Supreme God King

Chapter 3732: negotiation

Meng Fan silently watched the Daoshu Giant Sail, the soul began to spin violently, performing millions of calculations in an instant.

Now Meng Fan's calculation ability has surpassed Daoshu Jufan by nearly ten times.

Moreover, Meng Fan's calculation is not only a deduction of objective things, but also all nihility and invisible deductions.

"Very risky." Meng Fan shrugged his shoulders, making a sound like a landslide. He has been sitting in one position for thirty thousand years. "When I step into the world of meaning, ninety-nine percent will be seen through the realm. Once the world of meaning realizes that I am a small immortal, it will be even more dangerous. Even though the world of meaning has a huge temptation for me, I cannot go."

"Then I will go." Daoshu Jufan responded calmly. "In the past 30,000 years, my fellow practitioners of the Three Paths, the secular path, the martial arts of the God King universe, and immortality have also refined more than one hundred immortal crystals. I have some insights about immortality. Between you and me, There is always someone to look at the world of meaning. People outside can’t tell the difference between you and me. It’s best for me to replace you. If you don’t go, the world of meaning will doubt it. After all, there is no peak god, and I don’t want to. Take a look at the world of meaning."

Meng Fan did not speak, but made another deduction.

The final result is that if Daoshu Jufan goes to the world of meaning, it is very safe. He is now "Meng Fan", a shadow warrior who can be a fake and real shadow warrior. Outside, he has been active as the lord of the palace Weiyang. Ten thousand years, at the same time, its roots and backgrounds are all there, and it is a hegemon who came from the edge of the universe many years ago.

It is more appropriate that the power of Daoshu Jufan is much weaker than Meng Fan when he was the King of the Ten Tribulations. Although over the years, Daoshu Jufan has been learning martial arts from Meng Fan, and at the same time he has the powerful calculation ability of his hometown. It is equivalent to integrating the most powerful skills of the universe of calculus and the universe of the gods into one, and it has continued to refine the immortal crystals for 30,000 years, and its strength is very close to the emperor of Hu'er at the peak.

This kind of strength, entering the world of meaning, will not attract much attention.

Otherwise, even if Meng Fan of the Ten Tribulations stepped into the world of meaning, he would definitely attract attention, because compared to other Ten Tribulations God Kings, Meng Fan was too powerful and his aura was too vast and mighty, which could easily cause unnecessary note.

So Meng Fan nodded.

Daoshu Jufan immediately got up to prepare.

The tribute required by the world of meaning is allowed to be guarded by five hundred **** kings. Soon, the quota of these five hundred **** kings will be determined. Each of the five giants in the past sent about 80 of their cronies, and the remaining one Hundreds of seats are composed of members of the parliament with higher status and several previous speakers.

The leader of the guard is the Big Five.

Meng Fan, Yan Mixu, Xuan Dewu, and King Jinding all joined the queue, except for Ren Xifeng who was not there.

It is the desire of all people to step into the world of meaning, take a look at the world of meaning, and see the highest mountain.

Several giants will not give up this opportunity.

The team will set off in five years, that is, the parliament has five years to prepare tribute gifts for the world of meaning.

The World of Meaning seldom issues tribute missions to a single force. This time is no exception. It is the entire Eight Kings universe, which requires tribute, that is, the Eight Kingdoms of Gods and the Great Reef. The amount of tribute required by the World of Meaning is amazing. The most expensive goods in the Eight Kings Universe, such as red gold, black diamonds, and deep blue sky spars, add up to tens of millions of tons, and these tributes must be spread evenly among the nine forces. As for who gets more, Whoever takes less, the world of meaning never cares about these little things.

So the parliament representatives of the Eight Great Kingdoms and the Great Reef, the people of Jiufang, had their first gathering in countless years.

At the meeting, the discussion was about how to share these tributes equally.

The meeting did not go smoothly, and the Great Reef suddenly realized that he had become a target of public criticism.

The Eight Kingdoms of Gods have a long history. The royal families and nobles of the Kingdom of Gods also intermarried with each other. And this kind of tribute is not the first time. Starting from the Eight Kingdoms of the Eight Kingdoms, the Eight Kingdoms of Gods have paid tribute to the world of meaning. Thousands of times.

These thousands of tributes are the time when the Eight Great Kingdoms prove themselves, and they are also time to earn benefits and status. For thousands of times, the Eight Great Kingdoms have given out tributes that far exceed the number of tributes required by the world of significance. This can guarantee the eight great gods. The country has a large number of places to send apostles every year, and even send royals and nobles the qualifications to visit and study in the world of meaning. It also has a certain right to speak in various affairs of the eight pillars. The royal clans of the eight kingdoms are not low in status. For ordinary Taoists.

And for many years, the qualification to exchange for immortal crystals has also been maintained by this.

Because there have been thousands of tributes, there is nothing to argue with among the eight kingdoms of gods. At the beginning of the tributary, the royal families of the eight kingdoms of gods also had the status of Taoist masters. For them, they were not tributes. It’s just that, as the Taoist master of the world of meaning, as the governor of the Eight Kings of the universe, he paid all kinds of goods and resources for the world of meaning. So from the beginning, the eight kingdoms of God, or the eight governors, did not quarrel with each other. A tacit agreement was reached.

This kind of ratio is very subtle, basically equivalent to an even division. The tribute required by the world is divided equally into 21 parts. The eight kingdoms of God are first to bear two of them. Then the remaining five parts are generally due to Among the eight kingdoms of gods, the most powerful and resourceful kingdom of gods will serve two more, the second most resourceful will serve as one, and the last two will be shared equally among the "other forces", such as some The king of foreign gods may be drawn from tariffs on incoming and outgoing goods, and of course, there are big hidden reefs.

Before the Great Reef formed a unified force, the Eight Kingdoms of Gods would send many officials to the Great Reef to collect taxes every time they paid tribute. Later, the Eight Kingdoms of Gods made simpler and more effective tributes according to the requirements of the world of meaning. , To raise the price of the same goods dumped on the Great Reef to collect resources.

Because the eight kingdoms of God have maintained this ratio for many, many years, there is nothing to argue with each other at the meeting.

The Great Reef Council, which has just been established, has become "the target of public criticism" for the Eight Kingdoms of God.

The Great Reef controls almost all the foreign trade of the Eight Kings Universe. All kinds of foreign kings will also take the initiative to step into the Great Reef, and with the unification of the Great Reef, the prices of various goods are also unified. If you can't reach the Great Reef, many benefits have been earned by the Great Reef, and you have always had some attitudes towards the Great Reef Council.

This time, according to the old rules, the Eight Kingdoms of Gods still divided the resources into 21 shares. Each of the eight Kingdoms of Gods was responsible for two shares. For the remaining five, the Eight Kingdoms of Gods actually required the Great Reef to be responsible.

Of course, in real negotiations, the attitude of the Eight Kingdoms of Gods cannot be tough, but they have spoken many truths, such as calculating trade volume, calculating income ratio, and mentioning it several times. This is the first time for the Great Reef Council. As a force, paying tribute to the world of meaning, since it has obtained this kind of glory, it should bear more.

In many informal conversations, the senior officials of the Eight Great Reefs also revealed that if the Great Reef does not do this, the Eight Great Reefs may reduce the size of the Great Reef’s tribute team, or directly increase the amount of goods on the Great Reef. Sale price.

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