Supreme God King

Chapter 3928: In a high position

Eight kings universe.

New Town Defense Department.

A long ancient fire ignited, and Meng Fan and Zhiwei appeared.

After landing, Yi Housheng only glanced at them and said: "One day in the future, you will meet with me in the world of meaning."

After speaking, he left.

Inside the town defense hall.

The apostles were busy. After seeing Meng Fan, they were stunned for a moment. Then the apostles looked at each other, and one of them said, "My lord."

With that, he handed over a document to Meng Fan.

Meng Fan took over the document and started.

The above is the letter of appointment.

Appointment certificate authorized by the unified pillar and signed by Hei Yuankui.

Meng Fan will now serve as an apostle for the Eight Kings Universe Defense Department. He is the deputy commander.

In the Eight Kings Universe Defense Department, before, there were three deputy chiefs, all apostles. One of them was Hei Yuankui’s confidant, and the other two, one was the native **** king of the Eight Kings universe, and the other was a foreign **** king. .

According to the order, Meng Fan learned that the native **** king of the Eight Kings Universe has been sent to the Wisdom Universe, with the Eye of Thunder, many puppets, and a lot of technology. He will serve as an official in the Wisdom Universe for a long time. Meng Fan Is to fill his vacancy.

The deputy commander of a town defense department or the deputy commander of a majestic hall is the highest position that can be achieved for people outside the world of significance.

Although it has been extremely difficult to become a Taoist since the Immortal War, there are still many foreign masters who have become Taoists. The general route of promotion is to work for a certain Taoist first, and then obtain this name. The recommendation of the Taoist master, thus obtaining the identity of an apostle.

In fact, it is not difficult to become an apostle.

Because every Taoist has the qualifications to recruit apostles, and there is no upper limit, just like Hei Yuankui, when facing a crisis, a large number of apostles were recruited from the Eight Kings Universe, making the number of apostles of the Eight Kings Universe Defense Hall short. It doubled several times in a month.

But there are also differences between apostles and apostles.

Most of the apostles have only one title, and their status and status are also very unstable and may be deprived at any time.

A true apostle must be recommended to the world of meaning by a Taoist master personally writing a letter and filing a record on any one of the eight pillars, then this apostle will become a direct member of this pillar, for the world of meaning At the same time of effectiveness, it is mainly for this pillar. This kind of apostle has a very high status. Unless there are special circumstances or mistakes, he will be expelled from his pillar.

After becoming a true apostle, he began to do all kinds of work for the world of meaning, instead of working for a certain Taoist master. The tasks assigned to him are varied and sometimes very difficult.

Generally speaking, the ratio of apostles who can become Taoists is two hundred to one.

In other words, only one of the two hundred true apostles registered on a certain pillar can become a Taoist master.

The ratio of ordinary apostles to a certain pillar and becoming a true apostle is also very small, usually thirty to one.

The ratio of thirty to one is actually not very accurate. It is just a relatively general calculation. At least in recent years, this ratio has become even lower. Because of the Luotian Uprising and Heishui Alien, all places are expanding the recruitment of apostles, but they The possibility of becoming a true apostle is very small.

After becoming a true apostle, he also entered into the bureaucratic system of the world of meaning, where he could hold some positions and also had the power to enter and leave the world of meaning. For example, the housekeepers, servants, and guards of the twelve major families were basically controlled by this Of course, some of the apostles are members of the minor Taoist families.

In addition, among the eight pillars, the leader must be the twelve big families, and then many small families occupy a part of the middle places, and the lowest places belong to the official apostles.

The official apostle can achieve the highest and recognized best position is the deputy chief of each town defense hall and each majestic hall. First of all, this position is very high, because the leaders of each town defense hall and majestic hall are equivalent to princes along the way. It must be assumed by a high-ranking Taoist master, who can directly become his deputy, and of course his status is very high.

In addition, this position does not need to be accountable to the eight pillars, but only to the chief or the commander-in-chief, eliminating many troubles and disputes.

Finally, serving as a vice-chief in any universe has huge room for promotion and promotion possibilities, because serving as an official in the world of meaning often has no way out. The internal system of the world of meaning has long been formed, and the change of power is stable and regular. The apostle does not Way out.

Outside, it's completely different.

Among the many defense halls of the affiliated universe, if they were to be sorted, the Eight Kings Universe Defense Department was of course more important than most of the defense halls, because the Eight Kings Universe itself was too important.

It can be said that Meng Fan got a pretty good position.

But he also deserves this position.

The three deputy chiefs of the Eight Kings Universe Defense Department were of equal rank, but the other two deputy chiefs were both the Ten Tribulations God King, while Meng Fan was immortal.

Moreover, when a wave of atrocities flooded into the Eight Kings Universe, everything Meng Fan did in it was not clear from the outside, but the people in the Eight Kings Universe knew well.

Regardless of whether it is in terms of strength or contribution, Meng Fan deserves this position.

Several apostles immediately forwarded some documents to Meng Fan.

After checking, Meng Fan knew that Hei Yuankui had gone to the Wisdom Universe, and at the same time, the other two deputy chiefs also followed Hei Yuankui to the Wisdom Universe.

In other words, Meng Fan is now the Supreme Leader of the Eight Kings Universe!

Hei Yuankui really showed enough trust in Meng Fan.

But Meng Fan also knew that Yi Houseng was behind these things.

Yi Housheng hopes that Meng Fan will become Taoist.

The Hei Family can be said to be "loyal" to Yi Housheng.

Then, Hei Yuankui, who understands Meng Fan's methods and strength, is also willing to give this opportunity to Meng Fan.

As the supreme leader of the Eight Kings Universe, Meng Fan possesses amazing power.

He signed the first order.

Give the Oneness, the identity of an apostle.

Immediately after that, he spent four hours to read many accumulated documents, but after all, he knew nothing about the operation of the world of meaning and many unspoken rules, so he did not pretend to sign those documents. , But let a few apostles deal with it on his behalf, he decided to learn first.

Then he went to inspect the refining of Thunder Eye and the secondary puppets, and then arrived at the Great Reef. He saw He Huaijiao, Pei Chenglun and others. During the time he left, Weiyang Palace was almost completely repaired, but Yin Gu left. The traces are still there, and the damage at that time was quite serious.

Meng Fan let Zhiwei stay in Weiyang Palace, on the one hand, continued to repair Weiyang Palace, on the other hand, joined hands with Daoshu Jufan to manage the Big Kahuna Council, and then returned to the Town Defense Hall alone.

late at night.

Standing on the top floor of the town defense hall, Meng Fan looked at several new town defense hall halls being built in the distance.

in silence.

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