Supreme God King

Chapter 3749: Lord of Momoyama

The shabby room retired, and the confidence of the Wuliang Main Pavilion that had just been broken was quickly restored. Not only did it overthrow all the proposals and agreements in the Shabby Room, but also declared that it would reorganize the army and attack the Shabby Room. The stable prisoner also told the world that the Wuliang main pavilion stood majestic and would not fall over.

This is why the Zhantian Giant went to Kyoto again alone.

In the face of Kyoto's heavy defenses and hundreds of millions of years of formation, the Zhantian Giant could not be shaken only by his own brute force. Therefore, he just pulled out 30 cities and killed hundreds of patrols outside Kyoto. , Cut off a river surrounding Kyoto, and then caused a massive earthquake with an area of ​​millions of miles.

Fighting the giants, has been in trouble for four months.

A full four months.

He did not come and go without a trace. He often stayed in one place for more than ten days until he was completely destroyed. What's really terrifying is that the Boundless main pavilion has no choice but to symbolically send some conquest teams. Nothing can be done, the two deputy chiefs are defeated, and there is no one to send in the Wuliang master.

Could it be that the pavilion master himself did it?

He will not take this risk.

Therefore, the confidence that Wuliang Main Pavilion had just rebuilt quickly collapsed.

That's right, as long as the Immeasurable Main Pavilion is defending and staying in Kyoto and not coming out, there is no alternative to the shabby room. But in the same way, as long as the Zhantian Giant does not attack Kyoto, it will destruct around Kyoto, and the Immeasurable Main Pavilion is helpless.

So the Zhantian giant rioted for four months, until it turned the surrounding area of ​​Kyoto into scorched earth.

The shabby room was given four months to recover.

When the Hunter Corps just returned, it was indeed extremely exhausted. The Boundless Main Pavilion only needed to be militant once, and tried its best to gather a large-scale legion to enter the shabby room and destroy it. The shabby room was difficult to resist.

This kind of thing can be done by the Immeasurable Main Pavilion. With such a huge power and the background of so many years, it is like a huge sponge. If you want military power, you will always have a squeeze.

But this approach of the Zhantian Giant bought time for the shabby room.

Four months later, the war giant returned to the shabby room. At the same time, the shabby room also repaired some of the cities destroyed by the war, and recruited a group of new hunters from the hunting grounds to replenish the hunter corps, making the number of the hunter corps It has reached 20,000. Although the "quality" of these newly recruited hunters is lower, it is enough.

At the same time, Ye Chan also established four regular legions. These legions are not hunter legions. Naturally, they are not enough in combat effectiveness and elite level. They are basically volunteer kings or guards recruited from various places on the land controlled by the shabby houses. Members of the patrol, and they are not professional fighters. They are a bit like militiamen in nature. Each of the three thousand **** kings is equivalent to a temporary collection of 12,000 **** kings.

These methods made the Wuliang main pavilion give up the idea of ​​counterattack the shabby room, because they had missed the opportunity, and the battle with Lou Shanchuan also made the Wuliang main pavilion understand that it is difficult for them to fight the shabby room on the front battlefield, so the only thing they can do is What it does is defensive warfare.

Because both sides chose to truce, the Wuliang Main Cabinet also began to consider the various agreements proposed by the shabby room.

Accepting all of them, it is naturally impossible. Wuliang Main Pavilion sent an emissary to start a long negotiation with Shao Shi and a group of officials led by Ye Chan.

Negotiation is like buying vegetables, you say the price, I counter-offer, and repeat until both parties accept it. If you can’t accept it, then continue to fight.

But this negotiation is bound to be difficult to negotiate.

Because the price difference between the two sides is too much.

The Wuliang main pavilion agreed to cede 3 million li of land to the shabby room, which is the limit of the Wuliang main pavilion, and the original proposal of the shabby room was 50 million li land.

In addition, the Wuliang main pavilion agrees that the various forces south of the shabby do not need to continue to pay tribute to the Wuliang main pavilion, but those subject countries are still the subjects of the Wuliang main pavilion, because those subject to the state have already surrendered to the Wuliang main pavilion. Hundreds of millions of years.

As for compensation, the Wuliang Main Pavilion agreed to it rather happily, because this compensation is actually not painful or itchy. Even the higher the compensation, the Wuliang Main Pavilion can earn it back only after a few years of stability.

Others, there are many scattered small things, such as the shabby room wants a very important port, the Wuliang main pavilion does not give it, but the merchants who agree to the shabby room to enter; the shabby room requires Cheng Chongguan as the boundary line, and as a symbol of peace Chengchongguan should also have garrisons in shabby rooms. In this regard, the Wuliang main pavilion disagrees with 10,000. The geographical location of Chengchongguan is too important. After the battle with Lou Shanchuan, the Wuliang main pavilion has begun to rebuild into Chongguan. , Increase defense, strengthen the foundation, and send more soldiers.

In addition, there are hundreds of clauses, large and small.

It’s not known how long it will take to negotiate everything.

Sure enough, the Wuliang main pavilion and the shabby room had been discussing these terms for a whole year!

A year later, some balance was finally reached, but it seems that it will take some time before a real agreement is reached.

Until a certain day.

Shen Ling went to the negotiation site. Ye Chan had just fought hard with the people in the Wuliang Main Pavilion. When he returned to his residence, he saw Shen Ling.

Shen Ling only said one sentence: "Stop talking."

Ye Chan was surprised. Ye Chan never asked much about Shen Ling's meaning. He was very clear about his identity, but after all he had worked so hard to talk about it for a year, and suddenly he couldn't talk about it. He still asked questions.

"what for?"

"Keep fighting."

Shen Ling's answer is simple.

Ye Chan pondered for a moment, and he knew that Shen Ling's words must have profound meaning, so he said: "I will continue to talk. I have been here before the war. The Wuliang Chief Cabinet will not be suspicious and think that we only want to negotiate. "

Shen Ling nodded and left.

Three days later.

Shen Ling left the immeasurable universe following the battle of the giant.

After nearly a month, they walked into nothingness that was 37 billion miles away from the immeasurable universe.

Sit down quietly and wait.

Seven more days passed.

In this piece of nothingness, a very weak law fluctuation suddenly appeared.

Between nothingness, there is no law.

Starting from the fluctuation of the law, three hours later, a black hole with a height of only a few feet was born out of thin air.

A person walked out of the black hole.

Wearing a large gray robe, a heroic and handsome face, he is not humiliated, and calm, it seems that there is nothing worthy of his attention in everything in the world, it seems that everything in the world is lonely.

After he walked out, he couldn't help but smile when he saw the giant Zhan Tian.

The Zhan Tian giant also raised his head.

Shen Ling immediately bent over and arched her hands: "Meet the lord of Taoshan, and meet seniors."

Lonely proudly nodded at Shen Ling, and Shen Ling straightened up.

Lonely and proud again looked at the giant of the sky.

Zhan Tian giant said: "I didn't expect it to be you."

"Then do you want me to come?" Lonely smiled proudly.

The Giant Zhan Tian said immediately: "There is a city that is so big that I can't get it. Help me pull it out."

Lonely and arrogantly laughed: "I just came here, I will talk about it later."

Immediately, he turned around and waved his hand.

From the black hole, another figure walked out.

Then the second one.

The third way.

One after another.

One after another, young people with vigor and vigor and different expressions.

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