Supreme God King

Chapter 3761: blockade

After the blockade, riots occurred frequently throughout the eastern continent.

This port has been complaining because there are too many hungry refugees and insufficient resources. The port manager is an apostle, and it is difficult to cope with this situation. He has even applied for several times to see if the port can be massacred, but all have been Deputy Cicada dismissed it.

The reason is not clear to the apostle. In the early days of the ban, Deputy Cicada ordered several massacres himself, but in recent days, Deputy Cicada’s attitude has changed.

The number of refugees gathered in the port has exceeded 20 million. Most of them are ordinary people who have not stepped into the martial arts, or monks of lower realms. After all, those who can gather here and become refugees cannot be of very realm. High presence.

And the number of refugees is increasing by tens of thousands every day.

However, this riot lasted only half an hour before it was over. Although there were a large number of rioters, there were nearly 100,000, but the apostle personally shot and killed more than one hundred leading rioters. There was a riot, and the merciless slaughter, so the crowd dispersed. After all, in front of the powerful king, these civilians and ants are not much different.

In a dilapidated little house, at this time, there were a dozen monks sitting.

Among these monks, the one with the highest realm was actually a God King of Three Tribulations.

The others are also **** kings of one calamity and two calamities.

This is quite strange.

The realm of the **** king, in any case, it is impossible to become a refugee. If it is not a refugee, there is no need to appear in such a chaotic port. There are only two kinds of **** kings in the port, one is from the defense department. , But the number is not large, and these dozen or so gods are obviously not.

The second type of people are merchants who make a fortune taking advantage of chaos and decline. However, merchants will not choose this port to do business, but to do business in the places where the gods gather.

More than a dozen gods all sat quietly, and suddenly the Three Tribulations God said, "About how many are there."

Someone next to him spoke with a strange voice, because the pronunciation of each syllable was very blunt: "It is about to exceed ten thousand."

"After breaking through 10,000, the speed of expansion will become faster." Another **** king said.

"There will be quantitative changes, but the speed is still a little slower. If you instigate a few more riots, the gathering, turmoil, bloodshed, and contact of the carriers will help the expansion of the same race. Remember, our goal is the apostle and Those powerful creatures around him."



Wisdom universe, west.

The Eastern Continent is the largest land plate in the Smart Universe. Except for the Eastern Continent, the rest of the Smart Universe is filled with broken land and stars, forming galaxies and galaxies.

Interestingly, the complete and huge eastern continent is less developed, but these broken galaxies are more developed.

The Wisdom Universe Town Defense Hall was built in a huge nebula in the west.

Between the billowing nebulae, there was a white jade-like light, which was the Zhenfang Hall.

There are hundreds of halls in the town defense hall. Compared with the Eight Kings Universe, the Defense Department only plays the role of guard and supervision. Like a bystander, the defense hall of the Smart Universe is built in the Smart Universe, and it is not a bystander, but more like a part of the Smart Universe. Of these hundreds of halls, only a dozen are directly attributable to the town defense hall. The others are basically the messengers of various forces living in the wisdom universe, and even leaders.

The Wisdom Universe’s control of the Wisdom Universe is quite high, higher than that of most cosmos’s. All powerful forces in the Wisdom Universe must send envoys to live in the Wisdom’s, so that they can contact the Wisdom’s at any time. Communicate and accept tasks from the Town Defense Department.

Except for the aborigines of the Wisdom Universe, few people know why the meaning world attaches such importance to the Wisdom Universe.

Few people know why the world of meaning has always despised the eastern continent, which occupies one-third of the volume of the intelligent universe, and instead put all kinds of attention and places in the broken galaxy.

At this moment, a side hall of the town defense hall.

The volume of this side hall is larger than the main hall of the town defense hall. From a distance, it looks like a huge star, and there are many "bubbles" on the surface of the star. If you look closely, you will find , Those "bubbles" are one world after another.

The Piandian is actually a very huge world. It was designed by the former chief of the Town Defense Department and was inhabited by people from all corners of the wisdom universe.

In the side hall, in a certain world, there are many apostles living in them, and they are all part of the establishment of the Town Defense Department.

Among them, two apostles were talking in a room.

One apostle was sorting through countless documents in the room, with neat hands and feet, while the other apostle was sitting in a chair and looking at him.

"So when that little kingdom was destroyed, you were there, right?"

Asked the sitting apostle.

The apostle who sorted out the documents nodded: "When the plague broke out, I was the first person to get the news. The area of ​​my responsibility was very close to the place where the plague broke out, and the news was also delivered through my hands.

"I think it was written in the filing that after you got the news, you only sent the news to the town defense department, but you did not go to the place where the plague broke out to check. This is unreasonable."

"Why not reasonable?"

"Because it is impossible for you to know what that plague is. If you know it, it makes sense if you don’t check it. No one dared to approach that plague, including me and the many apostles who came to the universe of wisdom with me. We are all subordinates of Lord Wu Yi, and we must come here at orders, but in fact, none of us has any connection with this plague.

But you can't know that the world of meaning has been sealing these messages tightly. "

"I didn't care. The plague doesn't pose a threat to us, right? So I didn't take it to heart."

"Such words..." the apostle smiled. "It makes sense. Later, when the chief executive led people to eliminate the plague, you were there, right?"

"After all, it's my area."

"Later, whether it is to expand the scope of destruction or establish a warning belt, you will be there. When the chief throws that piece of the world into another space, you will follow the chief back to the town defense hall and file the whole thing. Report to Significance World. When Significance World ordered the blockade of the Eastern Continent, you were still in the Town Defense Department, so you never went back. Instead, you took charge of the archives."




"This is just a formality. We followed Master Wu Yi to confirm whether the epidemic has disappeared. After all, after so many years and with such a large force, we have never found an epidemic. Most of them think that the epidemic has been extinguished. Up."

The apostle stood up, nodded, then turned and left.

Wait until he gets out of the room.

The apostle who was in charge of organizing the files stopped his work and looked at the door that had just been closed blankly.

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