Supreme God King

Chapter 3918: Past and present

A mountain cannot tolerate two tigers, and the world does not hold two kings. God King Universe has always been taboo against the supreme power of duality. Once this happens, many problems will arise.

Everyone knows that God King Universe has two centers, one is the world conventions, and the other is the future heaven, but these two centers do not conflict. The future heaven will control the source of the torrent of souls, the heavens, and the heavens. With the currency system and controlling the air machine, that's about it.

The world congresses control power.

In fact, this strikes a good balance.

And there is no contradiction or conflict between each other.

But if there are two power centers, who will listen to whom, who is the highest, who is the biggest, and who has the right to speak?

This is why the One One plan was finally abandoned.

It is said that when Zhiweiyi proposed this plan at the world conferences, it was approved by quite a few people.

But at the same time, it was opposed by many people.

For so many years in charge of God King Universe, his proposal has been rejected and opposed to a very limited number. Almost any plan he proposed will be passed unanimously. This is also why he can become the emperor of the earth and can accumulate such amazing prestige. s reason.

But that time, there were indeed people who opposed it, but it was not against it on the face, but after the meeting, I found the most important thing in private.

Finally, it was the ancestor of Mingyi, Nangong Jingyu, and the ancient emperor who was still alive when they went to chat with Zhiweiyi and raised this issue.

They believe that the eternal and continuous development and rise of God King Universe mainly rely on the injection of fresh blood from generation to generation.

Just like people like Meng Fan, Gu Huang, and Nangong Jingyu many years ago, they were the fresh blood at that time and completely changed the world.

Therefore, most of the older generations of **** kings think that since they have been retired, they should give all their power to the young people, and at most come out to correct them when they find deviations.

The ancient emperor even smiled and told Zhi Weiyi that only these old guys like them can leave room for young people when they die. Otherwise, after many years, God King Universe may not even have a place for young people to stand. .

Although it was a joke, many years later, when the ancient emperor died, he remembered this sentence.

As the father-in-law of the Supreme One, the ancient emperor has always been admired by the Supreme One. In particular, the friendship between the ancient emperor and Meng Fan is extraordinary.

In short, the Chaos Realm lost the opportunity to become the core of the God King universe.

Therefore, it has the appearance of the chaos world today.

It is a huge area and volume, ranks in the forefront of the world, and there are many creatures, but there are very few real strong people, and in many respects, the world is very slow in development.

Meng Fan came to this world.

He walked quietly through the jungle, through the mountains, through the river, through the lake, and then came to the front of a museum.

In this museum, there are almost no guests. There are only three young kings chatting with each other at the door. They are the managers of this museum. One man and two women are very handsome. Wang Yuzhou, they are not counted in this realm, but in the chaos realm, near here, they can be regarded as strong.

The three administrators talked and laughed, and they could see that the man was the **** of humanity, one was the fox demon, and the other was the bird demon.

Meng Fan saw the bird demon woman. In his eyes, the meridians and blood vessels of the woman's whole body were very clear. It was easy to see that the woman was the **** king of the demon palace.

Demon Dao is very low-key in today’s God King universe. After entering the peaceful period, Demon God’s Mansion began to concentrate on the road and established many non-governmental demon clan institutions. However, in the World Congress and many other places, demon The influence of the clan is already very small. They only stationed two resident members in the world conferences. They stationed envoys in the future heaven, the wilderness, the craftsman empire, the arcane civilization, and the infinite realm, and they are not active.

The monster race, just like many years ago, has always been casual and free. They are not keen on power, nor are they keen on fame and fortune. After the war era, they retreated behind the scenes.

When Meng Fan came back this time, it was a pity that he did not see Demon Ji Siyu. I heard that after Meng Fan left, Demon Ji Siyu has been the leader of the Demon God’s Mansion for many years, and then retired. What’s interesting is that After the demon girl Siyu returned to hermit, she did not live in the Demon God's Mansion but moved to Manyun Mountain and died in the Eighth Age.

The relationship between these old allies of the future heaven and the future heaven is indeed very good, and even some do not distinguish each other. This is also true at the stage of the First Reign, and there are some enhancements. No matter what plan the Supreme One makes, sure The first consideration is the interests of the heavenly court in the future, but most of the time, these iron plate allies are also considered as part of the heavenly court in the future and considered together.

The craftsman empire was restored with the help of the future heaven. During the war with the Kun nationality, Meng Fan personally took action. Many people in the future heaven were killed in battle and forged a deep friendship with the craftsman empire during the war. , This relationship, needless to say.

From the beginning of its establishment to the final battle, Desolate Realm has been the most loyal friend of Heavenly Court in the future. The two worlds have fought side by side for countless times, and the nominal leader of Desolate Realm is also a member of Heavenly Court in the future-Zhan Tian giant.

Among the creators of the Demon God Mansion, a considerable part also went out from the future heaven, and later, as the future heaven seeks the world, the establishment of the world conventions, these members who went out from the future heaven also gained huge Influence, so gradually stood on the commanding heights of the power of the Demon God Mansion, and for a long time, it was also fighting side by side with the future heaven.

Meng Fan couldn't help but think of some things back then, smiled, and then walked to this huge museum.

This museum is really too big.

The buildings that can be seen in the Chaos Realm are often very small in scale, but this museum occupies dozens of miles. From a distance, the weather is majestic, the top of the pavilion is straight into the sky, and it is antique and full of historical vicissitudes. It makes people wonder what has gone through this museum.

In fact, this museum is the most important cultural relic.

It was the residence of Emperor Chaos on one of the three days of creation many years ago.

Meng Fan came to the three **** kings and bought a ticket with some merits. The three young **** kings greeted Meng Fan very politely, but did not recognize who Meng Fan was. Only the demon king of the demon **** mansion looked a little serious. With a few glances, Meng Fan seemed to recognize Meng Fan's identity, but he couldn't believe it, so he stopped talking several times.

Meng Fan stepped into the museum.

I immediately saw a long picture.

This picture scroll is painted on both sides of the wall of the corridor, recording the chaos world from scratch, how the chaotic great emperor built up this world little by little, until chaos great departs.

It can be seen that in the early days of the Dao era, Chaos World was still a barren land. The Great Chaos did not intend to build an empire or a world. He had no desire for power and status. In this regard, he was the same as Meng Fan, Chaos The Great Emperor created the Chaos Realm only to avoid the heavens, so the Chaos Realm was completely barren for a long time.

It is not until the heavens begin to take over here in the future, fill up the no sea, and then drive away some of the dark creatures who have lived here for many years, and clear away a large amount of chaotic air, that a forest of trees will begin to grow here.

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