Supreme God King

Chapter 3944: Merits and demerits

Great reef, Chengzhai.

This stockade was built only two years ago. It occupies an area of ​​18 li. It is made of earth wood spar. It looks like a fortress. The leader of the stockade is named Zhi, and he is from Weiyang Palace.

The foundation of the stockade is a side mountain of the mighty mountain.

Around the stockade, there are many tea houses and wine shops for people to rest. There are no merchants here, and most of them are craftsmen.

In a teahouse, several men in white clothes are drinking tea, sitting and watching the yellow earth flying in the distance, and some craftsmen build pavilions.

Among the few, one person, obviously a leader, sat in the middle, and everyone was quite respectful towards him.

They seem to be waiting for someone.

About half an hour passed.

A tall man in a black robe appeared at the other end of the street.

The man slowly crossed the street, passed through the crowd, came to the teahouse, and sat directly in front of the crowd.

The leader looked at the man.

"You are the apostle of the Eight Kings Universe Defense Department, and now the manager of the Great Reef, the God King Universe is one?"

Lead humanity.

The man smiled faintly.

Of course he is the One.

A few days ago, the eyes of Meng Jun and Daoshu Jufan noticed this group of people. They stepped into the Great Reef through the trade route of the Kingdom of Diamond God, but they were not merchants. They wandered around and were doing everything to the local customs. recording.

Later, Daoshu Jufan made an inference that three of these four people were the King of Ten Tribulations.

The other one, whose realm is unknown, is difficult to distinguish, and Daoshu Jufan boldly guesses, is an immortal one!

An immortal, with three ten-kilosis gods, stepped into the universe of the Eight Kings, without being discovered, and the pass token issued by the world of meaning, coming and going at will, and investigating something secretly, then their identity, basically Can be determined.

It is the Pillar of Faen inspector that Weiyang Palace has been looking for these days.

"Since your Excellency has found our place." The leader said. "Why doesn't Meng Fan of the Town Defense Department come to see me directly?"

"I am not a person of the world, just a steward of the Big Reef." Zhiwei smiled. "But a little bit of rules, I still understand. Your lord is the inspector of the Faen pillar of the meaning world. He is ordered to inspect the Eight Kings Universe. Master Meng is the person with the highest authority in the Eight Kings Universe. If the adults are in normal affairs, You should go to the Town Defense Department."

"So, Deputy Chief Meng Fan is waiting for me in the Town Defense Department?"

"Yes, I, as an apostle of the Town Defense Department and the steward of the Great Reef, were ordered to pick up the lord."

"I didn't plan to meet Meng Fan, you already came to pick me up. It seems that you don't want me to continue investigating the Big Reef?"

He chuckled slightly: "If you want to check something, please continue to check it."

As soon as I got up, I had to leave.

The leader said: "Tell Deputy Chief Meng Fan that I am here to investigate his merits and demerits. Whether he can become a Taoist master or not. According to the truth, the unified pillar has the final say, but his identity is too special. Many people have expressed doubts, and it has been forty days since I stepped into the Eight Kings Universe. In my opinion, the Eight Kings Universe has been mischievous by him, and there are many things that he used for personal gain."

As soon as he listened, he turned around and sat down: "For example?"

"The qualification review for redeeming immortal crystals." The leader is humanitarian.

The most important one: "The Eight Kings Universe Town Defense Department is responsible for the exchange of immortal crystals. As the highest commander of the town defense department, Master Meng has the instructions of Master Hei Yuankui and the tacit approval of the unified pillar. Is there any problem in doing things?"

The leader said again: "In just over ten years, the guard level of the Eight Kings Universe has been changed twice."

One: "Similarly, as the chief of the Town Defense Department, Lord Meng has this power."

Leader: "The share of immortal crystal exchange is limited, but Weiyang Palace has no limit. In the past ten years, more than 60% of the immortal crystal transactions have been conducted through Weiyang Palace. Weiyang Palace’s brains are full of fat. This is not regarded as a power for personal gain. , Full of private pockets?"

Zhiweiyi calmly said: "Speaking of which, it is still within the power of Master Meng."

The leader slowly took out a jade charm from his arms and threw it on the table.

"Here are hundreds of complaints against Weiyang Palace. Six of them are from the Eight Kingdoms of God. The others are from the Great Reef. In the past ten years, many people have died in the Great Reef due to conspiracy, assassination, and house arrest. amazing."

Zhiwei looked at the jade talisman: "I really don't know that the masters of the world of meaning will care about the life and death of sentient beings in the universe."

After that, he looked at the leader again: "I don’t know the law of the meaning world, but I know that when the law of the meaning world is implemented in the universe, it must comply with the rules of the universe itself, and basically all forces in the universe. They are all in a semi-autonomous state. There is a problem with the security of the Great Reef. We will review it, but I think this is not a serious crime."

The leader and Zhiwei look at each other.

People come and go on the streets.

After a while, the leader smiled: "My surname is Luo, and my name is Luo Chenhai. The eight-legged villain shot by your master's arrow is my brother."

He narrowed his eyes for a moment of consciousness.

Luo Chenhai said: "I admire you a few strange species, they are obviously as poor and humble as ants, and obviously inferior to pigs and dogs, but they have the confidence to talk to an immortal like this."

There was a fierce light flashing in the depths of Supreme One’s eyes, but soon it subsided, and he gently said: "So, immortality, is the capital you think you can talk to people from above?"

"Maybe I need to give an example." Luo Chenhai slowly stood up from his chair. "You will understand why you are poorer and humbler than pigs, dogs, and ants in the eyes of the world of meaning, in the eyes of the Pillar of Faen, in the eyes of the Luo family, and in my eyes."

Luo Chenhai stood up, looked down, and looked at the perfect one in an extremely arrogant way.


Luo Chenhai fell with a punch!

This is an immortal punch!

The moment he punched, it had already landed on the top of Zhiweiyi's head.

The distance between the two of them is too close, but a short distance away. This kind of distance, even for the **** king, is a very dangerous distance, not to mention, for an immortal statue.


At the moment the fist falls!

To shake the figure, instantly distorting the space, and retreating three steps away!

Luo Chenhai's punch smashed the table in front of him, and his power penetrated the ground, smashing into a pit about three feet long.

After half a breath.

When the people around have not reacted.

A slight shaking started from the ground and spread to the surroundings.

Luo Chenhai's power penetrated the ground and touched the veins.

This is just a very ordinary, a punch made purely with physical strength!

The guests and walkers around were stunned and couldn't help but look over.

Luo Chenhai's expression was a bit surprised.

He didn't expect that Zhi Wei Yi could actually avoid it!

Although it was very difficult and far-fetched, Zhiweiyi did dodge it at the very moment of his hair. Otherwise, this punch would be enough to break the body of Zhiweiyi!

"Take him." Luo Chenhai whispered.

The three Ten Tribulations God Kings then stood up from their chairs and walked towards the One.

"I, brother who can shoot your arrow, can shoot you."

A voice rang among the yellow sand.

The three Ten Tribulations Kings stopped fiercely.

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