingdoms of God, and other agreements are all beneficial.

The Great Reef has always been due to the complexity of the forces, and the prices of various goods are quite chaotic. Even in order to fight secretly, all parties will not hesitate to lose their wealth and buy goods from the Eight Kings Universe at super high prices to fight their opponents. In the end, they often hurt the enemy. Thousand, self-defeating eight hundred.

Once unified, it will benefit everyone.

Therefore, the five parties agree with the new agreement.

Many people are even more surprised by the "precision" of the new agreement.

In all aspects, every detail, the new agreement has been considered, and the design is extremely delicate and meticulous, without any loopholes, as long as after reading the new agreement, any knowledgeable **** king will have the glorious scene of the big hidden reef three thousand years later.

So after many days, the various forces wrestled with each other, some stepped forward, and some backed down. Finally, various things were finalized and after a balance was reached, it was determined that a new agreement would be signed.

Weiyang Palace, the house of the people on the mighty mountain.

The mighty mountain king Yan Mixu was sitting opposite to King Jinding. King Jinding made tea personally to entertain Yan Mixu.

Yan Mian leaned on the soft collapse lazily, and said lightly: "The following

People, talked and talked, talked for so many days, finally got the result, it is time to sign the agreement. "

When she said this, Yan Mixu looked bored.

King Jinding smiled and said: "Everyone wants to strike a balance, and no one wants to lose anything, but after all, it is the people below who are doing such boring things and doing so vigorously. Once the agreement is signed, the five parties will merge into one. Forces, you and I don’t distinguish, hello, it’s me, I’m hello, it’s hello, there is nothing to dispute, so I told my small group of people, if you don’t fight, let’s let it go. Anyway, after the signing of the new agreement, My little power will soon be eliminated in front of your four major powers."

Yan Mixu smiled and said, "You don't care."

"Do you care?" Jinding Wang said.

Yan Mixu shook his shoulders: "Weiyang Palace has long been a giant of the Big Reef, and the five parties are integrated. It seems that Weiyang Palace is dominated, and once again, it is Weiyang Palace that gives us benefits. You have ten peaches and I have three peaches. Put them here and eat them together. Of course, I took advantage of you."

King Jinding hesitated: "So..."

Yan Mixu looked at King Jinding's eyes without speaking.

But the two of them have a clear heart.

These ten tribulation **** kings, the pinnacle overlords, their true minds were not on any agreement.

The people below have tried their best to fight for various benefits, but how can the five giants pay attention to these things?

Among the five parties, Qianchuan’s people are the most active, wandering around and "taking advantage" everywhere, because Ren Xifeng is not there. If Ren Xifeng is there, she won't care. Anyway, in the end, everyone is good and will not distinguish each other. .

The five giants really care about Meng Fan.

They haven't seen Meng Fan since they came to Weiyang Palace.

Has Meng Fan stepped into immortality?

They are also not sure.

But among them, there are many mysteries.

Meng Fan stepped into immortality, of course he could not be an enemy of Meng Fan.

But no one knew whether Meng Fan stepped into immortality, a good thing or a bad thing.

And at this moment, Weiyang Palace made such a big move to focus the eyes of the spies from the Town Defense Department here. What is the meaning?

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