Supreme God King

Chapter 3779: Silent Bell

Weiyang Palace, in a huge inn near the central palace.

Ren Xifeng sat on the second floor of an elegant small building.

In the night, there were a dozen huge amber candles in the room, like a dozen small stars.

The door was pushed open.

Ren Xifeng raised his head.

I saw the figure outside the door.

The figure walked in slowly, Ren Xifeng stood up and said, "Palace Master Weiyang."

Meng Fan also handed over: "I'm in charge."

The name of the two is the identity of the two on the big reef.

Needless to say, Meng Fan, Ren Xifeng is Qianchuan's top manager.

After the two bowed their hands to salute, they sat on both sides of the round table in the second-story small building, and then Ren Xifeng began to prepare the fruit juice for Meng Fan.

Meng Fan and Ren Xifeng didn’t know each other very deeply. Although from the outside world, they are one of the five giants. It seems that they have gone hand in hand and built a big reef. Each of them is a great talent and has great courage. After all, they are powerful. People are very difficult to work with. They calculate too much and have too many benefits. They have to build a huge empire together. All kinds of problems, all kinds of frictions, all kinds of collisions, even if they can negotiate with each other. People also care about things.

So it seems to outsiders that they must have a good relationship.

In fact, it was not. At their level, many things were not important to them, so whether it was the initial alliance or the later Great Reef Conference, they did not care too much, nor did they pay much attention. It was just a matter of course.

Among the Big Five, the one that Meng Fan is least familiar with is Ren Xifeng.

Yan Mixu and Meng Fan were enemies at first, and then allies. The two have seen each other many times, and it is a kind of friendship if they don't fight or know each other.

Xuan Dewu and Meng Fan also met earlier.

From the very beginning, King Jinding recognized Meng Fan's strength and didn't want to be an enemy of him, so he pleased him everywhere, and the number of times he met with Meng Fan was quite large.

Only Ren Xifeng, who had never met Meng Fan a few times, returned to her hometown, the prehistoric universe.

Therefore, when Ren Xifeng prepared Qiongye Yuye, Meng Fan watched quietly, and neither of them had a word.

After a long time, Ren Xifeng sent a cup of Qiongye Yuye to Meng Fan, and then he said: "My hometown, the prehistoric universe, there was once an emperor."

As soon as he said this, Meng Fan raised his head and looked at Ren Xifeng's eyes quietly. He could feel that Ren Xifeng was about to talk straightforwardly.

Meng Fan had seen the Emperor of Heaven in Ren Xifeng's mouth.

Just when he stepped into immortality, he saw it.

Today, he chose to meet Ren Xifeng because he thought that the arrival of Ren Xifeng might be related to the emperor.

There is nothing wrong with his deduction.

"I don't know if the palace lord has any understanding of the history of the prehistoric universe?" Ren Xifeng asked.

Meng Fan nodded softly: "The Primordial Universe is so close to the Eight Kings Universe, and it is a powerful universe with many peak powers. I still have some understanding. The Emperor of Heaven in the mouth of Ren Daguan is from the ancient universe. The number one master, a creature evolved from the supreme law of all things, and later, when the world of meaning began to manage the primordial universe, the emperor departed."

"Palace Master, we don't have to avoid suspicion." Ren Xifeng said lightly. "The world of meaning invaded the primordial universe. The sages resisted and started war. The emperor did not want to go to war. For one thing, he believed that the knowledge and philosophy of the meaning world was advanced. He longed for it. Secondly, he didn’t want to be overwhelmed. But when the war began, he He had no choice but to fight for his hometown and sentient beings. After the defeat, he was taken to the world of meaning, detained for many years, and then detained to Luotian Universe."

Meng Fan was silent and didn't make any response, but he had already guessed something in his heart.

The vigilance in his heart gradually relaxed.

Ren Xifeng said: "Many years ago, the reason why I returned to the Primordial Universe was because I received news that all the pinnacle overlords who were out would return, and it was the highest order, because...the Emperor of Heaven has returned.

The Emperor of Heaven has told us many things.

In addition to being involved in the experiment of immortality and finding a way for the world of meaning to refine immortal crystals, he also said another thing.

The palace owner should know that the ultimate death will definitely come. "

Meng Fan said: "As long as anything can happen, even if it may be one in a billion, then it will definitely happen. It's just a matter of time."

Ren Xifeng said: "In the ancient legends of the world of meaning, and in various documents, the beginning of the world of meaning is some people called prophets. They came from the last era of reincarnation and passed through a final death. I taught what I knew and learned to the creatures at the beginning of this reincarnation era, the first generation rulers of the nine supreme universes, and the ancestors of the founders of the world of meaning.

According to various records...mainly, it is still guessing, because it is too old, and when the prophets fell, the beings in the nine supreme universes had not yet developed to the level of the universe, and they had not formed a unified force, so guesses were mostly... In short, the last time the final death was due to the collapse and disappearance of the laws, all the laws were gone, all the known and unknown, all the truth and nothingness, all turned into an infinitely small point, and then a long time passed. Over the years, at a certain moment, this point collapsed so much that it couldn't be smaller, so it exploded, the law was reborn, and a new world evolved.

Therefore, we have always believed that the ultimate death is the collapse of the law. Some laws gradually disappear, and there are fewer and fewer laws. In the end, only the most fundamental law is left, which is space. All worlds are left with the law of space, so everything is left. It will collapse, meaning that the world destroys many universes. It is also based on this idea. Whenever they want to destroy a universe, they often change the laws first. The most used method is to extract some laws first, causing imbalance and collapse. Not long ago The destruction of Hanhuang Universe is an example.

But this kind of thinking is just one of various guesses about the meaning of the world, and it is easier to understand.

In fact, in the cognition of the world of meaning, this is only the last scene that finally died out.

And the ultimate death is not necessarily the collapse of the law.

But no matter what kind of final death, it will definitely happen, and this time the final death is getting closer.

The world of meaning has a clock.

It's a countdown clock.

The world of meaning will modify the pointers on the clock every 13,000 years. The closer the pointer is to zero, it means that the ultimate death is getting closer. As for how to modify the pointer, it is not clear. The Emperor only said that the world of meaning There is a very complex algorithm. First of all, the clock itself is also running, but it is walking very slowly, very slowly, maybe hundreds of millions of years, before it goes one grid, and then every time the world of meaning destroys one, they think it might lead to final silence. When the world of extinction is eliminated, or some threats are eliminated, or the meaning of the world changes, this pointer will move back a bit.

This clock is an artifact of calculation in the world of meaning, the Silent Clock. "

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