Supreme God King

Chapter 3751: Raging

The Wuliang main pavilion had been talking with the shabby room for so long. Although there was dissatisfaction and a lot of friction, the treaty was about to be signed.

Suddenly, Ye Chan, the chief steward of the shabby room, who was mainly in charge of the peace talks, announced that he would not talk, and left with the delegation overnight and returned to the shabby room.

Suddenly, Wuliang Main Pavilion was dumbfounded.

In the view of the Wuliang main pavilion, as long as it can be negotiated and finally negotiated and peace can be achieved, then it is nothing to pay a price. The Wuliang universe has been peaceful for too many years, and the masters of the Wuliang main pavilion have been stable for too many years. There is no war and turmoil.

Not long ago, Wuliang Main Pavilion also sent several messengers to the Blade Palace of Liuli Universe, hoping that the world of meaning would come forward to resolve the dispute here, but first, the journey is long, and the messenger may take tens of thousands of years back and forth. , The three universes have already begun to merge, Blade Palace is very busy, and it may be flawless to take care of small disputes like the Boundless Universe.

Therefore, the Wuliang Main Pavilion still hopes to be able to negotiate with the shabby room.

As a result, no discussion.

Not talking about it means continuing to fight.

The Wuliang main pavilion did not understand for a while, why did the shabby room continue to fight the Wuliang main pavilion? After the previous battle, both sides are actually quite exhausted. It should also be understood that the shabby room currently does not have the ability to defeat the Wuliang Main Pavilion. In this case, peace talks, taking away some land and gaining some prestige, are not the best. The choice?

Ye Chan left, and the delegation of Wuliang Main Pavilion had to report to Kyoto.

But the shabby room did not give them this time.

Three days before Ye Chan left, the shabby room had already launched an attack!

The Wuliang Cabinet, who thought the peace talks would be successfully completed, was unprepared.

Moreover, the attack of the shabby room this time was silent, but extremely deadly.

The shabby room sent a total of twelve **** kings, with only twelve people. Within three days, they broke through Cheng Chongguan, and then seized seven cities. These seven cities are not very prosperous, but their geographical location is very important. Connected with Chengchong as a line is an important line of defense for the Wuliang Main Pavilion.

The news of another war and the failure of the peace talks came to Kyoto successively. The Boundless Main Cabinet was shocked and immediately reacted, but the next situation made the Boundless Main Cabinet completely unable to respond.

On the first day when the news came back, the twelve powerful **** kings took another step and attacked the most important fortress on the southeast border of the Wuliang Main Pavilion. There were more than 1,000 **** kings in the fortress, but they were directly attacked. The massacre was exhausted, and the entire fortress was turned into ruins.

It is unknown who these twelve **** kings are, but according to information from various parties, among the twelve **** kings, there are at least three **** kings of the Nine Tribulations!

The Boundless Universe, the Nine Tribulations God King and the Eight Tribulations God King, are absolute supreme overlords. After all, there are too few Ten Tribulations God Kings. Before the Battle of Heaven Giant came, there were only three.

The next day, on the southwestern border, five more sacred kings appeared, blasting an ancient cultural sacred place in the Wuliang Main Pavilion, and beheading the pavilion master’s cousin, a local high lord.

On the third day, there was news that the Humble Room Hunter Corps had been dispatched. Twenty thousand hunters marched along the route of the attack on Kyoto. In the evening of the same day, news came that another city had fallen.

Since then, every day, the Wuliang Main Pavilion can receive all kinds of bad news, either a lord was killed, or the city was captured, or the army just assembled in a certain place was attacked and the whole army was wiped out!

The Wuliang main pavilion went up and down, completely messed up.

They didn't understand why suddenly, the shabby room possessed such terrible combat power, and quickly encroached on the immeasurable main pavilion with the flames of a prairie fire!

Before long, the various forces in the southern part of the Infinite Universe that had previously paid tribute to the Infinite Main Pavilion announced that they would no longer pay tribute. Then, there were subject countries that also declared independence. Through the news from all parties, the Infinite Main Pavilion confirmed The shabby room sent people to join forces in various parts of the south, and the methods were quite clever.

For example, there is an archipelago kingdom in the south. This kingdom has been surrendered to the Boundary Main Pavilion for about 13 million years. Among them, the ambassador sent by the Boundary Main Pavilion has been stationed. One day, the envoys sent by the Shao Shi also arrived in this archipelago kingdom. Because the shabby room is not very famous now, the island kingdom dare not neglect, and grand reception, but on the other hand, the shabby room and the Wuliang main pavilion are fighting, so the island kingdom is very embarrassed, hope to send the messenger of the shabby room away as soon as possible.

But the night when the messenger arrived, he sneaked into the place where the messenger of Wuliang Main Pavilion lived, killed the messenger, dismembered the body, burned the embassy, ​​and then arrived at the residence of the king of the island kingdom with the head of the messenger. The main cabinet explained.

At this time, the king of the archipelago kingdom understood that he could only submit to the shabby room. Otherwise, if the messenger was killed, the immeasurable main pavilion would be held accountable, and the shabby chamber would not let the immeasurable main pavilion’s subject state. In front of the hegemony, the archipelago kingdom wanted to be in Qi Chu, but the shabby room refused.

So the archipelago kingdom chose to expel the local merchants and nobles of the Infinite Main Pavilion, declared an alliance with the shabby room, and immediately concluded an agreement to obtain the shabby room's protection.

Immediately, the messenger of the shabby room asked the island kingdom to mobilize a legion, follow the messenger, and attack another neighboring state of the immeasurable main pavilion.

And this kind of thing is happening everywhere in the south.

As if overnight, many powerful lobbyists and counselors appeared in the shabby room.

The various places in the south were united by these lobbyists, and soon broke away from the control of the Wuliang Main Pavilion.

On the frontal battlefield, the Boundless Main Pavilion also lost one after another, and there was no counterattack.

At this time, the Wuliang Main Pavilion began to send people, hoping to have peace talks with the shabby room, but all the people sent by the shabby room were not received.

Thirty-five days later, there was smoke everywhere in the territory of Wuliang Main Pavilion.

A few days later, a large-scale army consisting of 100,000 gods and kings arrived in Kyoto, the main pavilion of Immea.

This army, except for the 20,000 hunters, is a reinforcement sent by all the forces in the south that allied or surrendered to the shabby room!

Then, the army of one hundred thousand gods began to besiege Kyoto.

The battle giant also visited the scene in person.

But this is not over yet.

In the months that followed, reinforcements continued to arrive from various places and gathered in front of Kyoto, but they did not attack, they were just besieged.

Kyoto is not afraid of siege. Kyoto is self-sufficient and can last at least several thousand years.

But the shabby room seemed to be very patient, just surrounded by it, not in a hurry.

While besieging Kyoto, the shabby room continuously sent officials and hunters to the newly occupied land, promulgated laws and began to manage it.

This time, it is not just an offensive, but a real occupation.

Immediately afterwards, the shabby room played a more powerful hand.

The prisoners captured from various places were all gathered in Kyoto for interrogation and forced questioning. These prisoners were used to coerce the shabby room to surrender, but these were nothing.

The most ruthless thing is that most of the captured prisoners in the shabby room were released and let them return to Kyoto.

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