Supreme God King

Chapter 3789: Past and Present

Because it is too long, it is unknown what Luo Xiang and Cao Xun went through during that period of exchange, but the two finally drifted away from each other. It is understandable that the differences in their personalities are too great, and few of them can truly become Luo Xiang's friend.

However, Cao Xun once helped Luo Xiang once and wrote him a letter of recommendation, which allowed Luo Xiang to successfully enter a certain town defense agency and become a servant.

The name "Yi Cong" has many meanings, and the "Yi Cong" of the General Defense Department generally refers to the entourage of the chief and deputy chief, and some are like servants.

A letter from Cao Xun arranged such a job for Luo Xiang. Luo Xiang finally understood the energy of Cao Xun. Yi Housheng guessed that after that, Cao Xun and Luo Xiang were alienated. Cao Xun’s exchanges were quite ostentatious, arrogant, and even domineering, but this was natural and Cao Xun didn’t care about it. However, after Luo Xiang learned of Cao Xun’s identity, he might have reversed his attitude, which was in line with him. The consistent style may be too attentive to Cao Xun, but Cao Xun can't accept it.

In the town defense department, Luo Xiang worked harder and immediately changed his name back to Luo Xiang. There is a written record. Later, because the owner he worked for casually mentioned that the word Xiang is not a name in the world, even not nine. The name of the Great Supreme Universe, Luo Xiang changed his name again, but at this time, he was not called Luo Tianzheng, but changed his name from Luo Xiang to Wang Zhongyi.

That's right, Luo Xiang's master at the time was a deputy chief of the town defense department, from the very powerful Wang family at that time.

Later in the history, Luo Xiang began to really take off.

And the contacts and resources his father had accumulated for him before his death finally began to come in handy, and Luo Xiang finally understood that before his strength was enough, what kind of background contacts and what kind of personal relationships were meaningless.

What we can know is that Luo Xiang has never had any friends. This is true until today. Luo Xiang is too selfish and selfish. Sometimes, he shows too much affection for his children, quite emotional and fickle. It is unpredictable, and it is easy to disgust people, so Luo Xiang's reputation has always been bad. In many people's eyes, it is a shame to interact with him.

However, Luo Xiang did work hard, and his thoughts were careful, he did not hesitate, and after he had more resources, Luo Xiang rose quickly, and soon reached the Nine Tribulations, and officially became an apostle, and also with the Wang family Some juniors have close contacts and often call them brothers and sisters, although those juniors in Wang's family at the time regarded Luo Xiang as "a dog" in their hearts.

These are clearly recorded.

The juniors of Wang's family who had been in contact with Luo Xiang clearly expressed their contempt and ridicule towards Luo Xiang in the log.

In the journals of the juniors of Wang’s family, mentioning Luo Xiang’s partner, the woman surnamed Huang, said that this woman’s beauty and talent are not bad, and it was quite comfortable to enjoy it a few times, but in the end, it was just a vulgar fan. I soon lost interest.

Although many people later attacked Luo Xiang, they said that Luo Xiang acted unscrupulously, even using his own woman to make friends with his family, but Yi Housheng thought that this was not true. For Luo Xiang, a woman surnamed Huang was completely It's just forbidding. Although he often pretends to be very angry on the surface, he is very cautious about the woman surnamed Huang. Luo Xiang should not know what a woman surnamed Huang did. After all, the nature of a woman surnamed Huang is hard to change, and neither does Luo Xiang. Maybe watch it.

But the attitude of the woman surnamed Huang towards Luo Xiang has finally changed at this time. The time spent together is too long, and Luo Xiang has gone higher and higher. Does the woman surname Huang have any real feelings for Luo Xiang at this time? It’s hard to say, but whether it is a woman surnamed Huang that really has feelings for Luo Xiang, or a woman surnamed Huang thinks Luo Xiang is someone who can be relied on, in short, a woman surnamed Huang really began to make suggestions for Luo Xiang. In this period, Luo Xiang Many things that she does have the shadow of a woman surnamed Huang.

Therefore, Luo Xiang first became an apostle, and after tens of millions of years, he finally achieved ten calamities, because he did a lot of things and made a lot of merits. He was transferred from the town defense hall to the unified pillar and returned. Meaning the world.

During this period, he has been away from the world of meaning for tens of millions of years.

After returning to the pillar of unification, Luo Xiang’s life began to be ups and downs again. He found that his external thinking mode and habits are not applicable to the world of meaning. The world of meaning has existed for so many years and is the most important thing in the known world. Gao Feng, the most powerful Taoists gathered here. People like Luo Xiang are very disgusted and disgusted, so his life is not at ease.

But Luo Xiang did have huge desires, so he began to try his best to change his situation.

On the one hand, he secretly got married with a woman surnamed Huang and became husband and wife. Since then, the woman surnamed Huang has been living in his house, never showing up, and he began to erase his history in the manor intentionally or unintentionally. Constantly whitewashing women surnamed Huang.

During this period, what is certain is that he spent a few years, walked a lot of places, and personally killed several people who used to be housekeepers and brothers in the Zhen’s Manor with him, and these people were also A woman surnamed Huang who has double repaired.

And Luo Xiang started to be low-key and tolerant, trying his best to pretend to be fair, not humble or overbearing. This is not difficult for Luo Xiang, after all, he is a "thousand-faced Jiao".

After a few years, Luo Xiang finally stepped into the Ten Tribulations, ranked among the strongest in the world at that time, and finally gained the status of Taoist master and had his eldest son.

However, he has always been in a very low position in the world of meaning, because in the past, because of his temperament, he has always been rejected and despised, so he can only be attached to the Wang family, and he has always claimed to be loyal, even for a time, he still Implied to others that he was actually Wang's family and was not surnamed Luo. After returning to the world of meaning, he never went to worship his father, and he refused to admit that it was his father.

These have become the places where Luo Xiang is criticized. On the one hand, he tried his best to change the perception of him, but the others have always been full of contempt for him. At the same time, he wants to raise his origin, but the more In doing so, the more people think that he is a clown, ungrateful, and he wants to show his generosity, but in the eyes of other Taoists, he has always been a "thousand-faced girl".

This dilemma lasted for a long time.

It lasted until several of his sons had grown up and started doing things.

In this process, Luo Xiang has always tried his best to use various resources to communicate with various people with identities, including Cao Xun. He often declares that he and Cao Xun are real brothers, but he went to see Cao Xun several times. They were all declined, and later, when Cao Xun went to Hanhuang Universe as a supervisor, he completely lost contact with Cao Xun.

It has been many, many years.

Luo Xiang had a difficult life in the unified pillar, so he spent a lot of effort and was finally transferred to the Fa'en pillar.

In the several spy departments of the Fan Pillar responsible for spying, assassination, and shadow missions, Luo Xiang finally got in the water.

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