Supreme God King

Chapter 3790: Spider family

In the secret department of the Faen Pillar, Luo Xiang began to really emerge, being isolated, excluded, and no longer suffering. In the secret law enforcement department of the Faen Pillar, there is no such thing as trust and friend. Everyone is right. Held by others

Vigilant, but on the surface, they are all respectful. This kind of world really suits Luo Xiang.

Luo Xiang is also good at doing dirty and shameful things. The secret departments of the Fan Pillar are not even known by outsiders, and do not keep any files. Therefore, even Yi Houseng does not know much about this period of history. He only knows that Luo Xiang soon became one. The captain of the secret department gradually provoked the backbone to support a department alone, and began to interact and interact with many leaders of the Faen Pillar. His methods and temperament have won the praise of some leaders of the Faen Pillar, and more Is to call him "black

"Gloves", Luo Xiang will do whatever it is. Luo Xiang doesn't have the bottom line and principles. At that time, several leaders of the Fa'en Pillar gave Luo Xiang a very appropriate evaluation.

Multi-faceted, fickle, no bottom line, no principles, acting style is all in accordance with mood, unpredictable, very good at superficial benevolence, in order to gain the trust of others.

There was also a leader at the time who had a more concise and powerful evaluation of Luo Xiang-bastard, blind, hypocritical, self-righteous, and like a dog.

It can be seen that even the leader of the Faen pillar who liked to use Luo Xiang to do things at the time, from the bottom of his heart, despised Luo Xiang, but in any case, Luo Xiang was really easy to use.

These words are also very good descriptions.

Luo Xiang acts solely for success, or in other words, only for his own benefit, so of course he is a bastard. Blindness has been a common problem for Luo Xiang for many years. As early as when Luo Xiang was young, when his father passed away, he was like this. He was blindly confident in many things, and blindly self-righteous, so he was sometimes arrogant and sometimes lost, but also Because of this attitude, Luo Xiang has experienced so much ridicule, contempt, and ostracism, but he still has a place in the eight pillars, because no matter what kind of hardship he encounters, he will always believe blindly. he

Always get out of trouble. As for hypocrisy, it refers to Luo Xiang's style of life. It has been mentioned more than once that Luo Xiang interacts with people, not like a man at all, not even like a Taoist, not like a monk, when he interacts with people, on the one hand, he is quite selfish, and everything depends on his own interests and preferences. To make a decision, once others do not follow his ideas, he feels that someone else has a problem. This can be seen when he was the housekeeper of the manor, that he completely sold out his friends.

, But thought that his friend didn't stand up for him in the first time. At the same time, many Dao masters who have worked with Luo Xiang in the Pillar of Faen have mentioned that Luo Xiang likes to use his own ideas to restrain everyone. In the memoirs of a Dao master, it is clearly stated that he and Luo Xiang When Luo Xiang came and went, he felt that their relationship was not a colleague, not a superior or superior, but "love". This Taoist master was extremely panicked and terrified. Luo Xiang believed that everyone around him should love him and do it for him. Give, he hopes like a little woman

People unconditionally accommodate him and help him. Moreover, Luo Xiang is a very emotionally tangled person. At that time, Luo Xiang became a frightening assassin and spy in the Pillar of Faen, and his whereabouts were uncertain, looking cold and ruthless, but at the same time, he still named Huang. It’s hard to imagine a woman as her own support in the world of meaning. A woman surnamed Huang has no place in the world of meaning. In the eyes of other Taoists, women surnamed Huang are even vulgar fans. Not really, but Luo Xiang is love

He is willing to pay a lot for the woman surnamed Huang. At the same time, he has to face the past of the woman surnamed Huang, and try his best to conceal the past, to cleanse the woman surnamed Huang, although the Taoist beside him knows the origin of the woman surnamed Huang. , Just don't talk about it.

This is hypocritical.

Finally, why is he like a dog?

Because he bowed down to a heinous level in front of someone who was stronger and higher than himself. This is his style as always.

But in this evaluation, there is actually a message hidden.

There are many evidences that Luo Xiang did get along well with the dogs at that time. The dog crowd has always been raised by the Pillar of Faen, but in the eyes of the master of the Pillar of Faen, the dog crowd is the dog crowd. They are not accepted by the world of meaning, but they must be kept to do a lot of dirty things. In several secret departments, there are

A large number of members of the dog crowd. At that time, even if Luo Xiang was in the most sinister secret department of the Fa'en Pillar, there were a lot of problems with other Taoists. If he was just cold, no bottom line, no principles, it would be okay, the secret of the Faen Pillar Departments are like this

Dao Master, but his blind self-confidence and hypocrisy make other Dao Masters disgusted. It is helpless to work with him, but it is absolutely impossible to become friends.

So Luo Xiang can only work with the dogs. As a Taoist master, it is also very ridiculous to walk with the dog crowd, and the dog crowd can get the favor of a Taoist master, even if the Taoist master is also despised by other Taoists, these dog crowds also As if I met a friend, I am quite loyal to Luo Xiang


During this period, several of Luo Xiang's sons had grown up, and the eldest son had also stepped into the Pillar of Fa'en and became the righteous servant of a subsidiary cosmic inspector.

Then, Luo Xiang's fortune came.

The concept and theory of immortality was proposed for the first time. From the time when the concept and theory of immortality were put forward to the real outbreak of the immortal war, there were many years, tens of millions of years, and Luo Xiang also waited and watched for tens of millions of years until he understood that immortality would become the general trend. He did not hesitate to stand on the road to immortality, and immediately changed his surname back to Luo. In order to cover up many ridiculous and humiliating past, he no longer called Luo Xiang, but changed his name, Luo Tianzheng, also returning to the world of meaning After so long, the first time to go

Worshiping his father is regarded as recognizing the ancestor and returning to the clan. Although he has stood in immortality, Luo Tianzheng is indeed quite a stubborn person. Before the road of immortality completely gained the upper hand, he always maintained a biased attitude toward neutrality, and he had a common source between the road of immortality and the road of meaning.

Ambiguous, so at that time, the Road of Meaning regarded Luo Tianzheng as an enemy. In the Road of Immortality, many people despised Luo Tianzheng, and some people called him "the slave of the three surnames."

Luo Tianzheng is the epitome of a certain era in the world of meaning.

It can even be said to be the most "ridiculous" person in the history of the world of meaning. But this ridiculous person, at the right time, chose the right camp, and he has done too many things that can be flexed and stretched, stubborn, dirty, and humble. He has done too much when the immortal war has reached a fever pitch. , Because of various machines

By coincidence, because of various struggles between the Immortal Road and the Meaning Road, he was pushed to the position of the leader of the Faen Pillar at a certain moment. His sons also began to hold important positions in the Faen Pillar. Among them, There are eight-legged evil dragons.

The Luo family also rose immediately. And because of Luo Tianzheng's character, he was called the "Spider Family".

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