Supreme God King

Chapter 3917: New Chaos World

There will be a world in the place where heaven and demon world will meet in the future.

The area and volume of this world ranks in the forefront of the God King universe, smaller than the future Heavenly Court, Human Realm, and Dragon Realm, but larger than the Buddha Realm, Waste Realm, God Realm, and Demon God Mansion, and comparable to the Devil Realm.

Not only is the area huge, but its location is even more important. It belongs to the "core area" of the God King universe.

But this world is not an independent world, but a world supervised by the world conferences and controlled and responsible by the heavens in the future.

This world has no civilization of its own, no race of its own, and no way of its own pursuit. For a long time, the sense of existence in this world has been very low, and few people even think of this world.

There are kings from all over the world. In order to make effective use of this huge land, in the future, Heavenly Court will build hundreds of furnaces and various workshops here to build a city in the world. The method of renting has attracted businessmen and various craftsmen from the four mainstream forces of the Demon World, the Wild World, the Artisan Empire, and the Arcane Civilization.

Because of its superior location, the world still looks prosperous.

But if you look deeper, you will find that the world has a large population, but few strong ones. There are very few cities with a population of more than 500,000, and only a few of them exceed one million.

So in this world, most of the land is not actually used. It is overgrown with all kinds of trees. Looking at it, it is the jungle of ****, and then there are some lively towns in the jungle or lake.

This world is called "Chaos Realm".

As the former "center of the universe", after the Great Chaos left, few people stepped into this place. After the establishment of the World Conferences, the powerhouses of all walks of life, as well as the representatives of the members of the World Conferences, paid their attention to the distance. In the Kunzu world, there are still unopened fields, and no one notices here.

It was not until the end of the First Epoch that the World Congress passed a bill, and still referred to it as the Chaos Realm in the past, and sent a construction army to fill in the Wuhai that envelops the Chaos Realm, but how to deal with this The world, there are some ambiguities within the world conferences, and finally, this world is handed over to the future heavenly court.

In the future, Heavenly Court is also lacking in interest in the management of this place. Therefore, it will lease the land to foreign merchants. The area directly managed by Heavenly Court in the future will only occupy one-tenth of the chaotic world, and about half of the land is What is rented out is a free market that no one manages.

Zhiweiyi even considered turning the chaos world into a nursing home. In the second and third ages, many old people in the heavens will return to her house one after another. Zhiweiyi has also held the supreme power of God King Universe for more than 20 million years, knowing that he One day they will retreat, so at that time, the most important thing was to build some feng shui treasures in the chaos world, and then settle the veterans.

In other words, Manyun Mountain was almost established in the Chaos Realm.

And the scale will be thousands of times larger than Manyun Mountain today.

This incident sounds weird now. It actually used a huge world as a nursing home, but in the past, this incident was actually recognized by many people, because everyone knows that these elders in the heavens will be huge in the future. Wealth, their experience, knowledge, status, and influence are terrible. Wherever they live after they return to old age, they will become a sacred place of geomantic omen.

Moreover, Zhiweiyi also proposed at the time that the Chaos Realm is too large to be used in the future Heavenly Court. Leaders of other worlds can also live in the Chaos Realm after they have retired.

Wouldn't it be better?

If this plan really took shape at that time, then today's Chaos World is not in such a forgotten state, but should be a gathering of heroes, where various powerhouses and ancient legends chat and play chess. This place will become a place. In the "World of Ten Thousand Ways", various thoughts and avenues collide here. I don't know what kind of sparks will be sparked. Many people in the world conferences are very excited to think about it.

What's more, those ancient legends already have people full of descendants, and their descendants will also grow up here. As a result, the exchanges between many worlds and gods from all walks of life began from here and accelerated. The fusion of God King universe.

But in the end, this plan was abandoned.

There are many reasons. The most important reason comes from some veterans who have retired from Heaven in the future, such as Nangong Jingyu. These elders all hope to continue to live in the future heaven after retiring, and it is best to continue to live near Dragon City.

At that time, when the plan was not abandoned, some of the retired elders spontaneously moved their mansion in Longcheng outside the dragon city wall, but still close to the dragon city, and then some elders began to gather together intentionally or unintentionally. Friends for many years are more convenient to gather together, and then some mountains and rivers emerge from the ground, some rivers appear out of thin air, so Manyun Mountain is built up little by little.

Another important reason is the consideration of the world conferences.

The basic blueprint for the system, legal principles, morals, and all aspects of God King Universe comes from the future heaven.

The basic blueprint of the future heaven comes from humanity.

In fact, almost all world systems in the King Universe have evolved from the humane system, which leads to a phenomenon rarely seen in other universes in the King Universe.

Awe and worship for the elders, seniors, and ancestors.

There is definitely no such thing in the calculus universe. Infinite creatures, even their ancestors don't care about them, and don't even bother to know.

In the world of meaning, it is rarely seen that young Taoists have a sense of reverence for old Taoists, and only immediate family members have respect and etiquette. In general, the world of meaning is still respecting power and respecting status. .

Divine King Universe is completely different in this respect. In Divine King Universe, seniority and **** are highly regarded.

The reverence of the kings for their predecessors is as much reverence for their parents.

Once the leaders, elders, and powerhouses of all the worlds of the God King Universe live in one place after being retired, the result may be terrible. Some people even suggested that once this is done, then from now on, the power of the world assembly , It will be divided into the chaos realm, and it is even possible that the world conventions will exist in name only, and the supreme power of the **** king universe is in the chaos realm.

This is not alarmist. Imagine a group of veteran **** kings, veterans, and a group of people who once held the **** king universe, all living in the same world in seclusion. What will happen?

Liang Chen made some more important decisions, and he might go to the chaos world to see the best.

Young leaders in other worlds are likely to be like this.

In this case, it's messed up.

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