Supreme God King

Chapter 3750: 96 people

The world conferences, the institutions of the highest institutions, a secret hall that has been established for less than five thousand years.

There is no name in this hall, and there are not many people who know the existence of this hall. Only Wang Haicheng, who has retreated to the second line from the highest institution, and the few big men in the conference who have been in power for many years.

The Secret Palace has only one mission, to receive news from the world of meaning.

More than 8,000 years ago, this palace received news from the world of meaning for the first time.

It is also the God King Universe, for the first time in history to receive news from the world of meaning.

The news was sent by the Zhantian Giant, and it was very brief. It was the coordinates of a universe and said that the universe was safe.

Immediately, the secret palace sent the news to Manyun Mountain in the future heaven and handed it to Wang Haicheng.

Thus, a team began to be established in secret.

This team will be the largest team sent by God King Universe to the world of meaning.

In the future, Heaven, Peach Mountain, Demon Realm, Shura Realm, Arcane Civilization, Infinite Realm, Dragon Realm, Buddha Realm, and many other subject worlds will participate in this plan, but because they are secretly established teams, many worlds have only leaders at the level of figures. Just knew this plan.

Why is it so secretive?

Since the King Universe confronted the expedition army sent by the World of Meaning many years ago, some people have proposed that the power of the World of Meaning should far exceed that of the King of God Universe, and the first barrier against the world of meaning is the "unknown." The meaning world does not know the specific location of the God King universe, so the God King universe is always safe. If the meaning world knows the specific location of the God King universe, then the God King universe is no longer safe.

Therefore, various plans concerning the world of meaning began to be kept strictly confidential, kept secret internally, and kept secret externally, in order to protect the universe of God King.

The establishment of the secret team is quite time-consuming. Many subject worlds have used more than ten years to select 1,200 young **** kings, and then continue to review, screen, and train, and use re-engraving technology to strengthen these young people. God king.

About five thousand years ago, there were one hundred and ten people left in the 1,200 gods and kings. These one hundred and ten people were finally determined to go to the world of meaning, and then started again.

A series of training camps, including the training of stripping memory and soul.

Four thousand and five hundred years ago, several people in this team were forced to withdraw because they could not withstand the training of stripping memories. In the end, there were ninety-three people left.

At the same time, a new black hole was also created.

When these ninety-three people were ready to set off, there was another change.

The messenger of the calculation universe applied to God King Universe for the first time, and also sent people to the world of meaning.

At this time, the calculus universe has been in contact with the gods universe for many years, and the relationship is quite close. There are many people in the gods universe, who have served as messengers in the calculus universe, and have learned the technological power and algorithm gates of the calculus universe. , And some craftsmen have completed the evolutionary transformation of the calculus universe, incorporating some calculus tools into their bodies.

At the same time, the Calculus Universe has also tried its best to learn from the God King Universe. Just as Calculus Universe was initially worried, the emergence of the God King Universe has had a huge impact on the Calculus Universe. This impact mainly comes from the spirit and culture. The universe and the king universe are two completely different civilizations, but the calculus universe is too single, and the rapid development of technological power has led to their shallow understanding of art, avenues, and profound meaning. The king universe is just the opposite, so the king universe The culture has had a huge impact on the calculation universe, especially the sentient beings party, which pursues individual power in the calculation universe, worships the **** king universe extremely.

Culture shock has led to several crises in the calculation universe, such as the Party’s questioning of traditional culture, the awakening of individuals against the collective, and the upsurge in studying martial arts, etc., but the calculation universe is also a universe with strong confidence and its own technological power. It is also quite advanced, so these issues have not fundamentally changed the calculation universe, and the God King universe is not the enemy of the calculation universe. He has also taken several shots to help the calculation universe weaken these crises.

But anyway, the calculus universe has indeed been changed.

Over the years, the calculus universe has finally overcome the problems that they are too weak in their physical bodies to bear martial arts, laws, vitality, etc., through continuous self-reformation, a brand-new race has emerged. This race has both the rationality and the calculus universe. Thought, and powerful calculus

At the same time, it can perfectly adapt to the martial arts and many laws of the King Universe. Most of this race are members of the Party of All Living Beings and are collectively referred to as the "new infinite creatures" by the King Universe.

Among the new infinite creatures, there are three powerhouses, and these three are all **** kings of the Nine Tribulations.

They hope to join the secret team and travel to the world of meaning.

The world conferences almost agreed without much discussion.

It is a reward.

The Calculus Universe and the God King Universe are closely related, but this relationship is actually not equal. Both sides have brought various benefits to each other. The Calculus Universe conveys culture and martial arts, and Calculus Universe conveys their technological system and calculation power. However, the King Universe has infinite fields ahead, and the culture of the calculation universe is relatively weak, so there is no negative impact on the King Universe. Almost all contacts are beneficial to the King Universe.

In the end, this secret team had a total of 96 **** kings, and the lowest realm was the seven **** kings, a total of twelve gods, eight **** kings, a total of 70 gods, nine gods, and fourteen gods.

Although these ninety-six **** kings are far less powerful than the seven bow guards before, after all, the selection of the seven bow guards is much stricter than the establishment of a secret team this time, and each of the seven bow guards is proficient in at least three types. Or more Dadao, in their respective worlds, they are all high-powered figures, and they are much older than these ninety-six gods in their age.

The youngest of the seven bow guardians is hundreds of thousands of years old.

The average age of these ninety-six gods is only 20,000 years old.

It is the youngest generation of elites in Shenwang Universe.

Including the fourteen **** kings of the Nine Tribulations, the average age is about 90,000 years old, and there are five others. They entered the nine calamities after participating in this plan.

However, there are many.

And even if it can't be compared with the seven bow guards, they are all elites.

Being able to withstand harsh training and being able to strip away memories and souls, these people's willpower should not be underestimated.

In the end, it was Wang Hai who became the name of this team. It was called Niu Liu, simple and clear.

Four thousand three hundred and twenty years ago, 96 people stepped into the black hole and headed to the world of meaning, led by loneliness.

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