Supreme God King

Chapter 3952: eternal

Meng Fan waved his palm and immediately, a huge ark was created out of thin air.

This ark is one thousand and eight feet long and three hundred and fifteen feet wide. It is all made of a kind of hard wood. Meng Fan created it out of thin air. This kind of wood is the wood of the ancient ship without sea that Meng Fan imitated. Exactly the same.

The ark was floating in the air. Meng Fan stretched out his hand and grabbed it. The ark was put into an hour in his palm. There was a vast ocean and huge wind and waves inside.

Immediately, Meng Fan spread some lives, turning time around. These lives soon became more than 20 people. These 20 young men and women, ignorant and ignorant, were born on a huge ark. Besides, there are endless sex, they watched everything curiously, and also watched the waves, hurricanes, and thunder in the sky in horror.

Soon after, they became hungry, and in order to stay alive, they were forced to jump off their arms and search for food.

They caught some fish and distributed them to other companions, and everyone was very happy.

The next day, they went fishing again.

As a result, a girl died.

Because she was swimming too slowly, the girl was eaten by a sea monster in the sea.

After that, more than two dozen people made rules that women can’t go into the sea, because women are not strong and fast enough to easily die in the sea.

On the third day, a boy died.

Because after they went into the sea, a huge wind and waves rose up in the sea and swept the boy away.

At this moment, happiness and comfort are gone, and they realize how much they need to pay in order to live.

So they began to think, began to divide labor, and the people elected a boy whom everyone loved the most as their leader, and a "kingdom" was born.

After the division of labor, boys who are good at swimming and strong are responsible for fishing in the water, while others are responsible for handling fish.

But after only a dozen days, a "rebellion" occurred in this small kingdom.

Because there is not enough food.

It’s okay when the wind and waves are calm. As long as the weather is a little bit bad, the strong boys refuse to go to the sea. After all, it’s too dangerous. Even when the waves are calm, they just barely eat enough to catch fish every time they go into the sea. As long as there is no fishing one day, there is not enough food immediately.

The "king" forced them to go into the water. When they didn't get under, the king punched and kicked one of the boys. Then, the rebellion broke out and the king was thrown into the sea and fed to the sharks.

Among the boys, the strongest one was the one who killed the king and became a new king. The new king was different from the old king. He began to impose tyranny. Everyone must obey his orders, but he is not a tyrant. He knows how important food is, so as long as the weather is good, he will take people into the water to fish. On the one hand, he is dictating, and on the other hand, he is also feeding everyone, in return-all women belong to him. .

This started when he saw a woman blush and heartbeat once.

This state lasted for two or three years.

The first child was born on the ark, the king's eldest son.

Soon after, the king had two more children.

But as the other boys grew up, they also began to have desires, so secretly, some girls, and some boys, began to communicate secretly.

When the king discovered all this one day, he executed the girls and boys who violated his orders, and removed some wood from the ark, and built cages. Every night, all the boys were locked in cages to prevent recurrence. There are similar things.

So the boys revolted again.

The king was killed.

A new king was elected. He was elected because he promised that, as a king, he will have up to three partners. The other girls will be selected by the boys. The "hunter" is qualified to choose first, that is, Those who fish, they can choose at most one spouse.

This king is very wise.

He was also the first to transform the ark to raise some fish and reproduce on his own, so as to reduce the risk of going into the sea and provide more food.

He was the first person to name the ark under their feet.

The men and women on the ark know that apart from the ark, there is only sex. As long as they are in the ark, they are always safe. When they leave the ark, life and death are unpredictable. There are stormy waves outside, lightning and thunder, and various sea monsters. Therefore, he named this ark Shenzhou, and believed that they are all descendants of God, and this ark was built by God for them.

As more and more fish are kept, food is more and more abundant, and because of the marriage of spouses, some newborns are born, and life on the Ark gradually becomes more comfortable. They begin to have time left to set up altars in the Ark. Worship the gods they imagined every day.

Then, someone found some floating aquatic plants** in the sea, and found that the aquatic plants could reproduce and eat, so they started planting aquatic plants.

In this way, a civilization gradually developed.

A few hundred years later.

The population on the Ark has reached its peak. There are already more than 400 people. A storm that lasted for a few days, the food crisis appeared, the uprising broke out again, the population fell sharply, and there was enough food, and then continued to prosper until the population reached its peak. The uprising began, and it went round and round.

This recurring situation lasted for a thousand years.

Until someone found a solution.

Build a new ship.

They discovered that some submarine plants cultivated through countless generations also have very thick rhizomes that can be used to build ships, so they began to build ships, and began to try to go sailing in small boats.

But these boats can only carry two or three people, so those who left were all dead. The rest of the boats could only follow Shenzhou, and they became the "vassal state" of Shenzhou.

Shenzhou is still the most important thing in the world, and it is still worshipped by people, but as more and more small boats, the "territory" of Shenzhou continues to expand and become larger and larger, and the population here gradually Increased, and finally reached two thousand people.

Thousands of years have passed.

Suddenly, there was a damage somewhere on the railing of Shenzhou.

This incident caused panic among everyone. They believed that Shenzhou was eternal and immortal, and even many people, in private, called this ship the eternal ship.

This piece of damage caused panic and anger in the kingdom. The high priest thought that their actions had offended the gods and must find people to blame. So he caught a dozen people who he thought were problematic and burned them to death. Worship god.

But the damage is still there.

More than a dozen years later, there were more and more damaged places.

Finally someone proposed that nothing is immortal.

The ship of eternity will also rot.

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