Supreme God King

Chapter 3940: Fierce

Zhiweiyi immediately set his sights on the Great Reef Council after establishing the direct Meng army.

Although Yan Mixu and Xuan Dewu still live in the Great Reef and they have always retained the name of the Big Five, they have been closed all year round and deliberately estranged from Meng Fan. This kind of thing, from Meng Fan's perspective , Nothing, Meng Fan has long been indifferent in life, but in the eyes of Zhiwei, the two have become obstacles.

He found the two people several times and conducted interviews. The content of the interviews was secret, and outsiders had no way of knowing it. What he could know was that every time he went to see them, he brought a rich gift.

At the same time, Zhiweiyi joined the Big Kahuna Council and became a member of Parliament. A few months later, Xiangliang also joined the Big Kahuna Council and became a member.

This is very simple. For Weiyang Palace, arranging two people to enter the Great Reef Council is easy, not to mention that Weiyi and Xiangliang are the pinnacle creatures and they are full of weight.

The entire Big Kahuna Council, members of the assembly, and speakers of the past generations did not have the Ten Tribulations King.

Among the members of the Big Kahuna Council, a considerable part of them are from Weiyang Palace. After joining, they immediately became the leaders of these members.

Immediately, an assassination operation began.

The Big Kahuna Council immediately fell into a situation where everyone was in danger.

At first, a dozen or so members of low status and low level of congressmen disappeared one after another. Then, the officials stationed in some places of the Big Kahuna Council died unexpectedly. No one knows how these things happened, but vaguely, they are all related to the situation. For one related.

Because members and local officials were assassinated, this has never happened in the history of the Big Kahuna Council. Although the Big Kahuna Council has not been established for a long time, it has been calm.

As soon as it came, it began to stir the wind and rain drastically.

In just a few months, in addition to many missing and killed, some high-ranking MPs were imprisoned for crimes, and the charges were not small. Most of them were imprisoned, but two were directly sentenced to death. .

As the parliament became more and more unstable, Zhiweiyi successively released two announcements as the leader of Weiyang Palace. One was that he was running for the speaker of the Great Kahuna Council, and the second was that he proposed to establish a supervision group because he It is believed that there have been problems within the Great Reef Council and an external force is needed to monitor and exert pressure.

Both news were sent through a lot of setbacks, but no matter how many setbacks they went through, the passage is inevitable. The influence of Weiyang Palace and the successive assassinations have already made many congressmen frightened.

After that, Zhiweiyi immediately ran for speaker and was elected with a very high number of votes. Then a supervision team was formed. The members of the supervision team were carefully selected, but most of them came from Weiyang Palace. What outsiders did not know was that these Weiyang Palaces Among the people, more than 90% are from the "Meng Army."

Meng Jun has always been hidden and is not known to outsiders.

After being elected as Speaker, he began to promulgate various decrees one after another, and a large number of candidates were replaced. People were panicked, and the Great Reef immediately fell into chaos.

But these, in the eyes of the most, do not matter.

He didn't care about the Great Reef Council.

All he has to do is one thing.

From now on, people will no longer remember the Big Kahuna Council. When it comes to Big Kahuna, they will only think of Weiyang Palace.

Weiyang Palace will be the leader of the Great Reef from now on.

After a year of ups and downs, more than 30% of the councillors in the Big Kahuna Council were washed away. Those who were lucky were detained, those who were unlucky were convicted and killed, and some died of unlucky lives. The vacant positions were all killed. New members are filled. A considerable part of the new members are members of Weiyang Palace. Even if they are not members of Weiyang Palace, they must have been strictly censored members.

Many parliamentarians began to leave their posts.

They found that as long as there is a person who is suitable to serve as a member of the House of Representatives and intends to serve as a member of Parliament in Weiyang Palace, then one of the members will inevitably be killed or arrested, leaving a place for new members.

Self-preservation is more important than anything else.

By this time, there were basically no people from the Dewu Sect and the Mighty Mountain in the Great Reef Council. The people of Qianchuan were still there, but Ren Xifeng had already left. The people of Qianchuan were not considered to be a real faction, and Qianchuan were all merchants. Not knowing death, after seeing the situation clearly, they used various methods to express goodwill and even surrender to Weiyang Palace.

As for the few remaining people from the Dewu Sect and the mighty mountains, they are also lonely, and they must all have expressed their loyalty to Zhi Wei in secret in order to be retained.

At this time, the Big Kahuna's Assembly was actually completely held by Weiyang Palace. In addition to the parliament, local officials from all over the Big Kahuna had been washed several times.

After that, a city-building decree was promulgated, and the Big Kahuna Council decided to build three hundred cities. These cities were mainly craftsman cities, and these craftsman cities were built around Dewuzong and Haodang Mountain, which is equivalent to enclosing the two places and occupying them. Some lands of the two forces have narrowed their territories.

At this time, Xuan Dewu, who had been in retreat, finally couldn't sit still, walked out, and began to talk with Zhiwei.

The two talked for a day and a night.

During the conversation, there were a group of people and horses in the Zhiwei area, all of them the elite of the Meng army, a total of two hundred gods.

Xuan Dewu brought hundreds of disciples with the highest realm of Dewu Sect.

They chose to talk in a city that was being built outside Dewuzong.

At the end of the conversation, a fight broke out.

Only those who came to the scene knew that although Xuan Dewu was always angry, he always suppressed his anger, and hoped that Zhiwei could give a statement. Although the people he brought out were all elites, he did not have anything. The meaning of going to war.

There has long been no war inside the Big Kahuna Council, because of the existence of many laws, wars cannot even break out.

Moreover, in Xuan Dewu's heart, he and Meng Fan, both of whom were the Big Five, established the Great Reef Council together. They are fellows and have many friendships. How could they get into trouble?

But the oneness attitude is very clear.

He just wants to fight.

Therefore, in the dialogue between him and Xuan Dewu, he has never made concessions, he hasn't made any concessions for half a step, and his words are very fierce.

Even so, Xuan Dewu did not make a move.

The first one is still the one.

This is the most different place between Meng Fan and Zhiwei.

It was also the main reason why many big bosses in the Heavenly Court agreed that Zhiweiyi took over Meng Fan.

Meng Fan is more generous and tolerant, just like the establishment of the Great Reef Council. For Meng Fan, it is enough for everyone to unite, even if it is only a nominal unity, it is enough, but for the One. , Not enough, what he wants is absolute stability, strong authority, and supreme rule.

He does not accept the Big Five.

Like Xuan Dewu, Yan Mianxu is an obstacle in his eyes.

So it went to war.

The war lasted only a few hours.

Xuan Dewu was defeated and defeated for one.

His subordinates fought fiercely with the elite of the Meng army, and it was difficult to distinguish the victory or defeat. Even in the early days of the war, the Meng army suffered heavy casualties and fell completely into a disadvantage.

After Xuan Dewu's defeat, his disciples ran away quickly.

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