Supreme God King

Chapter 3759: Useless outpost

Jianzhu completed the three-year mission and returned to the Town Defense Department.

The report to Hei Yuankui was very casual. Jianchi said that no trace of immortality was found in the Eight Kings Universe. With just one sentence, Hei Yuankui also knew the character of Jianchi, so he didn’t Didn't care.

But what Hei Yuankui didn't expect was that after returning, Jianlun stood up immediately, preparing to return to the world of meaning.

A character like Hei Yuankui was also surprised and asked, but he did not get an answer.

Jianchi just wants to go back.

And the day after Jianchi decided to return to the world of meaning, she set off.

Come talk about it, leave it when you say it, break it when you break it, free and easy, and people like sword idiots are too rare in today's world of meaning. Hei Yuankui feels that sword idiots are quite ancient, as if before the emergence of immortality. The meaning of the world, there are many such Taoists.

Although the departure of the sword idiot made Hei Yuankui lose an important manpower, after all, it took the sword idiot to complete the task of investigating the immortality in just three years.

After the sword idiot left, Hei Yuankui began to "block off" the Eight Kings Universe.

First of all, the World of Meaning gave an approval document that gave the Eight Kings Universe Defense Department a lot of power. With the blessing of these powers, the Eight Kings Universe Defense Department became almost as powerful as the majestic halls of the border universe.

The first power is that the Defense Department can declare the Bawang Universe to enter a state of alert at any time and issue a martial law order. The second power is the people of the Defense Department who have the status of "monitor" in Bawang Universe and can monitor In all actions of the Eight Great Kingdoms and the Great Reef Council, the third power is the power of the Town Defense Department to punish the Eight Great Kingdoms and the Great Reef.

These three powers are too great.

The Town Defense Department immediately began to strictly control the entry and exit of the Eight Kings in the Eight Kings Universe. First of all, all foreign Kings, if they want to enter the Eight Kings Universe, they must first go to the Town Defense Department to file for record, accept review, and enter the Eight Kings after passing. The universe, and there are still qualifications for review. First of all, all **** kings below the five calamities do not even have the qualifications to be reviewed.

Even if the **** kings above the five calamities pass the review, they cannot walk freely in the Eight Kings universe. They have the authority. This authority is also the responsibility of the town defense department. If the town defense department stipulates a foreign **** king, it can only Living on the Great Reef of the Eight Kings Universe, then he can't step out of the scope of the Great Reef. If the Defense Department also requires him to leave within one year, then he must leave.

Anyone who violates the requirements of the town defense department, or goes directly to the Eight Kings universe without passing through the town defense department, will be regarded as a ban by force, provoking the meaning of world authority, and will be punished heavily!

In this way, the blockade of the Eight Kings universe is basically completed.

However, it is still difficult for a town defense department to supervise the entire Eight Kings universe. The Eight Kings universe is too large and there are too many kings. After all, the manpower of the town defense department is limited. These years, the Eight Kings universe defense department He has always maintained an immortality, that is, Hei Yuankui, plus the tradition of three ten-kilosis gods as the vice-chief, the vice-chief often alternates, and then under the vice-chief, there are more than seventy apostles, the realm of these apostles Almost all of them are in the Nine Tribulations, but there are also five deities and Ten Tribulations, plus other **** kings who have not yet obtained the status of an apostle and are serving the Eight Kingdoms Universe. The realm is in the Seven Tribulations, Eight Tribulations, and Nine Tribulations. There are so many, there are about two hundred.

Just looking at these, the power of the town defense hall is quite powerful. An immortal commander has eight **** kings under the ten calamities. The lowest realm is also the nine calamities. But this force has to supervise the entire eight kings universe. It is far from enough to check if anyone violates the regulations at any time.

So Hei Yuankui began to restructure. On the one hand, in the town defense department, all those who have served the town defense department for more than 200,000 years, and whose realm is in the eight calamities and nine calamities, but have not yet obtained the status of apostle, are given apostles. Identity, this is what they have always longed for. At the same time, Hei Yuankui will expand the team of apostles, giving places to the eight great kingdoms of the gods and the Great Reef. The nine forces can select the kings and push them to the town defense department. After a simple review, there is no problem. The effect of the Town Defense Department is more than 200,000. If there is no problem, it may become an apostle after the second review by the Town Defense Department.

This move, for the Eight Great Kingdoms and the Great Reef, could not be better.

Moreover, Hei Yuankui's move was very ruthless this time. Each of the eight great kingdoms of the gods has won two hundred places. After all, the Great Reef was established late, and due to many considerations, it gave fewer places, but there were also 80 places.

As a result, the Eight Great Kingdoms of God and the Great Reef began to conduct internal audits, and selected outstanding kings of the Seven Tribulations, the Eight Tribulations, and the Nine Tribulations, and even the Ten Tribulations, and sent them to the Town Defense Department.

After struggling for the Big Kahuna Council, another fifty places were obtained from the Town Defense Department.

When other kingdoms of God saw this, they also contributed a lot of resources to the Town Defense Department in exchange for places.

A few years later, all the quotas were finally full. Through Hei Yuankui's hand, the Zhenfang Department suddenly added almost two thousand **** kings and had enough manpower.

At the same time, the troops sent by the meaning world have also arrived, a few Ten Tribulations Dao masters, and hundreds of apostles.

With such a powerful force, Hei Yuankui established postposts for spreading messages throughout the Eight Kings Universe, as well as various secret strongholds of the defense department, and arranged a lot of eyeliners. Later, in order to cooperate, the eight kingdoms of God also voluntarily A reward is issued to find the foreign **** king who entered the Eight Kings universe without passing through the Defense Department after the law was issued.

Hei Yuankui completely controlled the Eight Kings Universe, and also blocked it.

But Hei Yuankui was still uneasy.

He also gained the power to collect taxes on the Eight Kings Universe from the world of meaning. Through tax collection, he concentrated a lot of resources in decades, and then mobilized manpower to face the direction of the wisdom universe and the prehistoric universe at the periphery of the Eight Kings Universe. Start to establish outposts and strongholds.

These huge projects have also become the most important thing in the Eight Kings Universe in the next two hundred years.

When the town defense department made so many big moves, although the Eight Kings Universe has been doing its best to cooperate, and because they can obtain the apostle status, many people are very excited, but there are also many people, especially the leaders of the Eight Kings Universe. Always worried.

What's the matter?

what happened?

Whether it was the Defense Department or the World of Meaning, from beginning to end, it didn't tell the Eight Kings Universe what happened.

The Town Defense Department has also issued some plain texts, saying that this is only to strengthen the security and defense of the Eight Kings Universe, and maintain the prosperity of the Eight Kings Universe, because the Eight Kings Universe is too important, etc., but who will believe these plain texts? ?

These leaders will naturally not believe.

But the town defense department, just don't say it.

Afterwards, many people in the Eight Kings universe discovered some unusual places.

After a large number of outposts and strongholds were built, the town defense hall only arranged one or two apostles to sit in the town at each outpost and stronghold. In some places, there were no apostles to sit in the town. Within the universe, a considerable number of creatures migrated to live in these outposts and strongholds.

At first, Bawang Universe thought that the Defense Department wanted to build a Great Wall.

However, as a large number of creatures migrated to these outposts, the Eight Kings Universe discovered that this defensive Great Wall could not have a defensive effect at all, because the distance between each outpost was a bit far away. These outposts were deliberately separated from each other, and among the outposts, there were only very basic defensive facilities, which could hardly have any defensive effect. In addition, each outpost generally had only one or two apostles of low realm. There is no defensive effect.

And these outposts are scattered all over the nothingness. The farthest outpost, it will take twenty or thirty years for a King of Ten Tribulations to return to the Universe of Eight Kings, and this is not over yet, the Defense Department is still there. Plan to build a more distant outpost.

Numerous outposts spread the void, and there is almost no effective defense, but to maintain so many outposts, it consumes a lot of resources, completely outweighs the gains. Among these outposts, the only thing worth mentioning is communication.

Each outpost has a very powerful communication formation, which can contact the surrounding outposts in a short time.

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