Supreme God King

Chapter 3778: Ren Xifeng

It was getting late, and Weiyang Palace had another prosperous and peaceful day.

Nowadays, all the energy of the Eight Kings Universe Defense Department is placed on the outposts, and all the spies in the Eight Kings Universe are also withdrawn. Meng Fan can feel this.

He stood quietly on the top of the Weiyang Palace main hall, looking at the bustling Weiyang Palace, this was his rare tranquility.

Since stepping into immortality, tranquility has been a luxury for Meng Fan.

The retreat is not a voluntary choice of Meng Fan, but to be able to obtain peace.

Uneasy, fear, these emotions that shouldn't have appeared in Meng Fan, have been entangled with Meng Fan.

Even if he fought against the Emperor of Heaven in the past, even if he went through a long journey to the world of meaning, even if he confronted Yin Gu and died nine deaths, he never experienced such anxiety and fear. A long time ago, death was nothing to Meng Fan. Meng Fan, who was not afraid of death, had no fear, but when he stepped into immortality, he discovered too much, more terrifying than death. Things, he also found that death

, It’s just a road, it’s not worth fearing.

Death is not annihilation.

Death is not the end.

Death is nothing.

Death is just death itself.

Meng Fan sat down, leaning on a monster stone statue at the top of the Weiyang Palace Hall, raised his head, and looked at the huge full moon in the sky.

After anxiety and fear, Meng Fan was confused.

What is it that has been supporting him until today?

Meng Fan can't help but think back to the past, starting from Wuzhen, until he stepped into immortality.

what exactly is it?

Obsession, desire, craving, friend, lover, mother.

Maybe these are the strengths that support him.

But when Meng Fan stepped into immortality, he felt that these were nothing but nothingness.

Obsessions, desires, cravings, these things, after Meng Fan stepped into immortality, most of them have been put down, and the true and false life and death have become meaningless, so what is the meaning of these things?

As for friends, they have their own destiny, and Meng Fan doesn't think he is qualified and has the right to live for them.

Lover and mother...

Today's Meng Fan can "resurrect" them if he wants to.

It's just that this kind of rebirth is not what Meng Fan expected.

It's just a repetition.

But even if he stepped into immortality, Meng Fan didn't find a way to truly resurrect them, he didn't even have the slightest clue.

Holding life and death in your hand is nothing more than that.

These days, Meng Fan’s mind is also a bit confused, because he is often in a state of half asleep and half awake, and his soul is wandering between the past, present, and the future. He is affected by various emotions and grievances that do not belong to him. Enmity troubles.

He used to think that the sky was ruthless, the higher he stood, the lighter he looked. Now he found that he was wrong, sentimental and ruthless, it was just mediocre ridicule, no distinction.

One night passed.

It's dawn again.

The Eight Kings Universe is still peaceful and prosperous.

So is the Big Reef.

Weiyang Palace is even more so.

Meng Fan was meditating in the depths of Weiyang Palace in the day. While he was comprehending immortality, he was waiting for the return of Daoshu Jufan.

Suddenly, Weiyang Palace received the news.

Ren Xifeng, one of the Big Five, has returned.

Ren Xifeng has been away for many years and missed all kinds of big events.

The establishment of the Big Kahuna Council was recognized by the world of meaning and tribute.

However, in these major events, apart from the tribute, the others are trivial matters for a peak overlord.

Hearing that Ren Xifeng had returned, he did not care and continued to retreat.

In a blink of an eye, another few days passed.

On this day, a caravan from Qianchuan entered Weiyang Palace. This kind of thing is so small that it cannot be too small. The power of the five giants is still retained, but it is not as strong as it was in the past. They have been integrated into the parliament, but Qianchuan's integration is far less than that of the other forces. Jindinglou was dissolved directly, and all members became members of the Great Reef Council. Except for the Jindinglou, Dewuzong, Haodangshan, and Weiyang Palace all retained their core strongholds. Weiyang Palace kept the city, and Dewuzong only retained the city. The core mountain gate is retained, and the Mt. Madam only retains the mountains and rivers where Yan Mixu lives. The other territories have become the territory of the parliament. Several giants are also happy to do so. The benefits that the parliament can create for them far exceed those in the past. They each operate from

Benefits obtained by own forces. But Qianchuan is different. Because Ren Xifeng has not been there, Qianchuan’s leaders are just a few big stewards. They are not the peak hegemon, nor do they have the mind and vision of the peak hegemon. They still hold their own one-acre three-point land firmly.

, So Qianchuan still has hundreds of large caravans, and more private caravans that Qianchuan has given power to. There are more than a dozen caravans that travel to and from Weiyang Palace every month.

However, after the caravan arrived, they chose to stay a few nights to turn around some goods. At the same time, one of the caravans secretly entered the Weiyang Palace and asked to meet with the Lord Weiyang.

Regarding this, Weiyang Palace was quite at a loss. The administrative hall clearly told the person that Palace Master Weiyang had already followed the tributary team to the world of meaning, and how could Qianchuan not know about this? Isn't this asking knowingly?

However, the visitors from Qianchuan still hope to meet with Palace Master Weiyang.

The administrative hall felt that this matter was a bit weird, so he chose to inform the "Daoshu Jufan" who had been meditating. After Taoshu Jufan became Meng Fan's shadow warrior, Meng Fan also became the "Daoshu Jufan". Everyone thought that Palace Master Weiyang went to the world of meaning, but actually went to Daoshu Jufan, and everyone thought that Daoshu Jufan was still in charge.

Going to Weiyang Palace, he just couldn't leave the door behind closed doors, but he had to tell him what happened outside, he also knew, in fact, it was Meng Fan.

After learning the news, Meng Fan asked people to report back that the palace lord was not there, and he was in a critical retreat stage.

The message is sent out.

Passed back again.

This time, it was a businessman from Qianchuan who sent a token.

After Meng Fan got the token, he was taken aback. This token was the seal engraved together when the Big Five had their first meeting that year. The Big Five had one man. The first meeting at that time only discussed some simple truces, alliances, and trade matters. The Great Reef was also far away. Far from

It became a unified force, so the temporarily carved seal became a symbol of the supreme power of the Great Kahuna at that time.

Later, this seal was never used again.

At this moment, this seal is Ren Xifeng's seal.

Meng Fan understood that Ren Xifeng was in this caravan. She knew that Meng Fan was there and wanted to talk to Meng Fan.

Meng Fan held the seal, lost in thought.

How did she know that she was still in Weiyang Palace? If she knows this, does she know who she is?

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