Supreme God King

Chapter 3730: qualifications

Today's Great Reef is completely invisible, it is the former Great Reef.

After 30,000 years of operation by the Parliament, the Great Reef has long been changed. Various trading towns and giant cities can be seen everywhere and prosperous.

Moreover, everything in the Great Reef is full of order.

When the first speaker took office, the parliament had just been established, and the Great Reef had just become a whole. What the first speaker was busy was to constantly mobilize the huge potential of the Great Reef into a whole to build, develop, manufacture, and produce.

Since the second speaker took office, he began to focus on creating a complete order and system. First, the forces of all parties were incorporated to form a strong army, and then the civil force was restricted, and the household registration database was established. People who were born on the Great Reef naturally have the household registration of the Great Reef. In addition to the household registration, they need some documents and certifications for trading, entering and exiting the Great Reef, settling in a certain place, etc., and serve the council, such as joining the legion, joining The tax hall, or joining the ranks of builders, will also have corresponding identification certificates. Through these, before the second speaker leaves office, the household registration database of the big reef is completely established.

Through the household registration database, every creature in the Great Reef, every **** king, and the council can call out all aspects of their data at any time, and the population of the Great Reef can always be accurate to hundreds of digits. This is quite powerful.

The third speaker played a role in connecting the past and the future. On the one hand, it strengthened the system and order, and began to intentionally or unintentionally weakened the factional forces formed by some inherent forces. On the other hand, through the Parliament, the honor system was established. Below the highest king, there are Dozens of honorary titles, large and small, have been set up to reward those who have contributed to the council. Most of the honorary titles are just fictitious names, but they are not useless. In the Great Reef, if there are some honorary titles, when doing a lot of things There will be some advantages, which at least prove to be recognized by the Parliament.

The use of a complex honor system is tantamount to strengthening the household registration system, because the honor system and the household registration system complement each other and are also a method of identification.

At the same time, the third speaker also carried out hundreds of large-scale projects. In addition to expanding the capital of the Great Reef Council, he also built hundreds of canals and avenues, as well as the teleportation array, reorganized the army, and expanded the Great Reef Army into three. Sixteen Legions

, Also established the post of president of the corps, and improved the qualifications of joining the corps, which further improved the quality of the corps.

Because the Great Reef is already full of order, and the Eight Kings universe does not have large-scale wars, the first task of the reorganized legion is not to fight, but to build. Those who participate in the legion are all elites who can get various benefits from the council, and even Including the black diamond and the red gold, they are all considered salaries. They can also read many ancient books, exercises, books, etc. presented by the five supreme kings, but they must participate in the construction of various places, and at the same time, they must also maintain public order.

The third speaker was in office for four terms. It was the longest speaker in the past 30,000 years. Before the third speaker finally resigned, the big hidden reef had completely become a whole, and the order was in order. In the last few decades before the president left office, he made various efforts to intervene and reform the parliament. This is difficult, but he did it because he secretly obtained the consent of the five giants. Do it.

After his restructuring, the parliamentarians are no longer carefree. They will start to screen and review. Every three thousand years, all parliamentarians will be reviewed. The main review is three aspects. First, what are the merits and demerits? , Those who do nothing, or who have made serious mistakes, will be disqualified as members.

Second, the realm, the strength, the state is too low, and the strength is too weak, it is difficult to retain the position of parliament.

Third, the wind comment, that is, what other people say about this person. This other person, not just members of the parliament, can be said to be everyone, even ordinary people under the rule of the Great Reef. His impression and evaluation will affect the status of this congressman, and even a congressman who has a poor reputation must be dismissed.

Through these three aspects of review, once every three thousand years, some members of the parliament will inevitably be kicked out, and the vacated positions will be able to recruit some new members. Repeatedly, the parliament will always ensure vigorous energy and excellent quality. , Will improve the efficiency and overall strength of the parliament to a certain extent.

After these restructurings were completed, the third speaker left and continued to serve as a member, but because of his actions, he enjoyed a high honor, and after leaving office, he was named the "first-class king" by the fourth speaker Title, this is an honorary title second only to the High King.

Fourth term

When he was in office, everything he did was almost the same as the first three speakers. There were no groundbreaking policies and measures, and even seemed a little conservative. What can be said is that some ancient buildings have been restored and standardized. The alchemy industry and the gold industry have also designed relevant qualification review systems.

But because the first three speakers of the parliament did a good job, it was wise for the fourth speaker to choose Xiao Gui and Cao Sui to follow his steps. It was just that he did it. Instead, he was in office for three terms.

The most telling thing is that when the fourth speaker was in office, he strictly abided by the various plans of the first three speakers. He personally experienced a parliamentary review, but the parliamentary review, the speaker cannot participate, only members Internal audits are conducted by various agencies and the private sector. The speaker can only watch by the sidelines. However, as a bystander, during the review process, there have been quite fierce battles within the council. He will always participate. When he participated, he insisted on acting impartially, and in the end he kicked out more than 170 members. This number is not small. At that time, there were 2,000 members in the whole parliament, and nearly 200 members were kicked out at once. The impact can be imagined. know.

The subsequent speakers sometimes made new moves, but most of the time, they still followed the rules set by their predecessors.

This is because, basically, the speaker who first took office has done everything that should be done.

In this way, for 30,000 years, the Great Reef has become very powerful, and during these 30,000 years, although one of the five giants Ren Xifeng has never returned, there have been two Ten Tribulations God Kings, Peak Overlords, too. In order to refine the red gold and pursue immortality, I joined the Great Reef. One of them was from outside, and the other was originally a guest of the Eight Kingdoms of God. He believed that he could get more benefits in the Great Reef, so he became a member of the Great Reef. Ke Qing, it can be said that the strength of the Great Reef has also greatly increased and become more stable.

Finally someday after 30,000 years.

It was the second day after Jianzhu arrived at the Eight Kings Universe Defense Department.

The Town Defense Department recognizes the Great Reef Council as a legitimate force in the Eight Kings Universe. Its status is equal to the Eight Kingdoms of Gods. It has the qualification to directly exchange the immortal crystals with the Town Defense Department. At the same time, it also has the ability to establish a fleet and travel to the world of meaning to pay tribute. Qualifications.

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