Supreme Immortal Demon

Volume 1: Baiyujing of the Tang Dynasty Chapter 1126: Another Killing

Mr. Ji took a deep look at the female path and narrowed his eyes.

Although this woman is young, her cultivation has reached the third level of the heavens, and her status in the head of the Yu family is very important.

As the special envoy of the master family, she also has another identity, that is, she is the biological sister of Jade Xingchen, who was the third in the Heavenly Ranking. Therefore, what she said should not be false. Among the Yu family, she was the only one who had the most direct reason to get rid of Luo Chuan.


Ji Lao did not refuse and stood up: "I will let the three sects stay out of the matter and leave Luo Chuan alone. As for Bo Shiba... I can't do anything about it. If you have a way, go to him and convince him not to care about Luo Chuan. Sichuan's life and death."

"Mr. Ji thinks too much, how can he care about Luo Chuan's life and death." Yu Yuegui smiled sweetly: "He has no relationship with Luo Chuan, so there is no need to help Luo Chuan. As far as I know, all the forces in Polang City have no influence on Luo Chuan." When Luo Chuan arrived, he was still waiting to see what happened. After all, wherever Luo Chuan went, someone would be in trouble. The polar trial was approaching, and the last thing Pilang City needed was chaos. "

"So, if you want to kill Luo Chuan, you have to do it before the polar trial. It's been less than a month. You have to hurry up." Ji Lao said.

"Don't worry, the master doesn't want to cause trouble. Before the polar trial, Luo Chuan's head will be taken." Yu Yuegui stood up and walked less than three steps when the old man's voice sounded behind him.


"What?" Yu Yuegui stopped.

"There is still something wrong. Luo Chuan came to Polang City with a plan that was not simple. The master has never thought about it, so don't take action yet. Wait until Luo Chuan reveals his intention to come here, and then make plans. By then, maybe There will be some unexpected gains." Mr. Ji smiled lightly.

"I knew it. What Mr. Ji said to me at the beginning were all lies. You have already attached great importance to Luo Chuan in your heart." Yu Yuegui said expressionlessly: "In this case, you should know, Luo Chuan must not be dealt with in the usual way. If you want to get rid of him, you can only act first. Otherwise, by the time he reveals his intentions, everyone will have already fallen into his trap."

"Fell into his trap? You think so too. He has already started to make plans? This Luo Chuan is really cunning." Ji Lao had a dim look in his eyes and said with a smile: "Since he has already started to make plans, he must also It has been expected that the Yu family will take action against him, so how can you ensure that you can kill him? His strength has been growing from the Donghua Sect territory to the Tianxing Holy Sect territory, and then to Hun Hai. Never stopped for a day.”

"Therefore, it is even more important to get rid of him as soon as possible. If it is delayed for a long time, given time, he may even pose a threat to the Tiandu Yu family!" Yu Yuegui snorted. His eyes were as cold as ice: "He has a strong emperor beside him, and there is a supporter behind him. The best way to kill him is to lure him out. In an isolated and helpless environment, then we can take action and let him With three heads and six arms, no matter how strong the reinforcements are, there will only be a dead end!”

Mr. Ji took a deep look at the female Taoist with red cheeks, and sighed softly: "As far as I know, Luo Chuan has been staying at Wendao Lake to practice with his three disciples these days, and has never shown his face. Look. He doesn't seem to be showing up. If he continues like this, are you going to attack him? Tell me, how are you going to lure him out?"

"I have already thought of a way. Luo Chuan will definitely come." Yu Yuegui smiled coldly: "Speaking of which, it is also thanks to the news given by Mr. Ji about the hybrid emperor Qilin."

"Oh? So you want to rely on it. This mixed-blood unicorn was injured by Luo Chuan and was obtained by Kunlun Sect by chance. Logically speaking, Kunlun Sect should have returned this mixed-blood emperor unicorn long ago, but it has not contacted Luo Chuan for a long time. . On the one hand, he is coveting the emperor Qilin, but on the other hand, he is not very optimistic about Luo Chuan."

As Mr. Ji spoke, he looked into the distance, pondered for a moment and said, "If you use this hybrid unicorn, you may be able to lure Luo Chuan away from the female emperor. However, Luo Chuan is not stupid, and he needs to arrange it carefully. "

"Yes. I have already made arrangements. I will wait until all allies are ready. By then, I will send someone to inform the second government. Farewell." Yu Yuegui turned and left.

"For many years, I have never taken action against such a talented person who is famous all over the world. The Yu family's second house has been silent for too long, and it's time to make some moves."

Looking at Yu Yuegui's back, there was an extra token in Mr. Ji's palm. Staring at the token, a hint of joy appeared on his face: "If there is a mixed-blood emperor Qilin, the strongest Qilin guard in the history of the Yu family, it will be here." The second house was born.”

Another three days have passed, and the "stepping on bamboo pole" trial in Wendao River has also entered its eighteenth day.

Thump thump thump thump... The three young men in the middle of the river were like three big frogs, still jumping into the river. Then they climbed up from the river wetly, stepped on the bamboo poles, and held on precariously.

Eighteen days passed, and they repeated the same thing every day, which was stepping on bamboo poles.

Compared with half a month ago, there was no disdain and disobedience on their faces. When they climbed up from the water, their eyes were persistent and determined, as if they were passionate about the practice of bamboo poles at this station.

Compared with Zhuang Zhou and the others who were becoming more and more enthusiastic, the monks in Pilang City gradually lost interest in continuing to pay attention. Apart from some monks who had just arrived in Pilang City, only the disciples of the three Beihai sects were left. Especially the fourth generation disciples of the Arctic Sect.

Xiao Qianyu sneered when he heard about the riverside, and turned his eyes to Fairy Yuxing in the waterside pavilion, with a touch of admiration and a touch of greed on his face.

"Hmph, even if you have the support of the Tianxing Saint Sect, you can't be saved this time." Xiao Qianyu said to himself. As the fourth generation of the Jibei Sect, he has his own channels to know some secrets that are not available to him at this level.

For example, the Tiandu Yu family is ready to attack Luo Chuan!

Before attacking Luo Chuan, the Yu family also secretly contacted the top leaders of the three Beihai Sects.

The five major forces in the north of the Hunhai, the Tiandu Yu family, the Daoyan branch, and the three Beihai Sects, control more than 80% of the power in Polang City. Luo Chuan lost the support of Canghai Academy and now fell into Polang City. Once the Yu family takes action, it will be a dead end.

"Idiots. Three idiots..."

Looking at the three teenagers who kept jumping into the water and then climbing up the bamboo poles to have fun in the center of the Wendao River, Xiao Qianyu sneered: "You are about to die, but you still don't know it. You are still playing this kind of low-level and childish practice here... Zhuang Zhou, Zhuang Zhou, I don't know how to sympathize with you. Your junior brother is a fool and a useless man, and you have an irresponsible master. It's bad luck for you to find such a master..."

Thinking of the famous battle on Yantan more than half a month ago, when Zhuang Zhou defeated four disciples of Jibei Sect with one move, his face was slightly gloomy, and he subconsciously took a deep breath.

After returning that day, he was scolded by his master, who scolded him for provoking Luo Chuan's apprentice. In the end, not only did he fail to teach Zhuang Zhou a lesson, but he also lost the face of Jibei Sect. In the end, the two seriously injured disciples also consumed the master's vitality for three years before they were completely cured.

It was also after that night that Xiao Qianyu knew what would happen to Luo Chuan soon after.

"Zhuang Zhou is really powerful. He is almost invincible in the same level. If he can participate in the polar trial, he may get good results." Another young disciple of the Extreme North Sect whispered.

"Haha, he participates in the polar trial? Dream on."

"Yes, only the disciples of the five major forces in the North Sea are eligible to participate in the polar trial. Luo Chuan is just an outsider. How can his disciples be qualified to participate in the polar trial!"

"Let's take a step back. Even if he participates, he will never get any good results. Have you forgotten? The polar trial requires mutual cooperation. His two junior brothers, one is a fool and the other is a waste..."

"If you didn't say it, I almost forgot. That Zhuang Zhou can practice the same thing with his idiot and waste junior brothers, and he is so excited. It's not simple."

"Practice by stepping on bamboo poles? Hahaha..."

The disciples of the Extreme North Sect laughed loudly and pointed at the ferry on the riverside.

Xiao Qianyu folded his arms and stared at his junior brothers coldly. He neither interrupted nor stopped them. A faint sense of superiority appeared on his face. In the entire Jibei Sect, very few people knew that the Yu family envoy had reached a secret agreement with the top leaders. He was only a fourth-generation disciple, but he was one of the few who knew the secret.

"In a few days, you will be eliminated along with your master. It is better to save your strength until then."

Xiao Qianyu looked at the center of the river and sneered in his heart.

At this moment, a sword light appeared in his peripheral vision, and the sword light carried a beautiful figure and flew towards the fairy palace on the peninsula in the middle of the river.

"It's someone from Kunlun Sect." A disciple of Jibei Sect shouted.

"Hey, it's Li Bingjie from Kunlun Sect. Is she... going to find Luo Chuan?"

"It is said that the emperor-level Qilin that caused a lot of noise was brought back to Kunlun Sect by her. Now she is known as the Qilin Fairy in Polang Fairy City."

In the air, Li Bingjie glanced at Zhuang Zhou and the other two who were doing the famous "bamboo pole practice" from time to time, frowned slightly, and sighed in her heart.

Although the sect has not yet made a final decision on its attitude towards Luo Chuan, it has gradually leaned towards the Tiandu Yu family, and at most remained neutral. This made Li Bingjie and the Kunlun Sect disciples who were rescued by Luo Chuan that day very dissatisfied, but they were helpless in the face of the decision of the top leaders. The top leaders even ordered them to retreat to prevent any accidents, and they were not allowed to come out until today.

As soon as she came out of retreat, Li Bingjie went to find Luo Chuan without stopping, and couldn't wait to explain it to him clearly.

Beside the waterside pavilion, Li Bingjie saw Luo Chuan, the "Luo Giant", who played with the mixed-blood Emperor Qilin that day, and finally severely injured the Emperor Qilin and rescued them all.

"Greetings, Senior Luo."

Li Bingjie flew down the waterside pavilion, bowed deeply to Luo Chuan.

"Kunlun Sect disciple, Li Bingjie."

Luo Chuan opened his eyes, but did not look at the female Taoist behind him, but said lightly: "You are finally here." (To be continued)



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