Supreme God King

Chapter 3742: Outpost

The Giants of War of the Sky transmitted the coordinates of the Boundless Universe and some basic information back to the King’s Universe. The world conferences that received this information believed that the Blessed Universe is a good outpost, and the next black hole will end as far as possible. Near the coordinates given by the sky giant.

In terms of time, the world congresses told the Zhan Tian giant that the next black hole opening will be about 8,000 to 10,000 years later. There will be no specific time or specific coordinates of the black hole, in order to prevent information leakage.

After confirming all this, either retreat or plowing the land, he gave the exact order to Shen Ling and Ye Chan for the first time-to transform a radius of millions of miles into a powerful empire.

Shen Ling knew in his heart that the Battle Sky Giant could communicate with the World Congress, so he immediately carried out the command of the Battle Sky Giant.

The establishment of the government, the establishment of official positions, titles, and powers, the formation of legions, the selection of legion leaders through harsh methods, and the establishment of an intelligence hall and a tax hall, all of which were jointly designed by Shen Ling and Ye Chan. Ye Chan After working as Meng Fan's chief steward for many years, after all the plans were completed, Shen Ling let go and gave them all to Ye Chen to manage, and then Shen Ling started a series of secret operations alone.

From among those disciples who worshipped the Buoshi Mountain Gate, Shen Ling screened out more than a dozen excellent kings with strong willpower and sufficient loyalty to the Zhantian Giants. Most of these kings were not high in realm, but the strongest. One of them is nothing more than a Four Tribulations God King, and most of the others are One Tribulations and Two Tribulations.

Shen Ling began to train these **** kings in secret, and constantly created difficulties during the training process. The training was not only harsh but even cruel. In the first year of training, nearly half of the selected **** kings died. Dao disappeared.

Because in addition to training, Shen Ling also tested them again and again, as long as they showed the slightest vacillation, or had two hearts, and were not absolutely loyal to the shabby room, Shen Ling would kill them.

After a full ten years, Shen Ling finally cultivated two **** kings of the Five Tribulations, possessing strong willpower and absolute loyalty to the shabby room. Immediately, Shen Ling circled a large piece of land with mountains, rivers, and Feng Shui. Good, but at the same time away from the noise

Crowd, and then made great efforts to build a variety of pavilions and courtyards, and set up many formations, restrictions, and mazes on the edges. In the center of this huge building, there is a misty jungle carefully designed by Chen Ling. This area is called the "hunting ground".

Immediately afterwards, Shen Ling began to use various methods to select suitable candidates from the subjects in the shabby room and move into the hunting grounds. They were all treated well, and they could also learn a variety of superior martial arts. Get a lot of resources.

But such a stable life will not be long.

After screening, there is a big gap between the people who live in the hunting grounds. There are gods and ordinary people who have not stepped into the martial arts at all. However, after enjoying the resources of the hunting ground, they can quickly understand the mystery of the martial arts. This kind of life will continue. One year.

After a year, there are only two options. One is to complete the tasks given by the hunting ground. These tasks are often difficult. You must complete more than three each year. The second option is death.

And these tasks are not allocated according to each person's strength. They are completely random, and they may even appear for a young man with a bright future. There is still a time limit for the task of killing a King of Two Tribulations.

Luck is also very important.

Within ten years, the various tasks released by the hunting ground were successfully completed, and an assessment can be carried out after experiencing severe beatings and experience.

The assessment is in charge of Shen Ling and the first two Five Tribulations God Kings trained. It does not assess strength, talent, but loyalty.

The assessment is scored. If the score is high enough, you will be promoted and get the title of Hunter. Once you get the title of Hunter, your salary will be greatly improved. Various better techniques, better resources, and hunting ground arrangements. The followers and subordinates have their own houses, etc.

If the score is average, you must continue to complete the task until the next ten years.

Kill the one with the lowest score.

The hunting ground has the best resources in the shabby room, the best feng shui, the best treatment, and the most advanced martial arts techniques. Those who are selected are also willing to join the shabby room, so they must be deadly aware.

Become a hunter

After that, they were regarded as true members of the hunting ground, but they still had to complete various tasks, but at this time, the tasks released to them were not random, but in line with their realm and strength.

At this stage, every hunter has to complete hundreds of tasks, and must achieve the God King of Two Tribulations, and then can participate in a new assessment.

In the same way, those with high scores will be promoted to become second-class hunters. Those with average scores will be retained. Those with low scores will be killed directly, but those who can become hunters will hardly have low scores.

Through this method, Shen Ling has trained thousands of second-class hunters, more than 100 third-class hunters, and more than a dozen fourth-class hunters within two hundred years.

Fourth-class hunters must be God Kings of Four Tribulations, and there are also one or two God Kings of Five Tribulations.

At the same time, Ye Chan has already put the territories managed by the shabby room into operation, and the administrative efficiency has been greatly improved, and officials have been appointed everywhere.

In this process, the shabby room also had some secret fights with the Wuliang main pavilion.

The Wuliang main pavilion always wanted to tentatively enter the shabby room, and the shabby chamber adopted a zero tolerance attitude. Any official of the Wuliang main pavilion stepping into the shabby room must have a written approval. Otherwise, it will be regarded as an invasion. For hundreds of years, there have been ten Several officials from the Wuliang Main Pavilion and hundreds of spies were killed.

The relationship between the Wuliang main pavilion and the shabby room has also become more tense.

At the same time, the absolutely loyal hunters trained on the hunting grounds began to play and enter various agencies as acting officials.

A hundred years later, a small-scale war broke out between the shabby room and the Wuliang main pavilion.

The number of people fighting on both sides was only eight hundred.

But they are all **** kings.

After the fight, the side of the shabby room with a small number of people is slightly better, because there are many hunters in this group. The realm and strength of the hunters may not be as good as the elites of the Immeasurable Main Pavilion, but their killing intent, fighting will, coldness, Willpower is completely better than the Legion of the Wuliang Main Pavilion, and the Wuliang Universe has been stable for too long, and the blood is almost lost.

After this small-scale conflict, Wuliang Main Pavilion chose to continue to maintain peace with the shabby room.

This means that shabby rooms can develop faster.

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