Supreme God King

Chapter 3951: The biggest contradiction

Prior to this, Meng Fan knew how immortal matter was produced. He knew from the diary of Emperor Hu'er.

But at this moment, Meng Fan connected many clues together.

The immortal matter was truly born and is known by the world of meaning. It turned out that it started with the remains of the prophet!

These things are certainly not secrets within the world of meaning, at least among Taoists. There are a lot of mentions from the various ancient materials in the case database, especially the hundreds of thousands of years before the Immortal War.

But in the eyes of the outside world, immortality is still a huge secret.

The discovery of the remains of the prophets completely complements the history of the world of meaning, allowing the Taoists of the world of meaning to determine that there have been eleven prophets. At the same time, it also completely changed the history of the world of meaning.

Not many years later, immortal matter changed from a substance to a topic, then a theory, and then a war.

Regardless of day and night, Meng Fan was immersed in the case library, carefully reading every document of that period, regardless of its content and whether it was important.

During the Immortal War, the chief of the Eight Kings Universe belonged to the neutral faction. He swayed between the path of immortality and the path of meaning. He once wanted to imitate the governors of other affiliated universes, crack the earth and seal the king, and be alone. But it is difficult, the eight kings universe. The gathering of the nine supreme universes was too close, and the war soon spread here, and forced him to make a choice, and he, the wrong choice, he chose the path of meaning.

He lived until the end of the war and was arrested as a war criminal and then sentenced to death. His family was not spared and was exterminated.

After him.

When the new chieftain took office, various documents and records were obviously reduced, but after billions of years and a large amount of text, Meng Fan could always find news about the remains of the prophet.

According to various figures, it can be determined that before the Immortal War, the number of the remains of the prophets found exceeded one million, of which 90% were fake, and the most important remains of the prophets were only eleven, that is, the eleven prophets left. The core part of the next.

Through these eleven remains, a comparison was found among myths and legends, and the identities of these eleven people were determined. At the same time, it was also possible to determine the historical origin. The footprints of the eleven prophets spread all over the nine supreme universes, and were mainly active in the nine. The Great Supreme Universe, but later, for unknown reasons, the eleven prophets dispersed.

But approximately can be inferred.

These eleven prophets, obviously agreed to preach separately, or to find more answers, leaving more traces, they are distributed in eleven universes.

That is, the nine supreme universes, plus the eight kings universe, and the wisdom universe.

Based on various deductions, some results can be drawn. The eleven prophets have been active in the nine supreme universes for a long time, and their influence on the nine supreme universes is also very deep. They have never left the scope of the nine supreme universes. However, At a certain moment, all eleven prophets showed a sign.


This deduction is not an inference made through the remains or some traces of various places, mainly, it is an inference made through myths and legends.

The body of meaning accurately inferred the passing time of the eleven prophets.

The difference is within 8 million years.

That time was also the time when the eleven prophets disappeared in myths and legends.

And the time for the eleven prophets to spread out and spread to eleven universes was not long before they passed away.

The eleven prophets did not leave too many traces in the Eight Kings Universe and the Wisdom Universe, and it can basically be judged that they discovered the Eight Kings Universe and the Wisdom Universe very late.

As for why, they are spreading to eleven universes, the answer is also very clear, they have realized that they are about to decline.

In the ancient legends of the nine supreme universes, it is called "the five decay of heaven and man." Some myths record that the prophet, who seems to be immortal, begins to appear old.

So why, before they decay, they have to be scattered again?

There is only one purpose, which is to leave as many traces as possible and spread knowledge.

In the places where the remains of the prophets were found in the Nine Supreme Universes, the Eight Kings Universe, and the Wisdom Universe, some relics left by the prophets were also found, such as stone steles carved with ancient characters, and some that were blessed by laws that would not rot Bamboo slips and so on.

This approach of the prophets just formed a connection with the habit of the world of meaning before the immortal war.

The most important tradition in the world of meaning is to make records, to record all kinds of things clearly and in detail. All Taoists will write their own biographies without adding any emotions, only the most plain and objective. The way to record his words and deeds is to be reborn after his old age.

Obviously, the prophets had this idea before they died.

Leaving more traces is to be reborn in the future.

The purpose of preaching and spreading knowledge and thought is to enable as many universes and sentient beings as soon as possible to unlock wisdom, step into martial arts, understand the laws, and have the ability to replicate them.

Then all this is connected!

All the words, all the fragmented worlds, have become a complete world.

In the ancient legends of the nine supreme universes, prophets are selfless sages who burn themselves desperately to teach sentient beings.

In the notes of several generations of chieftains, Meng Fan can clearly feel the suspicion of several generations of chieftains after the remains of the prophets were discovered. He believed that everything could not escape selfishness and thoughts. All the prophets did was just to be able to be copied. Rebirth only.

But among them, there is still a huge contradiction and a problem that makes Meng Fan's hair creepy.

The contradiction is that immortal matter is extracted from the remains of the prophet, which shows that the prophet should have stepped into immortality, and the legendary prophet is a powerful existence who has passed through the last reincarnation era. In this era, civilization is spread, saying that they are immortal, although some Surprising, but reasonable.

But since they are immortal, why do they die?

Without the need for memorization, Meng Fan can make the assumption that the prophets were the immortal strong men of the previous reincarnation era. They passed through the final dying and came to this reincarnation era. Then, they experienced some years, according to the Ninth Congress According to the myths and legends of the Supreme Universe, these prophets spent at least one billion years in this reincarnation era, and then they discovered that they were dying.

Before dying, they decisively chose the "road of meaning" and began to leave traces for themselves, leaving behind fire, hoping that their students, their descendants, would be able to resurrect them in the future.

Then there are only two possibilities.

First, even if it is not immortal, there is a certain chance of passing the final death.

The second is that immortality is no longer immortal after passing through the death of reincarnation, but becomes the pinnacle **** king, or even ordinary creatures. This happens, and it is their immortal body. Was destroyed, and in the new era, everything is beginning, the world is in chaos, the law has not yet been born, and they do not have the ability to refine immortal crystals, so they can only face death, and at this time, the road of meaning is They made the necessary choices.

Suddenly, Meng Fan thought of the question Bai Yuze had raised.

Eternal ship.

Vaguely, Meng Fan got the answer.

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