Supreme God King

Chapter 3932: means

Hei Yuankui gave Meng Fan tremendous powers, including controlling one hundred thousand fifth-class immortal crystals and five hundred fourth-class immortal crystals.

When an apostle gave the two bags to Meng Fan, Meng Fan found that only a few people could open the seal on the bag, and he was one of them.

The one hundred thousand fifth-class immortal crystals and five hundred fourth-class immortal crystals are in the bag.

It was the first time that Meng Fan really came into contact with the fourth-class immortal crystal.

When he held a crystal in his hand, he immediately felt a very strong shock, which was the resonance of the crystal with all the particles in Meng Fan's body, buzzing.

Immediately, he immediately took out eight hundred fifth-class immortal crystals and handed them to Weiyang Palace, Zhiwei.

Hei Yuankui gave Meng Fan the power to control one hundred thousand immortal crystals, but this does not mean that Meng Fan can squander it at will. Now he is a member of the world of meaning and has an identity. He must be careful in doing things. This is even more so when the Hei Family is strong.

So he only took out eight hundred fifth-class immortal crystals, but this number is also very scary. In previous years, the entire Eight Kings universe had to divide 2,000 fifth-class immortal crystals equally, and 800 were enough to directly buy one. Big ticket ten tribulation **** king.

But these eight hundred immortal crystals did not become Meng Fan’s personal control, at least they had to be exchanged for the equivalent of pure gold, so after Meng Fan sent the eight hundred fifth-class immortal crystals to Weiyang Palace, he immediately gave it. The eligibility of Weiyang Palace to exchange immortal crystals.

As a result, Weiyang Palace became the first force to have the qualification to exchange Immortal Crystals after the review. This was a blatant use of power for personal gain. Everyone knew about the relationship between Meng Fan and Weiyang Palace, but no one could say anything.

After the 800 immortal crystals arrived in Weiyang Palace, from Zhiweiyi's personal control to Weiyang Palace’s red gold, all of them were taken out, which can be exchanged for two hundred immortal crystals, and the remaining 600 crystals. Once you decide to sell inside the Big Kahuna Council, you can not only earn a price difference, but also take this opportunity to further consolidate the power of Weiyang Palace.

As for the five hundred fourth-class immortal crystals, the meaning is very clear.

The world of meaning does not allow the circulation of immortal crystals other than the fifth-class in the satellite universe, so the fourth-class immortal crystals cannot be exchanged and cannot be priced.

Moreover, these immortal crystals were not on the accounts of the Town Defense Department, and belonged to private subsidies to Hei Yuankui.

In other words, these immortal crystals were given to Meng Fan by Hei Yuankui!

The shot was too generous, and it was just five hundred.

Without hesitation, Meng Fan directly refined one.

It took five hours for Meng Fan to refine the first one.

The fourth-class immortal crystals are essentially the same as the fifth-class, except that they are larger, fuller, heavier, and more compactly structured. Therefore, Meng Fan twists time. From the outside, he spent five hours practicing. In fact, he has refined it for five hundred years in twisted time.

After refining, Meng Fan immediately felt that his heart became stronger than before.

This immortal crystal was refined by Meng Fan in the heart.

But this effect is not much different from that when Meng Fan first refined the fifth-class immortal crystals. In other words, Meng Fan had to refine a considerable number of fourth-class immortal crystals before it could touch the small ones. The threshold of the second ladder of immortality, but the price of the fourth-class immortal crystal is too expensive and the quantity is too scarce.

Meng Fan pondered for a long time, put away the immortal crystals, and began to deal with various affairs of the Town Defense Department.

These days when he was behind closed doors, the Eight Great Kingdoms sent a large number of envoys to the defense hall, and many foreign kings came to the defense hall without asking.

Everyone wants to qualify for a new round.

But Meng Fan's attitude is very clear.

The Town Defense Department is now short of manpower and needs an apostle.

Meng Fan did not categorize the two events into one, but everyone understood the relationship between them. Meng Fan required all forces to express their views to him. In other words, Meng Fan wanted to establish a foothold in the Eight Kings Universe.

Soon, the Kingdom of Diamonds was eligible to exchange for immortal crystals.

Immediately, everyone knew that the eldest son of the Diamond Emperor, the prince of the Kingdom of God, and the God King of Nine Tribulations, joined the town defense hall and became an apostle.

In addition, the Diamond Kingdom also provided five thousand **** kings as labor for the town defense department, all of whom were **** kings under the five calamities.

Other kingdoms of God will understand.

Immediately, there were two foreign kings, the overlord of the Ten Tribulations, requesting to enter the town defense hall and become apostles. After a simple review, the town defense hall gave them qualifications. At the same time, the two chambers of commerce under their name, Also has the qualification to exchange for immortal crystals.

By this time, everyone understood the cleverness of King Jinding.

King Jinding has been in the Eight Kings Universe for many years. He has reached the extreme. He realized early that Meng Fan’s current status is special and he is the nominal manager of the Eight Kings Universe. As long as Meng Fan wants to, he can easily take everything People play between the palms.

Others don't know Meng Fan too much, but King Jinding knows very well. As one of the five giants, King Jinding has fought against Meng Fan and had many contacts.

King Jinding quickly gained a share, and he was able to exchange at least three hundred fifth-class immortal crystals in his personal name. This benefit was too great.

Other kingdoms of God hurriedly selected masters to join the Defense Department, so in the next two days, the eight kingdoms of the gods all obtained the qualifications to exchange immortal crystals. In addition, some foreign kings also obtained qualifications. , Within a few days, thirteen apostles were summoned, of which five were kings of the ten calamities.

But soon everyone discovered that the price of immortal crystals did not fall.

Meng Fan adopted a share system. In the past, as long as there was enough pure gold, there was no limit on the exchange of immortal crystals. However, Meng Fan changed this rule and set a share for all chambers of commerce. Among them, the Diamond Kingdom is the highest, which can be exchanged every year. Four hundred fifth-class immortal crystals, other gods, without exception, are three hundred.

Some foreign kings can exchange up to two hundred.

And Meng Fan also stipulated that the next qualification review will be in five years.

This is also a huge change.

Normally, the eligibility review of the immortal crystals is exchanged for more than 10,000 years, sometimes even tens of thousands of years, one hundred thousand years. This is because it takes a long time for the Ten Tribulations God King to refine enough pure gold to exchange the immortal crystals, so The interval between qualification reviews is correspondingly long, which will also help stabilize the price of immortal crystals.

However, Meng Fan stipulated that the review should be re-examined after five years. As a result, there must be another price fluctuation after five years, and many chambers of commerce simply cannot produce a sufficient amount of pure gold to exchange for immortal crystals within five years. They were forced to exchange the red gold they had accumulated over the years.

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