Supreme God King

Chapter 3929: Team

Hei Yuankui's departure may take a long time.

This also means that Meng Fan will lead the Eight Kings Universe for a long time.

Meng Fan didn't do much action, nothing more than "Xiao Gui Cao following", Hei Yuankui once left the plan, he continued to implement.

In addition to giving the most the identity of an apostle, Meng Fandu entrusted the apostles to handle other matters.

But soon, some problems appeared.

In order to support the Wisdom Universe, the Eight Kings Universe has sent reinforcements several times. Today, there are only six apostles left in the Eight Kings Universe, and many things are beyond their capabilities.

So on the seventh day after Meng Fan returned to the Eight Kings Universe, an apostle gave Meng Fan a letter left by Hei Yuankui.

The letter said that Meng Fan has obtained the status of an apostle, and his initial household registration is in the Eight Kings Universe, then the Eight Kings Universe is the hometown of Meng Fan, and he should do his best to protect his hometown.

Hei Yuankui gave Meng Fan a lot of power, including recruiting apostles.

As for the quota, Hei Yuankui has no restrictions.

The meaning is clear.

Hei Yuankui supported Meng Fan to start building his own team.

The content of the letter is a lot, and a lot of it is said, but what is said and what is said is all telling Meng Fan that if he wants to build his own team in the world of meaning, he will step into the world of meaning in the future, and he will definitely become Tao Lord, how to become a Taoist and how to step into the world of meaning depends on Meng Fan's own meaning, but if you want to gain a foothold in the world of meaning, you must have your own team.

Hei Yuankui said that the Great Reef Council is Meng Fan’s foundation in the world of meaning, but this foundation is actually very thin, because no matter how well the Great Reef Council develops and how powerful it is, in the eyes of the world of meaning, there is a dust. no difference.

Moreover, Hei Yuankui had already known that there were many people from Meng Fan in the Great Reef Council.

Meng Fan briefly thought about it and began to choose the apostle.

But he didn't start to give himself the identity of an apostle as Hei Yuankui thought.

In addition to giving him the status of an apostle, Xie Liang, Xiangliang, Pei Chenglun, He Huaijiao, Daoshu Jufan, Zhao Wuye of Weiyang Palace and some administrative bureaucrats are all his cronies, but he is an apostle. No identity is given.

He doesn't want to put eggs in a basket.

Moreover, in Meng Fan's opinion, the world of meaning is very dangerous, and he does not want so many people to become apostles and participate in the storm of the world of meaning.

But he still hasn't built a team by himself.

He met Yan Mixu, Xuan Dewu, and King Jinding. After questioning, both Yan Mixu and Xuan Dewu refused to be an apostle. They already knew who Meng Fan was and had many considerations in their hearts. Acting rashly, even these years, they have begun to leave the Great Reef Council intentionally or unintentionally, and they want to distance themselves from Meng Fan.

This is understandable.

King Jinding felt very happy.

Became an apostle and walked out of the big reef to join the town defense hall.

Subsequently, Meng Fan visited the Eight Kingdoms of Gods. As the nominal supreme commander of the current Eight Kings universe, the Eight Kingdoms of Gods have a very friendly and polite attitude towards Meng Fan, especially the Diamond Kingdom, who has had friendship with Meng Fan for many years. However, the attitude of these kingdoms towards Meng Fan was a little too polite, and also seemed a little wary.

Meng Fan's identity is no longer a secret.

Yin Gu made a big trouble, and made the Hei family and Yin family unhappy, and caused a small wave in the world of meaning. The Eight Kings Universe where the incident occurred is well known.

The Diamond Order had a long conversation with Meng Fan, but the emperor of the Diamond Kingdom did not show up.

The Diamond Order expressed that he was willing to do his best to assist the Defense Department, and the Heishui alien race was also everyone's enemy.

However, the Diamond Kingdom also stated that the Diamond Kingdom has no way to provide apostle candidates for the Defense Department, because now the Diamond Kingdom has invested all its power to refine the secondary puppets and the Eye of Thunder.

What the Diamond Kingdom can do is to provide more resources to the town defense department, and at the same time, provide a large amount of labor, that is, the **** king under the five calamities.

The Diamond God System stated that the Diamond God Kingdom can provide the Zhenfang Department with 8,000 gods under the five calamities at one time.

Meng Fan expressed his thanks and left immediately.

These things provided by the Diamond Kingdom were not what Meng Fan needed now.

What the Town Defense Department needs most now is a powerful **** king, a **** king of ten calamities, nine calamities, and eight calamities.

It is a **** king who is qualified to be an apostle.

Meng Fan visited all the kingdoms of God one after another, but as a result, no apostle was recruited.

The Eight Great Kingdoms are very vigilant towards Meng Fan.

Now Meng Fan is famous and famous, but the word "different" still hovering over his head.

Meng Fan finally understood why Hei Yuankui said that he must have his own team.

Hei Yuankui knew better than Meng Fan how difficult it is for an outsider to gain a foothold in the world of meaning.

After all, it has been billions of years since the world of meaning rejects aliens and destroyed the void universe. Many concepts are deeply ingrained and cannot easily be changed.

After thinking about it in the town defense hall, Meng Fan finally understood.

It is difficult for him to keep a low profile and move forward step by step.

Hei Yuankui also knew it was difficult.

Therefore, he must be bold and resolute, and use his methods.

So Meng Fan made a move!

When Hei Yuankui left, the Eight Kings Universe was still on first-class alert.

Since resisting the tide of the Heishui alien race, the Eight Kings Universe has been on the fifth level of alert for about a year, and then began to gradually lift the alert, but as long as the Heishui alien race is still a day, the Eight Kings universe will always be on alert. status.

Meng Fan immediately announced that the Eight Kings Universe had returned to the third-class alert state, and that all kings entering and leaving the Eight Kings Universe must be registered. Any communications must be reviewed by the Town Defense Department. If the review fails, the communications will be destroyed immediately.

The news was sent, and a few days later, the news spread to every corner of the Eight Kingdoms of God and the Great Reef.

Immediately, Meng Fan announced that he would adjust the price of red gold for the immortal crystal and began to review the qualifications of chambers of commerce in various places!

The third-class alert, although many powerful people in the Eight Kings universe were taken aback, they didn't feel anything strange or wrong.

After all, the Heishui Alien Crisis is already well known, and the talk has changed.

But Meng Fan wanted to start with the exchange of immortal crystallization, this incident caused a strong shock in the Eight Kings Universe!

There is only one reason why the Eight Kings Universe is so powerful and so important.

What a long history, what a vast land and resources, are all nonsense.

The real reason is that the Eight Kings Universe has the qualification to exchange immortal crystals.

The news spread, and everyone was panicked. Everyone knew that Meng Fan really had to do something.

Holding the lifeblood of the Eight Kings Universe, Meng Fan is ready to build a team for himself.

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