Supreme God King

Chapter 3760: Refugee camp

The message transmission method can transmit news to nearby outposts in a very short time, and then transmit one by one. The news from the farthest outpost is transmitted back to the town defense hall, which only takes about 27 days.

The outposts with almost no defense are far away from each other, and they can't provide support, but they have a very powerful communication formation.

At the same time, these letter transmission formations have such a powerful efficiency, and they also need to consume a huge amount of power. As long as they are activated once, they will basically consume all the vitality and laws in an outpost.

This is not a line of defense at all.

But the beacon of warning.

The creatures that live in the outpost are the firewood of the beacon.

All the leaders of the Eight Kings Universe think so.

What on earth is the Town Defense Department wary of?


Wisdom universe.

It looks peaceful and peaceful.

But a few years ago, the eastern continent of the Wisdom Universe was completely blocked.

No one can enter or exit from the Eastern Continent, whether it is an ordinary creature, a **** king, or even a Taoist master, who is also trapped in the Eastern Continent. This is an order under the meaning of the world.

However, news can still be spread.

It is reported that everything is fine in the eastern continent, nothing unusual has occurred, and no one knows why the world of significance blocked the eastern continent.

Only in the eastern continent, some apostles appeared, and the Taoist master who stayed in the eastern continent was also the deputy head of the Smart Universe Defense Department. He divided the eastern continent into thousands of blocks, and each block was between each other. It is also isolated. If you want to go in and out, you must accept strict inspections.

On the eastern continent, on a grassland, two men walked side by side.

One of them, Qi Yuxuanang, has a steady pace. He is the Taoist master of the world and the deputy chief of the town defense department. His surname is Cicada. He is a distant relative of Chi Wuqian, the chief of the town defense department.

When the Eastern Continent was blocked, Deputy Cicada was performing missions on this continent. The orders issued by the world were quite sudden, and the Town Defense Department was required to strictly implement it. Therefore, even the Deputy Cicada could not leave the Eastern Continent.

The man next to Cicada's deputy chief is a little short, he seems to be only six feet tall, wearing an ink-colored windbreaker, his face looks a little strange, the proportions are a little out of balance, his eyes are too big, his nose and mouth are somewhat different Xiao, walking with the handsome vice-chief of Cicada, looks even more ugly.

"There is the sixth collar." Deputy Cicada stretched out his hand and pointed to the end of one side of the grassland. Some outlines of mountains and rivers could be seen vaguely, far away, shrouded in mist. "The Eastern Continent is the largest continent in the Smart Universe. It occupies one-third of the total volume of the Smart Universe. It is divided into thousands of pieces by me. The division is based on geography and natural dangers. After turning over the mountains and rivers, you reach the sixth lead. There are many guard towers and fortresses above the mountains and rivers, which are responsible for checking people who enter and exit the sixth collar. Because of the lack of manpower, I temporarily mobilized some manpower from the eastern continent, but most of the manpower is in the five or six ways. , There are not many people above seven, so the manpower is still not enough. In order to reduce the workload, I stipulate that each leader can only accept 5,000 people per day. When the 5,000 places are full, they will no longer be accepted. The same, the number of places to go out There are only five thousand. Violators will be killed without mercy."

The short man raised his head and looked at the mountains and rivers. After watching for a long time, he said, "After I step into this continent, I can't go out until the problems here are solved."

Deputy Cicada said: "The arrival of Lord Wu Yi gave me a lot of peace of mind."

Short man: "The plague, first appeared in a small kingdom?"

"Yes, it's just a small country on the edge of the eastern continent. The leader is a two-dimensional creature. The small one can't be smaller. When the epidemic broke out, the general manager quickly responded and immediately sent people to destroy the entire small kingdom. All creatures were wiped out, and everything in this small kingdom was personally burned into dust and steam, whether it was creatures, or stones, rivers, and mountains. However, the total length still felt that it was not enough. Tens of millions of miles of land around the kingdom were destroyed, and then an extremely evil space was created, and the tens of millions of miles of land were stripped out, thrown into that space, and then a very long warning band was pulled up. , This was before the order of the meaning world, at that time, I was responsible for taking care of this warning zone.

After the meaning world ordered, the entire eastern continent was banned. "

"Chi Wu moved quickly enough, but decisively, he should immediately order the blockade of the eastern continent." Wu Yi said lightly. "And after that?"

Deputy Cicada continued: "After the warning belt was pulled up, to this day, there has been no news of the Heishui alien race. Why did the Heishui alien race appear here and where did it come from? So far, we have not Ascertained, we all think that the plague may really be an accident, and many people even think that it may not be the Heishui alien race at all."

"Some people in the world of meaning think so." Wu Yi said. "But the reasons are different. Many people in the world of meaning cannot accept the news that the Heishui aliens appeared in the Wisdom Universe, and you people here think so because the eastern continent is blocked, which will have too much impact on you, especially if there is a sign. , The town defense hall began to slaughter, and it caused all living beings to suffer. After the eastern continent was blocked, did anyone try to leave this continent?"

"Yes, but not many, and they are all ignorant people, and those who violate the prohibition are killed." Deputy Cicada replied lightly.

"This time I'm here to go through the Eastern Continent and then the entire Wisdom Universe again. It may take several years. As long as it is confirmed that the Heishui alien race has indeed disappeared, the World of Meaning will lift most of the blockade of the Wisdom Universe."

Deputy Cicada nodded: "Yes."


A certain port on the eastern continent.

This port used to be one of the ten largest ports in the Wisdom Universe. It has not only many internal routes, but also void routes to the primordial universe and the Eight Kings universe. However, during the years when the eastern continent was blocked, this port has been completely deserted.

In the beginning, the Town Defense Department sent people to destroy hundreds of ships in this port, and sent special personnel to look after the port.

Later, the entire eastern continent was banned and divided into thousands of regions, making the connection between the eastern continents very weak, and the flow of resources almost disappeared, because the development of various regions was quite uneven and the lack of circulation of resources caused There are a large number of hungry people and refugees. Because of its excellent location, this port has become a refuge for many hungry people and refugees. Therefore, there are more residents in this port than before it was not blocked.

At this moment, a riot broke out in the huge refugee camp.

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