Supreme God King

Chapter 3933: Second step

Moreover, the qualifications given by Meng Fan are much less than in previous years.

Usually, the qualifications to exchange for immortal crystals are competed by chambers of commerce in various regions. There are a large number of chambers of commerce. In order to be able to exchange enough red gold in the past years, the Town Defense Department will try to issue qualifications as much as possible. At most, the Eight Kings Universe has thousands of All chambers of commerce have the qualification to redeem the immortal crystals, and most of the chambers of commerce have not even exchanged the immortal crystals before the qualification expires.

However, because there are many qualified chambers of commerce and fierce competition between each other, the price of immortal crystals has not been too high. After all, there are always chambers of commerce that lower prices in order to attract people to trade with them.

But this time, Meng Fan only gave fifteen qualifications, and all of them limited shares.

The eight great kingdoms of the gods and the big dark reef each got one. In addition, King Jinding, and five foreign kings of ten calamities, each got one.

In the past, the exchange of immortal crystals was a matter for the Chamber of Commerce. The Eight Kingdoms of Gods were not qualified to exchange the Immortal Crystals in name. Only the chambers of commerce under their rule could do so, but the Eight Kingdoms of God had great power, and the chambers of commerce they ruled were actually managed by them. .

But this time, it was obvious that the Town Defense Department had changed its previous rules, and the qualification for exchange was directly issued to the Eight Kingdoms of God and the Great Reef Council.

In the past, only the Chamber of Commerce was granted qualifications. There were several considerations. The biggest consideration was to stabilize the price of Chijin. The more merchants, the more stable the price of Chijin, and the monopoly of several kingdoms should not be allowed.

Therefore, after Meng Fan successively changed the rules for exchanging immortal crystals, the price of immortal crystals remained high, basically maintaining the level of one hundred million taels of red gold to 120 million taels for one.

It doesn't take too long. After three or four years, the price of Chijin will continue to rise, because at that time, the qualification will be reviewed again.

Under this circumstance, everyone can only act with Meng Fan's wink. The price of immortal crystals has been raised so high. Meng Fan, who holds the immortal crystals, has truly become the supreme power of the Eight Kings universe.

But at the same time, Weiyang Palace has become the biggest beneficiary of this storm.

When everyone was unable to obtain the Immortal Crystals, Weiyang Palace first received 800 crystals, and the payment can be done in the future, and Weiyang Palace does not have a clear share, in other words they can be exchanged infinitely, so in Weiyang Palace, the immortal crystals are actually The price is very low.

However, Weiyang Palace received Meng Fan's instruction and raised the price to one hundred million two pieces.

In this way, Weiyang Palace can make enough for the intermediate price difference.

Basically, by selling four of them, Weiyang Palace can earn one for nothing, and all the immortal crystals earned for nothing have only one purpose.

Give the most one, and Daoju Jufan refining.

After just half a month, Meng Fan expanded the town defense hall through the exchange of immortal crystals, strengthened his rule, and firmly held a lot of power in his hands.

Immediately, a large amount of resources were transported to the Eight Kings Universe, and under the supervision of Meng Fan, batches of sub-puppets, as well as the Eye of Thunder, began to be manufactured.

Another month later, Daoshu Jufan, with the help of Xiangliang, Xie Liang and others, came up with a new algorithm and began to upgrade the Eye of Thunder.

One month later, the first batch of sub-puppets installed with the new Eye of Thunder were created, a total of three hundred. Compared with the original Eye of Thunder, the only difference between the new Eye of Thunder is that it has more algorithms. Change, it is easier to find hidden lurkers.

These three hundred secondary puppets were dropped into every corner of the Eight Kings universe and began to experiment. At the same time, Meng Fan also began to try to create some stronger puppets. These more powerful puppets were based on the puppets of the town defense hall back then, but A new Eye of Thunder was installed, and some magic weapons similar to Taoism were also installed to form its hands and feet. This part is in charge of Xiang Liang.

When a new generation of puppets of the town defense hall were created, Meng Fancai finally announced that the Eight Kings Universe had returned to the first-level alert state, and the control was slightly relaxed.

Immediately, Meng Fan received the messenger group from the Wisdom Universe, and personally taught them the algorithm of the Thunder Eye, as well as the experience of fighting against the tide of atrocities. After two months of study, the messenger group took three hundred times. Level puppets, and five new town defense hall puppets left.

After these few months, Meng Fan had already controlled the Eight Kings Universe to death, so he issued another batch of qualifications for the exchange of immortal crystals. This second batch of qualifications, with the same limit, can be exchanged for up to fifty. However, a lot of places were issued, and more than forty businesses were eligible.

The price of immortal crystals has also fallen somewhat.

Afterwards, as the Town Defense Department gradually enriched, Meng Fan’s power became more and more consolidated, the Town Defense Department issued more and more qualifications, and the price of Immortal Crystals became lower and lower, eventually stabilizing at 95 million. Two one.

As for all the affairs of the Eight Kings Universe, all aspects were also very stable, so Meng Fan began to hand over the power of the Defense Department to some apostles.

He began to concentrate on refining immortal crystals.

On average every day, Meng Fan refines two fourth-class immortal crystals.

He kept day and night, and seven months later, five hundred fourth-class immortal crystals were all refined by him.

At the same time, in Weiyang Palace, Zhiweiyi has also refined more than fifty fifth-class immortal crystals according to the method given by Meng Fan.

Zhiweiyi has already caught a little bit of the mystery of immortality.

Immortality, in fact, to put it plainly, there is no particularly big secret. Immortality is a realm, but it is different from the realm of the **** king. To be precise, immortality is just a heightened physical body.

So Zhiweiyi quickly understood something of immortality, and after refining fifty immortal crystals, Zhiweiyi's body became much stronger than before.

At this time, Daoshu Jufan has also refined some immortal crystals, but his comprehension ability and refining ability are inferior to each other. In addition, he has to manage Weiyang Palace and the Big Reef, so Daoshu Jufan Only seven immortal crystals were refined.

But this is enough.

After Meng Fan completely refined five hundred fourth-class immortal crystals, his entire physical body was much stronger than before, and the spirit also had a feeling of wandering. The strength of the physical body made the spirit more consolidated.

Then, another kit left by Hei Yuankui to Meng Fan was sent to Meng Fan by an apostle.

In the tips, Hei Yuankui's discussion and understanding of immortality.

Meng Fan began to study these words carefully.

A month later, a new batch of supplies arrived.

Three thousand fifth-class immortal crystals, and one hundred and fifty fourth-class immortal crystals.

Hei Yuankui also sent back news, letting Meng Fan control these resources at will.

As a result, Meng Fan did not stop, and continued to refine the fourth-class immortal crystal.

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