Supreme God King

Chapter 3943: disdain

"Eight pillars, each pillar has its own symbol of power.

The power of the unified pillar is composed of the town defense department, the power of the majesty pillar is composed of the border hall, the power of the knowledge pillar is the knowledge they have, and the power of the Fan pillar is the inspector.

The Pillar of Faen is divided into two parts: light and dark. This is no longer a secret in the world of meaning. The dark part is composed of dogs, spies, and spies who secretly serve the Pillar of Faen in various places.

Few people know how wide the scope of the spies and spies of the Pillar of Faen covers. These people are secretive. Perhaps there are spies from the Pillar of Faen on your big reef.

This is the dark part, and in any case, it will not be supported by Faen, and will not be recognized by Luo Tianzheng.

The clear part is the court and inspection department of the Faen pillar. The court is responsible for formulating, modifying, and maintaining laws, and the inspection department is responsible for enforcing the law.

The officials of the Inspection Department are the inspectors.

The power of the patrol agent is very vague in the affiliated universe. They can represent the Faen pillar in a universe where there are no members of the Faen pillar. Sometimes they are chasing and killing fugitives, sometimes they are investigating intelligence, and sometimes , They want to review officials everywhere.

Both the apostle and the Taoist are within the scope of their review.

Meng Fan, before facing the inspector, you have to know one thing, that is, the eight pillars each have their own heads and faces. In the unified pillar, our Hei family has a great right to speak, and in the majestic pillar, the Yin family has the right to speak. It is huge, but this is only the right to speak. No one dares to say that he can completely control a pillar-except Luo Tianzheng.

The Pillar of Faen is completely controlled by Luo Tianzheng, and no family can penetrate power into it.

The officials of the Fan Pillar are clearly divided into three levels. The first level is Luo Tianzheng and his heirs, as well as his nephews, and the second level is the little Taoists who serve the Luo family. The third level is the dog crowd and the apostle.

Luo Tianzheng himself has a bad reputation in the world of meaning. I don't want to interfere with your judgment, just state the facts.

In Luo Tianzheng's eyes, the Fa'en pillar belongs to the Luo family. Any family who wants to arrange their members into the Fa'en pillar, in Luo Tianzheng's eyes, is like an outsider breaking into his mansion, which he cannot bear.

In order to firmly control the Faen pillar, Luo Tianzheng never let go of power after becoming the leader of the Faen pillar. The other pillars, after the Immortal War, have all changed the leadership positions, except for the Faen pillar.

What any pillar does is by no means a person’s will, but has complex cause and effect in it. However, in the Fa-en pillar, because of Luo Tianzheng’s absolute power, the behavior of the Fa-en pillar is basically It can be regarded as Luo Tianzheng's will.

Luo Tianzheng's behavior is elusive and extremely fickle. In the world of meaning, his nickname is Qianmianjiao. Qianmianjiao means that he is fickle, and Jiao means that his personality is similar to that of a little girl and he does everything. In the dark age of self-preference and no principles, many disputes are caused by the Pillar of Faen, and behind this, there is a vague shadow of Luo Tianzheng.

Luo Tianzheng is in the world of meaning. In addition to the nickname of Qianmianjiao, there is also the name of three family slaves. He was born very low. Before the Immortal War, his father passed away after barely gaining the position of Taoist Lord. Luo Tianzheng did not Qualification inheritance, in order to be able to climb upward, he changed his surname and name several times.

I dare to tell you this in this letter, Meng Fan, you should understand that the dislike of Luo Tianzheng is an open topic in the world of meaning, and you must have some calculations in your mind.

At last.

The eight-legged evil dragon shot by your arrow is Luo Tianzheng's son, Luo Wumei, Luo Tianzheng's great-granddaughter. "

Meng Fan closed the letter.

Before that, Meng Fan had also heard of Luo Tianzheng's name. This name seemed to be spread widely. As Hei Yuankui said, Luo Tianzheng's eyeliner was everywhere and brought his name everywhere.

But exactly who Luo Tianzheng is, Meng Fan is not clear.

He only knew that Luo Tianzheng was a giant in the world of meaning.

A very powerful immortal!

Hei Yuankui mentioned that Luo Tianzheng didn't have much content, but only a thousand words, and the content that could be expressed was very limited, but only the thousand words that stopped, made Meng Fan feel Hei Yuankui's heart for Luo Tianzheng disdain.

Not hostility, not opposition, but very simple, contempt.

This makes Meng Fan hard to imagine.

How can an immortal giant be contemptuous?

You can be hated, you can be awed, you can be feared, but this emotion of contempt should not exist.

The letter says that the inspector will arrive in the world of meaning within a year. However, Hei Yuankui also said that the power of the Faen pillar is between light and dark, and the boundary between the two is very blurred. This is set and maintained. The pillar of the law should be full of majesty, but in Luo Tianzheng's hands, it has become a power machine. Outsiders can't enter, and it is difficult to distinguish between black and white. Therefore, the inspector may have arrived.

From this point, Meng Fan could slightly understand Hei Yuankui's contempt for Luo Tianzheng.

Put yourself in the situation, if there is a person in the universe of God Kings who holds tremendous power and shoulders great responsibilities, but he turns these powers into personal weapons, turning the supposedly peaceful environment into a misty, black and white environment. Difficult to distinguish, then others will despise it.

As for this Luo Tianzheng, who can turn the Faen pillar of the world of meaning into this way, then he can imagine what he has done.

Meng Fan thought for a moment, then wrote another letter, and sent someone to Weiyang Palace.

This letter soon reached Zhiweiyi's hands. After reading it, Zhiwei gave the letter to Daoshu Jufan without saying a word.

Immediately, Daoshu Jufan and Meng Jun began to move.

Daoshu Jufan began to look for the shadow of the inspector through the deduction and the "eyes" that had been scattered everywhere.

In Meng's Dazhuang, many Meng troops walked out of Weiyang Palace and investigated various places on the Great Reef.

After that, Meng Fan stopped refining the immortal crystals, began to take care of the various affairs of the Town Defense Department, and began to contact the Eight Kingdoms of God.

Meng Fan was thinking about what the purpose of the inspection of the Fa-En Pillar was.

According to Hei Yuankui, the power of the inspector is quite vague. It can be very high or very low, but from the lines of Hei Yuankui, Meng Fan can feel that Hei Yuankui is afraid of the inspector, part of this fear. The reason comes from the way of behavior of the Fann pillar, and part of the reason is because of Luo Tianzheng's reputation, but the main reason should be the power of the inspector.

The inspector must have a lot of power and do a lot of things, even things beyond the control of Hei Yuankui.

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