Supreme God King

Chapter 3934: Battle

Twelve years have passed.

Wisdom universe.

A certain mountain range.

Thousands of secondary puppets took the lead and swept across the valley like a tide. On both sides of the mountain range, tens of thousands of heavily armed **** kings echoed the puppets in the valley and launched a fierce encirclement and suppression of the atrocities.

These heavily armed **** kings wear a very peculiar armor. The armor itself looks very cumbersome and airtight, but the armor itself is made of an alloy, including natural spar, black diamonds, red gold, etc. Matter is also branded with powerful law runes.

This set of armor is called "barrier".

It is like a world barrier, completely isolating the inside and outside of the armor.

The refining of the armor is based on the algorithm of the Eye of Thunder.

This battle is the largest "slaughter" of the Heishui alien race in the Wisdom Universe in recent years.

As the balance of war gradually tilted, Heishui aliens no longer became tigers and wolves, and the Defense Department began to counterattack and regained many lost ground.

The war with the alien race in Heishui is a war of learning evolution.

The powerful evolutionary ability of the Heishui alien race forces the legions of the meaning world to learn quickly and respond.

The secondary puppets, the Eye of Thunder, and the Battle Armor of the Bulwark are all the results of this reaction, and they are very effective.

At the same time, in the process of regaining lost ground, the Town Defense Department also changed its strategy. Hei Yuankui’s idea of ​​“keep a strong village and fight a stupid battle” recommended by Hei Yuankui was used to move forward slowly on the ground like a bug. In one place, immediately began to build various barriers, and quickly mobilized secondary puppets to defend, review the lives in and out, chase and kill the atrocities, and continuously compress the living space of the atrocities, and wait until one place is completely controlled and there is no shadow of the atrocities. Before moving on.

This approach was very inefficient and slow, and even met with opposition from many people. Facing the Heishui alien race that has evolved so fast, this strategy took too much time and gave the Heishui alien too much time.

However, after some legions in the Town Defense Department rushed forward several times and almost completely annihilated, the commanders began to support Hei Yuankui's strategy.

As a result, the atrocities began to be at a disadvantage.

A large number of fortresses, towns, moats, barrier walls, and secondary puppets were created.

The Eight Kings Universe is already operating at full power, sending thousands of secondary puppets and more than a dozen new-style puppets to the Smart Universe every month.

At the same time, the Smart Universe’s Defense Department has already mastered this algorithm, and has begun to use this algorithm everywhere in the Smart Universe. There are hidden eyes of thunder watching sentient beings, but there are not many. After these years of war, the wisdom universe has basically been broken, resources and manufacturing capabilities are at a trough, and things that can be done are limited.

Today, the tens of thousands of **** kings and the tens of thousands of barrier suits worn by them are all the equipment of the Smart Universe's Defense Hall.

This is a very important battle.

In the past few years, through Hei Yuankui's strategy, the Town Defense Department forced the Heishui alien races to retreat again and again, and the largest of them was gathered near this mountain range.

And according to intelligence, there are still several monarchs in this Heishui alien race.

Therefore, this battle is of great significance.

Thousands of puppets, and tens of thousands of well-equipped gods, slammed into the mountains like tides, and the corpses of the atrocities piled up like a mountain. Soon the following legions released flames or thunder to dispose of these corpses, and many magicians appeared , To establish an enchantment, or to cut the space, even the dust of the burned body must be wiped out.

At the same time, at the other end of the mountain range, a legion composed of three hundred puppets of the New Town Defense Hall and twenty Kings of the Ten Tribulations also quickly penetrated, and began to release flames, stir the storm, and attack the mountains .

Four hours later, a few legions arrived at the most important gorge in the mountains and rivers. There was an abyss in the gorge, and all the atrocities were driven into this abyss.

The commanders of several legions immediately asked the rear for instructions.

The rear commander issued an order to immediately destroy the abyss.

As a result, tens of thousands of shocks broke out at the same time, blasting into the abyss, and as a group of colorful clouds rose into the sky, the dazzling light filled the sky, and this stronghold was uprooted.

The rear commander got the news, nodded, and made the main army immediately withdraw, but thousands of secondary puppets and three hundred puppets of the town defense hall remained around the battlefield, looking for the remaining corpses and destroying them, finding the atrocities who slipped through the net. Beheaded immediately.

The rear commander in charge of this battle, named Chi Wuqian, is a powerful Taoist master of the Chi family, the second step of the small immortal, and the uncle of Jianzhi in terms of seniority.

Chi Wuqian is the general director of the Smart Universe Defense Department.

After the news of the victory came, Chi Wuqian gave the final order, and then looked at Hei Yuankui, who was sitting not far away, behind closed doors.

Today, there are twelve immortal statues gathered in the Wisdom Universe.

This number is quite staggering.

Outside the world of meaning, seeing an immortal statue is something to brag about, but the wisdom universe has gathered twelve statues at the same time.

It’s hard to say that the Wisdom Universe is gradually gaining an advantage during the battle against the Heishui alien race. Which side is credited with, the algorithm of the Thunder Eye, the sub-puppets, and other similar war machines, should be very big. Credit, but the twelve immortals have all stepped into the Wisdom Universe and participated in the war. Most of them have come to the front several times. For example, Hei Yuankui, after just arrived, handed a large number of puppets to the town defense hall, and then He went straight into the Eastern Continent, killed more than 10 million atrocities in one go, and then captured a monarch equivalent to the King of Ten Tribulations.

While the Eye of Thunder is being used on a large scale, the number of reinforcements from various places has also reached its peak.

The world of meaning paid a great price, and used amazing manpower and material resources to make the battle begin to turn around.

Among other things, since the outbreak of war in the intelligent universe until today, the resources consumed can't be calculated at all, and the world of meaning can't be calculated at all.

"How?" Chi Wuqian asked.

Hei Yuankui opened his eyes: "This is the last, large-scale stronghold of atrocity. If this stronghold is pulled out, the atrocity will not have a core and no leader, at least for now."

"But the speed at which the atrocities derive a monarch is very fast." Chi Wuqian said solemnly. "You also said that every atrocious person with more than six realms, as long as he wants to, can have strong thinking ability, and also has the possibility of becoming a monarch."

"So I said that all victories are just current victories." Hei Yuankui looked at Chi Wuqian: "We are not at war with an empire. Every atrocities are themselves an empire. They can breathe in just a few breaths. Inside, complete a'revolution' and completely change one's own system and structure. Actually, in my opinion, the atrocity has a regular and organized operation. It is not terrible. The most terrifying is the moment when the atrocity has no leader. We can't infer what changes will happen to each atrocity and what variables will be produced."

Hei Yuankui rubbed his shoulders: "As long as there are atrocities, we will be far away from victory. This victory has pushed our front line for another 8,000 or several kilometers, and the strategy remains unchanged, so we will continue to camp and debunk. Eyes and secondary puppets. In addition, I need you to give orders to mobilize a few immortals, and enter the inner eastern continent with me again. I will not sleep for 30 days, trying my best to kill all the atrocities I see, especially those who are possible. Become a monarch’s atrocity, chasing the wind and chasing the moon without mercy, and can't give the atrocity any time to breathe."

"I have an easier way." Chi Wuqian said. "Now that the atrocities have been completely driven to the inner side of the eastern continent, I think it is better to destroy the inland directly."

Hei Yuankui froze for a moment. After a while, he frowned and said, "So...the ancestor Amber has been sent away."

Chi Wuqian nodded: "Yes, it was sent away more than ten years ago. This is a secret, old black, don't blame me for keeping you secret."

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