Supreme God King

Chapter 3731: Tribute

The depths of Weiyang Palace.

In a blink of an eye, Meng Fan has been in retreat for 30,000 years.

But these 30,000 years, to Meng Fan, seemed to be just three days.

He is too immersed in exploring immortality and various unknowns, extremely focused, and time has indeed lost its meaning to him.

Compared to 30,000 years ago, his breath is even lower.

Daoshu Jufan sat in front of Meng Fan and waited for Meng Fan to open his eyes for many days. Daoshu Jufan opened his mouth and said: "The Big Reef is recognized by the world of meaning and has become the ninth in the Eight Kings Universe. The big power, the council has the qualification to directly exchange the immortal crystals with the town defense hall, and has the opportunity to pay tribute."

Meng Fan: "I already know."

The sixty-six subsidiary universes are of course unequal in status. The outermost fringe universe, generally speaking, has the lowest status, such as the three universes of Liuli, Thousand Stars, and Vitality. All three universes are managed by the majestic pillar of the Blade Palace. , And very few people become apostles and get the qualifications to enter the world of meaning. Thousand Star Universe, the suzerain before Fang Haoyun, is the first person to step into the world of meaning in the history of Nine-Layer Gate.

The universe closer to the world of meaning has a much higher status and can be reflected everywhere. For example, the Sara universe, although it belongs to the marginal universe in terms of the administrative division of the world of meaning, is far from the world of meaning than the three major universes. It’s a bit closer, and it’s also a strategic point. It’s a bit higher in the Sarah universe. For example, in Sarah universe, hundreds of gods and kings become apostles every year, and the first overlord of Sarah universe. , Can even serve as the commander of the Blade Palace, the number of peak overlords in the Sarah universe is more than that of the three major universes.

The Eight Kings universe is no longer a fringe universe. According to the division, it belongs to one of the nineteen "core universes."

In the world of meaning, all subsidiary universes are divided into only two levels, one is the fringe universe and the other is the core universe.

Generally speaking, this is not a hierarchy, it is just a simple distinction. It is located in the marginal zone and encloses the subsidiary universe of the world of meaning. It is collectively called the “marginal universe” and forms a "wall of meaning". It is very thick, with 66 subsidiary universes. Among the universe, there are forty-five universes, all of which are regarded as fringe universes.

Deeper, closer to the world of meaning, is the core universe


The most advanced ones are the nine supreme universes.

Then, the world of meaning.

These four levels constitute the big meaning world in a broad sense.

The core universe is very close to the nine supreme universes. From the eight kings universe to one of the nine supreme universes, even if it does not rely on any spatial ladder, a ten-kalpa **** king can move forward entirely by his own power. Fifty thousand years.

And to go out from the Eight Kings Universe, you need to reach the Primordial Universe first. The Primordial Universe is actually very close to the world of meaning. It only takes about 10,000 to 20,000 years to reach the Primordial Universe from the Eight Kings Universe, but because the Primordial Universe has been They are all "unbehaved children" in the eyes of the meaning world, so the Primordial Universe has not gained the status of the core universe.

From the primordial universe, we will arrive at the "land of omniscience" in about 70,000 years. This is a "semi-universe". It is the product of an experiment when the world of meaning expands out many years ago. Various forces have created a universe. As a transit station, the Land of All-Knowing is very small, only one fifty-fifth of the Thousand-Star Universe. It is basically composed of cosmic barriers and hundreds of thousands of huge stars. Among these stars There are few creatures, but there are many apostles and Taoists living there. When Meng Fan went to the Eight Kings Universe, he passed by but did not stay, because the land of omniscience is equivalent to a huge fortress and the fist of the world of meaning. ,very dangerous.

Leaving the land of omniscience, and then outward, after about 130,000 years of journey, you will arrive at the Sara universe.

From the Primordial Universe to the Sara Universe, it takes about 200,000 years in total. It is too far away. In the ancient times, the efficiency of movement was too low, so there was a transit station in the Land of All-Knowing.

Basically, the Eight Kings Universe and the Primordial Universe are already regarded as the dividing point.

The primordial universe still belongs to the marginal universe, and the Eight Kings universe is already regarded as the core universe.

To reach the world of meaning from the Eight Kings Universe, it does not need to go through any subsidiary universes. It takes 30,000 years to reach the Eighth Supreme Universe, three thousand years, from the Eighth Supreme Universe to the seventh Supreme Universe, and then five thousand years. From the seventh supreme universe to the third supreme universe, one to two thousand years later, one can reach the world of meaning.

This is totally independent

What means, does not rely on the space ladder, a peak god, time for walking.

All core universes have many special treatments. Among the nineteen core universes, several can be exchanged for immortal crystals. This is already a special treatment, and there are also opportunities for tribute.

The so-called tributary is the core universe, the forces that have obtained the tributary qualification, send large fleets, large caravans, to carry the goods needed by the meaning world, and form a guard army to transport the goods, arrive in the meaning world, and give gifts.

This tradition has actually existed for many years. It is a tradition that has appeared before the road to immortality.

This tradition does not have much practical significance, but it has many symbolic meanings. One is to express the absolute hegemony of the meaning world, to show the concentricity of the meaning world and all affiliated universes, and it can also play some deterrent effects, such as many early The leaders of the affiliated universe, after surrendering, are required to pay tribute, arrive in the world of meaning, have seen all kinds of magnificent wonders of the world of meaning, have seen the power of the world of meaning, and go as a subject, it is enough The deterrent effect.

In addition, it is also a kind of reward. All the tribute teams and the large number of commodities they bring are not all dedicated to the world of meaning. The world of meaning only needs the commodities that it needs. In the past many years, most of the things that the world of meaning needs are It is red gold, of course, it also includes rare materials such as black diamonds, and the world of meaning will give back.

However, this kind of feedback is generally not cost-effective. The eight kingdoms of the Eight Kings Universe are all eligible for tribute, but the time is not fixed. They can only pay tribute to the meaning of the world. Most of the time, the Eight Kings Universe All need to carry a huge amount of red gold to the world of meaning, and then the world of meaning will return the immortal crystals, but the ratio is often not cost-effective. The Diamond Kingdom once donated red gold enough to fill the ocean. Although there are many immortal crystals exchanged back, it is true In comparison, you will find that it was about 200 million taels of red gold that was exchanged for a fifth-class immortal crystal.

But the meaning of the world, as a ruler, requires tributary tribute. If there is no tribute, you can imagine what will happen.

At the same time, in fact, the forces that are eligible for tribute will do their best to gather goods and go for tribute.

Because everyone wants to see the meaning world with their own eyes.

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