Supreme God King

Chapter 3777: Creation

Yi Hou was born as a bystander and appeared at many moments in Cao Xun's life. The main thing he saw was Cao Xun in the Hanhuang universe. As stated in many side records, Cao Xun was indeed gentle and humble. He was a **** when he was a child and depended on his unqualified mother, but it was not that he was struggling. His father had many women, among whom were famous. Yes, there is only one person. The other women are basically his father’s maidservants and servants. These Cao’s servants are his father’s property, and life and death are in the hands of his father. Some of them are well-qualified and talented. , Were all put into the house by his father

, Became his own forbidden.

But his father was not a lustful person. Cao Xun’s father is passionate, likes poetry and songs, and is easy to fall in love with others. Therefore, Cao Xun loves many people. In addition to his only wife and the many maidservants in his family, there were also many women at that time. They were of different backgrounds and status.

The eldest ladies of other Taoist families have close contacts with Cao Xun. So although Cao Xun is a concubine and his mother has no status, Cao Xun’s father treats Cao Xun and his mother very well. Cao Xun’s mother is a maidservant, but she has some backgrounds. From a certain Taoist family

At the same time, Cao Xun's mother is also very talented, good aptitude, and very gentle, and only Cao Xun is a son, and he is very fond of him.

Cao Xun's temperament is really inherited from his parents.

Because Cao Xun also likes flowers, birds, calligraphy and landscape poetry, and is quite talented, Cao Xun's father also loved Cao Xun. Cao Xun’s journey is calm and gentle. In many ways, he is very similar to his father. The way he walks is also arranged by his father. The only difference is that Cao Xun is not passionate. Xun seemed to have no love at all, so he had only had one woman, and he never met again. Later, he learned that the woman gave birth to a son for him. He did not go to see his son, but silently be his son. I arranged everything and gave my son the surname Cao Hejin

The right to enter Cao's ancestral hall. Yi Housheng could feel that although Cao Xun did not have much affection for his only son, he was a kind of dependence on Cao Xun. Cao Xun often wrote letters to his son, and his son was also respectful and respectful to Cao Xun. ,

It's just that his son's personality is completely different from Cao Xun's. This son has a very strong personality.

Cao Xun felt that his son was more promising than him. Cao Xun even planned carefully. One day, when he leaves the Hanhuang universe and returns to the world of meaning, he will build a house by himself, take his son, and take the only woman he has ever had a little love with, and give them enough Status and


Then the war broke out.

Many years later, his son died and his wife died tragically and turned into a furnace.

His father was still fighting, but he did not persist until the last moment. The softness in his bones made his father cowardly and was killed.

Many people in the Cao family are dead.

The man sent by the Fan Pillar to assassinate Cao Xun was a childhood friend of Cao Xun, who was as close as a brother.

There are also many puppets made by the Cao family.

Why Pillar of Faun did this is not clear.

But in that era, the era of the immortal war, many things could not be explained clearly by people who had not been deeply involved.

Then, one day, Cao Xun learned that his mother had died.

After the death of his father, his mother was put under house arrest and suffered no pain or torture, and died.

Cao Xun hopes to bury his mother.

But his mother is in the world of meaning. After weighing it repeatedly, Cao Xun communicated a secret letter with the leader of the Pillar of Faen at the time. The letter stated clearly that although he is now an enemy, he hopes that the world of meaning can secretly send his mother’s coffin to the Hanhuang universe. To bury my mother myself

Guard the mausoleum.

At that time, the leader of the Fa'en Pillar was also an old acquaintance of Cao Xun. The two had known each other for many years, and they had some friendship. Cao Xun was almost pleading in the end.

The leader of the Farn Pillar agreed.

Whether out of favor or other considerations, he agreed.

But in Cao Xun's memory, in the end, his mother's coffin was not served.

There may be many reasons.

After all, it was the age of war, and it was necessary to send the coffin to the Hanhuang universe from the world of meaning, and in that era, there were not as many spatial ladders as today.

Without knowing where, his mother's coffin was lost and its whereabouts are unknown.

There is no burial place for death.

Cao Xun waited for many years, many, many years.

Then he gave up.

It was also at this time that he finally stepped into immortality. At that time, looking at the whole world of meaning, there were not many people who truly stepped into immortality. Cao Xun was not very good in terms of talent or aptitude. He could only be ordinary. He could step into the ten calamities and become a Taoist master. , It seems that there is a lot of luck. If it weren’t for his father to think that this son is too similar to him, he likes it too much, he provided him with various resources, and sent him to the best place in the world to study, and he would also worship. An old scholar with a high status at that time was a teacher, could he

Stepping into the ten calamities, all are unknown. But after experiencing countless hardships and pains, with unspeakable emotions intertwined in his heart, and a strong desire for revenge, he relied on this deformed power to frantically pursue a higher realm, hoping to dominate himself without leaving. regret

His wish made him step into immortality under various coincidences.

This is a miracle today.

In those days, it was even more so.

But Cao Xun did not make a move.

He knew that the war was about to end and the road to meaning was lost. No one could turn the tide, because this was the general trend, especially after stepping into immortality, he understood that immortality is the future.

In the process, Yi Housheng saw something.

Cao Xun has been studying something in Hanhuang Universe.

A... creation.

But these scenes have become unclear.

After Cao Xun stepped into immortality, Yi Housheng's deduction of Cao Xun became very difficult, and Cao Xun destroyed a large number of logs and documents, the main part of which was after stepping into immortality, there was almost no text left. Come down.

But Yi Housheng can still see something.

I can see that Cao Xun has been studying what creations in the Hanhuang Universe. It seems... Cao Xun wants... to reproduce his son?

Not only his son, but also his woman, his father, his mother, his family, and the friend who was killed by his own hands and grew up with him.

However, a lot of conditions are required for re-engraving.

Cao Xun does not have these conditions.

The first condition is the complete memory of the person being copied. The more complete the better. The missing of some important parts will lead to the complete failure of the copy.

Cao Xun could only rely on his own understanding and memory, as well as limited text, to reproduce repeatedly.

Then they created, one monster after another.

He can only destroy these monsters.


He lay on a stone slab, which was originally used as a base for engraving. Because of another failure, he lay quietly, full of loss.

Then he seemed to remember something.

All memories come to an abrupt end here.

Yi Housheng also suddenly broke away from his memory, panting heavily.

Hei Shouyi stared at him from the side.

After a long time.

Yi Housheng returned to normal.

He stood up slowly, exhaled a long breath, and said, "I want to leave."

"where to?"


"What are you doing?" "Find Cao Xun."

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