Supreme God King

Chapter 3941: To one

When Xuan Dewu returned to Dewuzong, he was surprised to find that the gate of Dewuzong had been breached.

Xiang Liang took another Meng army, about 300 people, smashed the gate of Dewu Sect, and entered all the way, but was finally stopped by the elders of Dewu Sect. The two sides were in a stalemate, and Xiang Liang did not take advantage of it. .

When the most powerful elites of Xuan Dewu and Dewu Sect returned, Xiang Liang did not hesitate and immediately withdrew.

Immediately afterwards, the Big Kahuna Council issued a news that Xuan Dewu was regarded as a traitor to the Big Kahuna Council and blatantly provokes the council's laws.

That night.

A dozen regular legions of the Big Kahuna Council encircled Dewuzong.

Everything is planned.

Xuan Dewu understood that from the very beginning, the Dewu Sect must be wiped out!

Dewuzong was besieged for seven days, and the legion never attacked forcefully, that is, they kept surrounding. At the same time, the cities planned to be built quickly rose from the ground.

Xuan Dewu walked out of Dewuzong again and talked with Zhiwei. This time, he didn't expect to talk with Zhiwei. He just said that he would go to see Meng Fan to see what Meng Fan meant.

The most important thing is that, no matter what decision seniors make, he obeys, but he wants to bring back a token of seniors.

Xuan Dewu left Dewuzong immediately.

But what he didn't expect was.

It was just an hour after he left Dewuzong, and before he walked out of the scope of the Great Reef, news came, so that Yiyi brought a large army to break Dewuzong!

Without Xuan Dewu, Dewu Sect would never be able to stop the two gods of the Ten Tribulations, Zhiweiyi and Xiangliang.

Immediately, there was another news that the Big Kahuna Council again issued a decree that Xuan Dewu was not only a traitor, but also a condemned prisoner, and must be executed.

Xuan Dewu was stunned.

He was completely at a loss.

Reasons, virtues, rules, where are these things?

There are no rules for doing things.

How could there be such a person?

Xuan Dewu stayed in place for a long time, not knowing how to advance or retreat.

Immediately afterwards, a messenger found Xuan Dewu.

This messenger came from Weiyang Palace and was ordered by Daoshu Jufan to see Xuan Dewu. The messenger said that Xuan Dewu should rush to the town defense hall to find Meng Fan as soon as possible. If he continues to stay here, then it is very important. It's coming soon, and even the one-ness character, will definitely do his best to kill Xuan Dewu.

But Meng Fan will definitely keep him alive.

As long as Meng Fan decides to keep him, he can live.

Xuan Dewu was extremely angry, but he also understood some truth, so he immediately rushed to the town defense hall.

But Meng Fan was refining the immortal crystal, so he couldn't see Xuan Dewu.

Xuan Dewu had to wait.

This wait is just a few hours.

Zhiwei Yihe Xiangliang also came to the town defense hall.

Also in the waiting room, sitting opposite Xuan Dewu.

Xuan Dewu was extremely angry at this time.

But he can do nothing.

He also knew that, as long as one was in the town defense hall, he couldn't do anything.

But as long as you leave the town defense hall, you can imagine what to do for a while.

Xuan Dewu hated him so much that he clenched his hands and crushed the armrest of the chair in the town defense hall.

Zhiwei was very patient, sitting quietly in the town defense hall, looking at Xuan Dewu blankly.

In this way, after sitting all night, Meng Fan walked out and met Xuan Dewu.

And listen to Xuan Dewu telling everything.

After listening to everything, Meng Fan sat in a chair, pondered for a moment, and said, "Brother Xuan, the town defense hall was empty at that time. When I want you to take the position of an apostle, it will be fine if you come."

Xuan Dewu looked ugly.

After that, Meng Fan looked at the One: "One."

Zhi Weiyi got up immediately: "Senior."

"For the past 30 days, I have been in retreat, and many things are not clear. Depending on what you mean, I intend to order one and one family. In the future, there will be no Big Reef Council, only Weiyang Palace, right?"

"Yes." Zhi Weiyi made no secret of it.

Xuan Dewu's expression became more and more ugly.

"What are you going to do?" Meng Fan asked again.

Zhi Weiyi said indifferently: "The Great Reef Council was jointly established by the five giants. Ren Xifeng has already left. One of the five giants is missing. King Jinding knows current affairs and serves his predecessors. His power has collapsed many years ago. The name is not left, so only Weiyang Palace, Dewuzong and Haodangshan are left among the five giants. If Dewuzong and Haodangshan are destroyed, the five giants will exist in name only. From then on, there is only one Weiyang Palace left on the Big Reef, and Weiyang Palace is The only leader, one order, one family, no problem."

After that, Zhi Weiyi looked at Xuan Dewu again and raised his eyebrows slightly: "According to what I mean, you must be dead. I don't have so much thought or nonsense. I can sit here with you. Hour, it’s nothing more than because you came to see the predecessor. Mention the name of the predecessor. I will naturally give you the face of these hours. Be smart. Go back and dissolve the mountain gate yourself. You can take some trusted disciples to leave and return to your hometown. ."

Xuan Dewu finally couldn't help it, and started shooting the case: "What did you say!"

"Speak quietly in the town defense hall." Meng Fan said lightly.

Xuan Dewu was so angry that when he heard Meng Fan's words, he calmed down a bit, and said: "So the foundation I have built over the years must be burned?"

"Old Xuan." Zhiwei said softly. "These things are nothing to us. It's just a mountain gate. There are no more than a hundred thousand disciples inside and out. Among them, there are less than ten **** kings who are more than eight kalpas. They are all disciples you collected locally. If it’s gone, it’s gone. You are gone, to fulfill me. I have a lot to do. You are an obstacle."

Xuan Dewu looked at Meng Fan.

Meng Fan was silent for a moment, then raised his head to look at Xuan Dewu, and said, "For one, how many immortal crystals do you have now?"

"Can take out two hundred."

Meng Fan: "Brother Xuan, these two hundred immortal crystals are the travel expenses I gave you. I will give you some time to clean up the gate. I will keep the disciples you can't take away. I will keep them safe. You have my promise. Promises are always very valuable."

Xuan Dewu pondered for a moment, then looked towards the One.

Zhiwei smiled and said: "Two hundred immortal crystals, that is 20 billion taels of red gold. The predecessors are tolerant. If you don't get one of them, Dewu Zong will be searched again by me. As for your disciples, life and death, I'm too lazy to care, the choice has been given to you, so let's decide.

Xuan Dewu remained silent for a long time.

Finally couldn't help but shook his head and smiled.

Afterwards, he arched his hand to Meng Fan, and walked out of the town defense hall without saying a word.

A month later, Xuan Dewu left with seven disciples.

The Dewuzong was immediately taken over by the Great Reef Council, the surrounding land was sold, the core mountain gate was demolished, and the hundreds of thousands of Dewuzong's disciples were disbanded. A large part of the Dewuzong was incorporated into the parliamentary legion, and some were distributed to various places At the same time, others with a higher level are placed under house arrest.

After Dewuzong, just a few months.

Yan Mixu announced that she would gift Mt. Hao Dang to the Big Kahuna Council. At the same time, her most trusted subordinates were also disbanded. Yan Mixu chose to continue to retreat and was named a member of the Big Kahuna Council, but did not participate in any political affairs.

In one year, all the power of Zhiweiyijiang Great Reef was in the hands of Weiyang Palace.

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