Supreme God King

Chapter 3728: Chasing shadow

Meng Fan sought advantages and avoided disadvantages, keeping a low profile, and decided to hide in Weiyang Palace. As for how long, how long, and how long to hide.

Stepping into immortality, Meng Fan broke the truth and subverted the reality and the reality. The end of his thought is the end he can reach. He is exploring and constantly shaking the physical particles to further strengthen himself.

Coupled with the sensitivity of the world of meaning, Meng Fan's best choice is to hide as long as possible.

Outside, the Great Reef is rapidly merging.

In just over ten years, everyone rarely mentioned the "Big Five" who once held the entire Great Reef, and even more, the Great Reef Alliance Council.

The first speaker of the Big Kahuna Alliance Council was quite unexpected. He was a small giant that no one had ever heard of before, just a king of eight calamities. The Eight Tribulations God King on the Great Reef is of course also the overlord and the strong, but compared with the several giants who established the council, it is still far inferior.

This king of the Eight Tribulations had always been in retreat before, but he was the leader behind the scenes of a few small forces. This time he came out and became the first speaker. It was naturally the recognition of the five forces behind him, in order to obtain an initial stage. Balance, the best choice is to be an outsider, otherwise, it would be a bit wrong for the speaker to come from any of the five forces.

The speaker is a **** of eight calamities, and the active members of the legislators are mostly young people. Their ideological state is of course different from that of the five giants. In the eyes of the five giants, these Nothing is important. It doesn’t matter what the Great Reef Alliance or the like, but in the eyes of these young, low-level **** kings, this is undoubtedly a big cause, and it can even be remembered forever, so it is very active. .

In the hands of these active parliamentarians, the Great Reef is developing rapidly.

In more than ten years, tens of billions of miles of wasteland have been reclaimed, various cities and trading ports have sprung up, and various policies to control the circulation and prices of goods have been introduced.

Immediately afterwards, the first speaker named Weiyang Palace Lord, Mighty Mountain King, Qianchuan as Xifeng, Dewu Sect leader Xuan Dewu, and Jin Ding King five giants, honored as the father of the Great Reef Alliance, and awarded the title of permanent councillor. They have successively chased various honorable titles and titles, and gave all kinds of

Benefits, as well as privileges. Generally speaking, although the Big Kahuna Alliance has been integrated, the Big Five are still the actual leaders of the Big Kahuna Alliance and must occupy the greatest interests.

Ninety years after the establishment of the Parliament, the entire Great Reef has no boundaries. All forces tend to become a unified force. For example, Weiyang Palace, in addition to the city, or Meng Fan’s permanent territory, is on the outside. Kinds of ports, cities, businesses, etc., are gradually handed over to the parliament.

The same is true for Mount Haodang, Dewuzong, and Qianchuan. Only the central mountain remains in Mount Haodang. The sect of Dewuzong is still there, but business in the outside world is almost gone. A large number of elite disciples cultivated by Dewuzong have all become successful. The soldiers and guards of the Great Kahuna Alliance Council are no longer the personal soldiers of Dewuzong.

After the assembly was established for 300 years, the assembly was reorganized, divided the territory and power, and established the Supreme King. The five giants have become the Supreme King. The Supreme King always has the right to veto in the Parliament, and can deny anything and also has impeachment. Any member of parliament has the power to recommend members without limitation. At the same time, the five supreme kings can also initiate impeachment bills and impeach the speaker at any time.

This move further strengthened the position of the five giants, and the five giants became the true leaders of the Great Reef.

But no matter how the parliament develops, how quickly the Great Reef rises, the five giants have never participated in any government affairs anymore, and have become more and more low-key, or even disappear.

Meng Fan has been hiding, acting as a dragon, never showing up.

When Ren Xifeng returned to his hometown many years ago, there has been no news.

Yan Mixu, Xuan Dewu, and King Jin Ding all chose to retreat. The wealth generated by the Great Reef is more than ten times that of the past. As leaders, they have all received huge dividends, especially because there is no dispute. Fighting, they can finally do not need to be distracted anymore, but steadfastly retreat, impact immortality.

Coupled with the secret recipe given to them by Meng Fan, which increased the output of Chijin, they were even more reluctant to waste time.

The splendor of the Big Reef is nothing in the eyes of the five giants.

Three hundred years have passed, and another three hundred years have passed.

In a blink of an eye, it was 1,500 years.

The first speaker retires and the second speaker takes office.

With the passage of time, the spies of the Town Defense Department have withdrawn from the Big Reef.

The world of meaning is indeed very sensitive, but after the meeting held by Meng Fan, the eyes of the world of meaning are far away from the Great Reef. In their opinion, that immortality is indeed not on the Great Reef, at least not the Big Five.

However, the spies of the world of meaning did not withdraw. There are still many people hiding in the big reef, looking for immortal traces everywhere.

And Meng Fan simply stayed behind closed doors, hidden deep in Weiyang Palace, and saw no one except Daoshu Jufan.

As for Daoshu Jufan, for these thousand and five hundred years, he has been Meng Fan's "Shadow Warrior". In everyone's eyes, he is Meng Fan himself.

The second speaker made the Great Reef more glorious. Then, another 1,500 years later, the second speaker succeeded in the election and began to be re-elected.

After three consecutive terms, the speaker did not run for the fourth term, so the third speaker came to power.

Time flies.

In a blink of an eye, 30,000 years later, the Big Kahuna Council has changed more than a dozen speakers, and it has become a real whole. In everyone's eyes, Big Kahuna is the ninth kingdom of the Eight Kings universe. This is not an adjective. , But the fact.

It owns five pinnacle overlords and controls about 20% of the business of the Eight Kings Universe. Its strength is no weaker than any other kingdom of God.

In the Great Reef, there are also many chambers of commerce, all of which have obtained the qualification to exchange immortal crystals from the Town Defense Department.

Everything seems to be thriving.

Until a certain day.

At the edge of the Eight Kings universe, a woman arrived in the town defense hall floating like the sun.

Dressed in emerald green clothes and holding a slender sword, the woman met with the chief of the town defense department.

Inside the hall, Jian Chi raised his head slightly and looked at the chief who was sitting on the throne.

The overall length is a 7-foot tall, well-proportioned, very young man with a bronzed face, and he said lightly: "Sword idiot, how come I am here."

Jian Chi said: "I have been looking for a person for a long time, but I haven't found his trace. Unknowingly, I came to the Eight Kings Universe."

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