Supreme God King

Chapter 3727: A good show

After more than ten days of the meeting, basically, the five parties have negotiated various details and are ready to sign an agreement at any time. The Great Reef will usher in the era of kings, and it will no longer be a mess.

Before the signing of the final agreement, Meng Fan still did not appear.

The night before the signing of the meeting, the four spars were delivered to Yan Mixu, Xuan Dewu, King Jin Ding, and a senior manager of the Qianchuan Chamber of Commerce.

A powerful seal was added to the spar, and only the Ten Tribulations God King could open it.

In the house, when Yan Mixu opened the seal of the spar, she couldn't help but startled. In the spar, a lot of information and various secret recipes were recorded.

Among them, it contains various exclusive secret recipes of Weiyang Palace, some refining methods of Weiyang Palace specialties, and a brand-new method of refining pure gold. This was developed by Meng Fan himself over the years, according to this method. The production of red gold can be increased by 20%.

In addition, there is a matching furnace, which is also a furnace developed by Meng Fan himself. It is specially used to make red gold, which saves materials and time.

At the end of the end, among the secret recipes, there are also black diamond refining methods!

Black diamonds are a special product of the Kingdom of Diamonds. For a long time, only the Kingdom of Diamonds has been controlled. However, Meng Fan actually studied the refining process of black diamonds, but the purity and hardness are a little worse, but it is still enough to affect the whole Big Kahuna's market.

Just as Yan Mixu and King Jinding thought, Meng Fan gave in step by step.

Yan Mixu put away the spar, thoughtfully.

She is very curious whether Meng Fan will appear tomorrow.

The second day.

The signing of the agreement is a grand event. The attendees are members of the five forces. There are thousands of people, plus the people in Weiyang Palace who are responsible for the reception of the venue. There are thousands more. There are already tens of thousands of them, and all of them are decent. The character, or the strong.

In addition to the five forces and the local people of Weiyang Palace, thousands of people came one after another in the venue afterwards. These thousands of people came from various fields of the Great Reef. They were also some famous kings. They are the leaders of some small forces. To establish the Great Reef Alliance Council, there cannot be only five-party hegemons, but also some other quotas.

At the meeting, Meng Fan appeared.

When Meng Fan appeared at one end of the venue, everyone stood up, either bowed their hands or gave salutes.

Today, Meng Fan is the number one overlord of the Great Reef.

However, the expressions of Yan Mixu, Xuan Dewu, and Jin Ding Wang were quite complicated.

Yan Mixu frowned, Xuan Dewu narrowed his eyes, and King Jinding was a little surprised.

The emergence of Meng Fan, not as they thought, has stepped into immortality.

He is still the King of Ten Tribulations.

And...for some reason, compared to the last time I met, Meng Fan seems to have a much weaker breath this time.

Could it be said that... Palace Master Weiyang was not the one who stepped into immortality, or Palace Master Weiyang failed to attack the immortality?

The three giants were thoughtful, but they couldn't bear it.

Meng Fan gave a speech for about a quarter of an hour, and in accordance with the friendship of the landlords, gave gifts to all who came to the meeting, and then the first one, signed the new agreement, and then the agreement was passed on to the other giants. , Yan Mixu, Xuan Dewu, Jin Ding Wang signed one after another, Qianchuan’s representative chief executive signed, and then the leaders of the hundreds of small forces present.

When everyone signs off, it symbolizes that the Great Reef Alliance Assembly has been established. From then on, the Eight Kings Universe will no longer be the Eight Great Divine Kingdoms plus a chaotic, divided, and disorderly Great Reef, but will be the Eight Great Divine Kingdoms. Plus a big reef alliance.

Next, it may take a long time to start the formation of the Alliance Parliament, select members, join the Parliament, and elect the first speaker.

All this, of course, has to be carried out in Weiyang Palace.

Meng Fan left.

He didn't greet a few giants that he hadn't seen for a long time.

In the days that followed, the five parties selected some elites as representatives to join the Alliance Council, and the leaders of those small forces, each of them, naturally acquired the status of a member of Parliament. Thirteen days later, the Alliance Council was initially established. There are a total of 1,200 deputies, of which the representatives of the five hegemonic forces occupy about 600 people, and those small forces occupy 600 people.

The power of parliamentarians is mainly in three aspects. First, the speaker must be elected from among the parliamentarians. In other words, if you want to be the political leader of the Great Reef, you must first become a member of the League Assembly.

The speaker is determined by voting by members. Each time the number of candidates for the speaker cannot exceed twelve. These twelve people are not allowed to vote. Others vote for twelve people.

Finally, after the establishment of the Big Kahuna League Assembly, its status surpasses all the forces on the Big Kahuna. It is the supreme power. The Assembly has absolute words for all kinds of affairs of the Big Kahuna, from administration, public security, law to the small affairs of every small village Right after the establishment of the parliament, an organization dedicated to managing various matters was established. The leaders, deputies, and senior officials of all organizations are also composed of members.

Everyone in the Big Kahuna is also eligible to run for councillors. The parliament stipulates that the number of members of the Big Kahuna League Assembly shall be at least 300 people and no more than 3,000 people. Before the quota of 3,000 people is full, all Anyone can run for elections, but the requirement is that those who run for parliament must first be over two thousand years old, must be a king of gods, and must have held positions in various institutions under the parliament for more than three hundred years, and within these three hundred years , Without dereliction of duty, have made some political achievements in a stable and stable manner, and recommended by at least one congressman. Only when there is no opposition from the congressman can he run for the election.

After meeting the prerequisite standards, as long as the number of

If it is full, it will almost certainly be selected.

Throughout the process of the formation of the Big Kahuna League assembly, Meng Fan has appeared several times, leading the specific implementation of certain matters, and these times, Meng Fan did not have close contact with several giants.

About two months later, the Big Kahuna League assembly was finally completed. The capital of the parliament was set directly at the junction of Weiyang Palace and Haodang Mountain. A large amount of manpower and material resources began to invest in building a huge city.

The personnel of various institutions have also begun to select and train.

Immediately, the meeting came to a successful conclusion.

The depths of Weiyang Palace.

Meng Fan has been in retreat for a long time, avoiding all the disturbances outside.

At this time, Daoshu Jufan stepped in.

The appearance of Daoshu Jufan is exactly the same as Meng Fan, and the breath is exactly the same.

The only difference is that Daoshu Jufan is the **** king of the Ten Tribulations, while Meng Fan is already immortal.

About a month before the meeting, Daoshu Jufan, with the help of Meng Fan's various thoughts, experiences, and memories, relied on his powerful calculation ability to step into the Ten Tribulations.

Daoshu Jufan itself is not an ordinary creature, but an ark. Meng Fan was the first "man of martial arts" that Daoshu Jufan saw. Therefore, when Daoshu Jufan was transformed into a human form, he was imitated Meng Fan. The appearance, Meng Fan's breath, almost exactly the same as Meng Fan.

Since then, Daoshu Jufan has been living in Meng Fan's original universe and learning continuously.

After stepping into the Ten Tribulations, the World Defense Department of Significance has sent a large number of spies to look for the immortal overlord.

Daoshu Jufan performed some calculations, and finally thought of a way to seek advantages, avoid disadvantages, and avoid the gaze of the world of meaning. It was him. He spent more than ten days, constantly calculating and simulating, until he became harmonious. Meng Fan looks very similar.

In the Eight Kings Universe, there are not many people who have really been in contact with Meng Fan for a long time. After Meng Fan established Weiyang Palace, he rarely showed up. The diamond gods and some other gods have met Meng Fan, but they also I have seen it for an hour or two, and there is very little communication, no surface contact, so this simulation of Daoshu Jufan is impossible for anyone to see.

Only a few giants have had more contact with Meng Fan, and it is possible to see some differences.

But Meng Fan believes that since he is hiding, the several giants are extremely clever people, they will not expose Meng Fan, but even so, Meng Fan still tells Daoshu Jufan not to be with a few giants for the sake of safety. Close contact.

Therefore, this meeting has two purposes. The first purpose is to make profit. Meng Fan has already stepped into immortality, so he does not need to compete with several giants. In the Great Reef Alliance, it is not easy to be discovered, and at the same time, giving out benefits is also to buy people's hearts.

The second purpose is to perform a good show.

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