Supreme God King

Chapter 3741: communication

After the negotiation, the shabby room became famous, and many people also knew that the shabby room surrendered to the immeasurable main pavilion, and the main pavilion was still the leader and hegemon, without a doubt.

In the following years, Zhan Tian Giant only cared about one thing, farming.

Shen Ling and Ye Chan are also lacking in interest in managing millions of miles of land. They don’t have the mind to do everything in every detail. The primitive backwardness of the immeasurable universe makes them a little boring, so they have to deal with some important things, and Apart from the management of the nearby mountains and rivers around the shantytown, what happened three hundred miles away, the shantytown is not indifferent.

But the order is still chaotic, the gangsters are still rampant, there are always people coming to petition, several times, Shen Ling and Ye Chan are annoyed, only then began to select some people to take up positions to replace the shabby room management, as long as some taxes are paid every year and provided to the shabby room. Up.

It seems that everything is safe and peaceful.

Until one day a few years later, the great life of the Lord of the Immeasurable Pavilion is once in a thousand years. This is the biggest thing in the Immeasurable Universe. According to regulations, the shabby room, as a courtier, must also go to the longevity. Not to mention the shabby room, basically the size of the universe is infinite. The forces must go.

The Zhan Tian giant will not go, and Shen Ling Ye Chan will not go.

So after the end of the big life, I don’t know why. Perhaps the owner of Wuliang Pavilion became proud when he saw the shabby room surrendered, or maybe it was because the shabby room did not go. Or, there are more complicated reasons, anyway, the Wuliang main pavilion sent three consecutive reprimands to the shabby room, cursing the shabby room.

But as always, the shabby room did not respond to this.

This has become a one-man show. The Wuliang Main Pavilion is like a wronged little daughter-in-law who complains about the shabby room every day, and the shabby room ignores it.

But besides scolding, Wuliang Main Pavilion did nothing.

After a few years of stability, the Wuliang main cabinet has obviously always regarded the shabby room as a thorn in the flesh, so it began to tentatively send some officials to the territory of the shabby room. There is actually nothing wrong with the dispatch of these officials. With this power, some inspectors, tax officials, and investigators are sent to work in the territories of subordinates to strengthen their governance, but this has actually violated the contract signed before. The shabby room is only surrendered in name, not really the immeasurable master. Court minister.

Shen Ling reported these things to Zhantian Giant, and as always, Zhantian Giant is still lazy

Have to be troubled.

Until one day.

The Giant Zhan Tian suddenly called Shen Ling and Ye Chan to his side and told them that he had finally sent the news back to the King of God Universe.

Before the arrival of the giants of the sky, although the world conferences had sent some people to the world of meaning, there was always a serious problem.

It is communication.

The world conferences are very interested in everything in the meaning world and want to understand, but the people who are sent to the meaning world are so far away from the universe of the gods that they cannot communicate at all, nor can they transmit information. In order to solve this problem, It took many years for the big guys at the World Congress to come up with an idea to intercept memories. For example, Pei Chenglun, He Huaijiao, and the Central Emperor who arrived later, they all had their memories intercepted. Pei Chenglun and He Huaijiao were captured. There are many intercepted memories, and the central emperor’s intercepted memories are very few, only a small section, and they are not important memories.

These intercepted memories, after being stripped, are still part of the subject’s memory. They are not completely separated. There is still a certain connection. In a more popular language, it is "telepathy", and the most in this world Strong telepathy, of course, is self-induction.

The stripped memory was suppressed and preserved by several secret institutions unknown to outsiders in the World Congress, using great magical powers, great means, and the power of heaven to suppress and save, so that it will not be scattered or returned to the owner, and then when needed , The world conferences modify these memories, add some content, and then use the real meaning of yin and yang, good fortune, soul, etc. to bless these memories, and then release the memories, the memories will return to the gods and souls of the Lord, and this kind of spiritual Induction is a force that transcends the barriers of space and time. It can return immediately without any delay, which also serves to convey information.

But this approach obviously has many problems.

First, it is not easy to preserve the stripped memory. It is of course not difficult to look at in a short time. For example, it is not difficult to preserve it for several years or thousands of years, but it must be preserved for tens of thousands of years or even longer. , It is very difficult. No matter how well it is preserved, memory, as a kind of spiritual power, is easy to fall apart when it is far away from the owner, so the memory that is finally released is often missing.

And even if there is no diminishing and weakening during the preservation process, when it is released, a large amount of memory will inevitably disappear, so the last memory can be passed on

, Are often broken, just some fragments.

The most serious problems are not these.

This method can only transmit information in one direction.

That is to say, the world conferences can convey news to the gods and souls sent, but those who arrive in the world of meaning cannot pass the news back.

However, the progress of God King Universe is also rapid.

Since the Great Dao era, God King Universe has entered a stage of rapid development. Whether it is the overall strength, the integrity of the law, the abundance of vitality, the system, or various philosophies and theories, the development is amazing.

This can be seen from the black hole.

God King Universe created a black hole for the first time, and it took many years for the people sent to reach the world of meaning. Moreover, a small team was almost wiped out. Only Pei Chenglun and He Huaijiao survived, and they were still alive and well.

The second time the black hole was created, the speed through space was obviously much faster, and the black hole became very stable. More importantly, it also came into contact with the calculus universe and successfully established it. The calculus universe and the **** king universe cooperate with each other to help God. Universe Wang has calculated all kinds of black hole data and sorted out all the laws again to make the black hole more powerful.

For the third time, the black hole was created and the Metaverse Bow was escorted. It only took a short time for everyone to arrive, and everyone was safe and sound, and they did not separate.

At the same time, when the creation of a black hole arrived in the world of meaning for the third time, the highest universities of the world conferences finally conquered a problem.

The way to save memory.

When the Zhantian giant set off, he also brought thirteen spar bottles with him.

In the bottle, there are memory fragments stripped out by thirteen people.

This kind of spar bottle is very unusual. Although it is very small, this spar itself is the highest purity natural spar in the God King universe, and it is taken directly from the source of the heavens, and passed through the future. It took many big men in the Heavenly Court for many years, after more than 4,000 steps, and used more than 4,000 kinds of avenues to bless them.

Every bottle is a complete heavenly world.

On the day the shabby room was built, Zhan Tian Giant opened a bottle, modified the memory in it, and released it.

Today, he got a reply.

God King Universe will send another group of elites to the world of meaning.

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