Supreme God King

Chapter 3780: Before midnight

"Whenever a potentially threatening universe is destroyed, the Bell of Silence will go back one-thousandth.

Whenever the world of meaning is in peace and prosperity, the flow of the Silent Bell will slow down by 10%. The Silent Bell is perhaps the most powerful calculation artifact in the world of meaning. It is always paying attention to the various changes in the known world, and then beating according to the deduction. At the same time, the world of meaning will artificially intervene in the Silent Bell and adjust the static according to their imagination.

The state of Jizhong.

The speed of the silence bell is getting faster and faster.

Almost every tens of millions of years, it will be one-thousandth. Why this happens is unknown. The calculation method of the Silent Bell is too complicated. Almost no Taoist can insight into the direction of the Silent Bell, but there are several points that can be determined. First, as time goes by, all the world All in

Development, the stronger the sentient beings, the more powerful they have to destroy the known world, so the quiet bell will go faster and faster.

But this is not the main reason.

Most Taoists in the world of meaning believe that the clock of silence is moving faster and faster because they discover more and more worlds. The Silent Bell is an artifact of the world of meaning. It can only be deduced to the world known by the world of meaning. The Silent Bell first appeared, probably ten billion years ago, shortly after the establishment of the world of meaning. At that time, the world known by the world of meaning was very limited.

In addition to the nine supreme universes, there are very few subsidiary universes.

Later, more and more worlds were discovered, and the world of meaning also realized that their existence may be just the tip of the iceberg in the vast nothingness, or even a drop in the ocean. They also think that whenever they destroy a universe, they will adjust the clock of silence by one thousandth, which is too optimistic. How many universes there are in this vast nothingness is unknown. In the distant world, the meaning of the world is fundamental. Unreachable

It is unknown whether there is still a very powerful universe in this place. Destroying a universe that might give birth to a cosmic-level civilization is not enough to delay the arrival of the final extinction by one thousandth of the time. As a powerful artifact, the Silent Bell silently monitors the known world. Its arithmetic power, as early as many years ago, was beyond the scope of the Taoists’ understanding, so later, the Taoists gave up adjusting the silence. Zhong, they recognize

Calling back the Quiet Bell for them is to hide the ears and steal the bell. The Quiet Bell must always be correct without any subjective influence.

After the Taoists gave up their intervention in Silent Bell, about 100 million years later, the Immortal War broke out.

When everyone's attention is on the war, on the struggle for power, on the debate on immortality and meaning, almost no one has noticed the existence of the Silent Bell.

The silence bell was beating silently in a corner.

Until the end of the Immortal War.

The Taoists re-established order and rule.

Also found the Silent Bell.

They found that the beating speed of the Silent Bell was a thousand times faster than before the Immortal War. "

Ren Xifeng said here, a little too heavy, that he paused for a moment.

Meng Fan just listened quietly, without speaking from beginning to end.

But there are also huge waves in his heart.

Ren Xifeng continued: "That was also the first time the Emperor of Heaven saw the Quiet Bell. Many years ago, after the defeat of the Primordial Universe, the Emperor of Heaven was taken to the world of meaning and has been imprisoned. The world of meaning will execute the Emperor for a long time. , Intermittent discussions... In fact, this statement is not accurate, meaning

The world did not pay too much attention to the emperor. In the eyes of the world of meaning, the emperor was just an ordinary prisoner. The arguing about whether to execute the emperor was the Taoist who was responsible for managing and interrogating the emperor among the Faen and knowledge pillars. The Fan Pillar firmly believes that the rebels must be executed and the order eliminated. The Knowledge Pillar believes that the existence of the Emperor is rare and beautiful and should be retained. Finally, the knowledge Pillar's argument has been supported by most Taoists. They believe that the status of the primordial universe is compared. In particular, both the scale and the degree of development of civilization are much higher than those of other satellite universes, and they have a complete system of laws, which is extremely rare in many known universes. Based on this, the sky

The emperor should be retained, and from another point of view, even if it is to maintain stability, the emperor should be retained. The emperor is like the **** of the prehistoric universe, the belief in everyone's hearts. Holding the emperor is tantamount to holding the emperor and ordering the princes.

Therefore, the Emperor of Heaven has been imprisoned for many years, many years.

When the immortal war broke out, the Taoists of the immortal road began to experiment and refine the immortal crystals with various methods and wonderful ideas.

How many attempts they have made is unknown. There may be thousands or tens of thousands of them.

Among them, only a few are the most successful.

The Emperor of Heaven became part of the experiment.

They discovered that the immortal crystal is so similar to the monument made by the Supreme Law, and the Supreme Law is very rare in the known world.

They began to use the Emperor of Heaven to conduct experiments. At that time, we don’t know how much torture the Emperor has endured, or even guess, but for the Emperor, it was a very good era, because he finally got out of the prison and saw a lot of scenery in the world of significance.

, Including seeing it, Silent Bell.

The emperor, once chatted with Silent Bell.

Very short conversation.

It is said that since the birth of the Quiet Bell, it has never talked with anyone, because the Quiet Bell must remain absolutely objective and cannot be affected by any subjective thoughts, even if the impact is negligible.

This is just a legend, but the Emperor of Heaven did have a conversation with Jing Jizhong that lasted only four Sumi, and then the Emperor of Heaven knew everything. Before the immortal war broke out, according to the beating speed of the quiet bell, the final death was a long time later. Although the beating speed of the quiet bell was getting faster and faster, even if this increased rate was also added to the calculation, finally Off,

It will take a long time before it happens. After a long time, even those of us who have achieved ten realms, think that we live with the sky, the world will not die, our immortal peak creatures will age and die, and then our offspring will age and die again, until the world will forget us Until the meaning

The righteous world will disappear before it will happen.

But after the Immortal War, when the Emperor of Heaven saw the Silent Bell for the first time, he found that there was only 13 billion years left before the final dying.

That was 4.5 billion years ago.

The beating speed of the Silent Bell was still accelerating.

Every moment, it is speeding up.

In the past, all the efforts made by the world of meaning were to contain uncontrollable and unknowable factors, to maintain the silence within a controllable range, and to delay the occurrence of it.

But the immortal war led to many results.

One of the results is that all the efforts made by the world in the past have failed. Moreover, they have failed miserably. If they do not make any efforts, they will be better.

Too many Taoists have escaped from the world of meaning. Spread the powerful knowledge, martial arts, philosophy, and understanding of the law to nothingness. "

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