Supreme Immortal Demon

Volume 1: Baiyujing of the Tang Dynasty Chapter 1127: Gambling with Kunlun

Li Bingjie had a complex expression, excited and embarrassed.

She was excited because Luo Chuan could call out her name, which meant that Luo Chuan had taken her to heart that day. She was embarrassed because she felt guilty, guilty that she had finally broken her promise.


Li Bingjie thought about it and didn't know what to do, so she simply bowed to the end.

She was stopped by an invisible big hand when she was halfway through her bow.

"It seems that the half-blood emperor unicorn will not come back for a while. But do you think that you will be fine if you bow to me a few times?"

Luo Chuan glanced at Li Bingjie and said lightly.

Li Bingjie felt cold all over. She was clearly facing Luo Chuan's back, and Luo Chuan did not turn around or turn around, but she could feel Luo Chuan's cold eyes glancing at her. His eyes were cold, without ridicule, ridicule or disgust, but it seemed to contain all of them.

Looking closely, Li Bingjie was stunned. Luo Chuan did not move. The glance at her was like an illusion.

In an instant, Li Bingjie felt extremely uncomfortable, her lower abdomen churned, and she wanted to vomit. She was more and more surprised and amazed at Luo Chuan. When she injured Emperor Qilin and saved the disciples of Kunlun Sect in the sea of ​​chaos that day, Li Bingjie admired Luo Chuan. Today, she felt that he was mysterious and determined her inner thoughts.

"Of course not... Senior Luo misunderstood."

Li Bingjie no longer insisted on bowing and called him senior. She knew that Luo Chuan was much younger than her, but she didn't feel embarrassed or wrong in her heart. She just felt that it was natural.

"Did I misunderstand? I remember it clearly. That day you said that Kunlun Sect would only keep Emperor Qilin for me. Then why did you come empty-handed today?" Luo Chuan finally turned around and stared at Li Bingjie, his tone cold and stiff. But there was not much real anger in the depths of his eyes.

Li Bingjie took a deep breath, suppressed her shame and guilt, and smiled bitterly: "It's my fault. I boasted that day, but I can't fulfill it today..."

"You keep saying you're wrong and apologizing. Why are you here today?" Luo Chuan frowned slightly, with a hint of impatience on his face.

"That half-blood emperor's going to be...sold to the Yu family...the Tiandu Yu family by my Kunlun Sect!" Li Bingjie raised her head and said.

"Oh." Luo Chuan's tone was calm, as if he had already guessed it: "Then how are you going to compensate me?"

" Kunlun Sect was also forced. It was all forced by the Yu family..."

After explaining a few words, Li Bingjie didn't know what to say. She had just come out of retreat, and after hearing the news, she hurried to find Luo Chuan, not for anything else, just because she didn't want Luo Chuan to be kept in the dark, and she didn't want Luo Chuan to misunderstand her.

What Qilin Fairy? It was just a rumor from a busybody. The high-ranking officials of Kunlun Sect knew the truth. What Li Bingjie didn't want the most was that Luo Chuan would misunderstand her and think she was an ungrateful person who was greedy for fame and fortune.

But Luo Chuan didn't scold or ridicule her. This made Li Bingjie not know how to deal with it, and all the words she prepared when she came here were useless.

Luo Chuan glanced at Li Bingjie, who was at a loss, and sighed in his heart.

From the moment this female Taoist who had met her once came. Luo Chuan knew what was going on. This Li Bingjie also had the realm of the heavens. Perhaps she was a disciple cultivated by Kunlun Sect with great energy, but in the game between the giant forces, she was just a chess piece, a chess piece used to test Luo Chuan. And she was a chess piece that didn't know it yet.

If the Yu family really got the mixed-blood emperor Qilin, they would have spread the news early. And Li Bingjie would not be assigned by the high-ranking officials of the sect to come to Luo Chuan "secretly" at this time. Li Bingjie herself didn't know that her every move was expected by the top leaders of Kunlun Sect, and was specifically used to test Luo Chuan.

The reason for the test was that Kunlun Sect had not yet decided which side to take.

The first time he saw Li Bingjie, Luo Chuan had already known at least three pieces of information.

First, the Tiandu Yu family had already made a move and planned to attack him.

Second, the situation of the Tiandu Yu family was related to the half-blood emperor unicorn.

Third, the major forces in Polang City, represented by Kunlun Sect, may have reached an agreement with the Yu family, but some of them are still afraid of him and are still waiting and watching.

As for what they are waiting and watching... naturally it is Luo Chuan's true strength and trump card.

Looking at Li Bingjie, who was becoming more and more uneasy, Luo Chuan suddenly laughed: "Then tell me, what exactly do you Kunlun Sect want to know? Or, what is the purpose of sending you here today to test?"

Li Bingjie was stunned, and gradually a look of shame and grievance appeared on her face.

She came to Luo Chuan purely out of guilt and uneasiness, and had no other thoughts at all.

Li Bingjie resisted the urge to turn around and leave. Just as she was about to refute, she saw Luo Chuan suddenly smile. His body did not move, but it seemed to be completely open. A pressure rose from his sleeves and rushed towards her.

"Senior Luo, you..."

Li Bingjie's face changed drastically, thinking that Luo Chuan was angry and wanted to kill her.

The next moment, she was imprisoned in Luo Chuan's aura and could not move. A aura like a big hand turned and fiddled with her body domineeringly, moving up and down. Although it was not painful, it made Li Bingjie blush with shame, and she felt a strong anger and disgust in her heart.

I didn't expect that Luo Chuan was such a pervert! He was so angry that he touched her... I still regarded him as a senior master.

Li Bingjie was ashamed and angry, and secretly swore in her heart that she would expose Luo Chuan's disguise when she returned to the sect!

But not long after, Li Bingjie felt her chest swelling, and the next moment her body shook, and two forbidden mysterious patterns floated from her shoulders, exposing the group of possessed water mirrors hidden under her skin.

Lowering her head, staring at the forbidden water mirrors pulled out of her body by Luo Chuan's pressure, Li Bingjie was stunned, and suddenly thought of something, her face changed again and again, and she looked at Luo Chuan with more and more shame.

In a huge mountain in the lower reaches of Wendao River, the Taoist temple was full of Taoists with profound auras, and their cultivation was above the realm of the heavens. At the top of the hall, a giant water mirror was suspended. In the water mirror, it was the scene of Luo Chuan and his three disciples practicing in Wendao River before Li Bingjie arrived.

The hall was silent, and the monks watched Zhuang Zhou and the other two "standing on bamboo poles" with full concentration, without any look of contempt or contempt on their faces.

"It's been so many days, have you seen anything?"

At the top of the hall, in front of the water mirror, the white-haired middle-aged man asked calmly.

He was just sitting, but gave people the illusion of a deep and majestic mountain, as if what was blocking the water mirror was not a person, but a majestic mountain.

This person is the current leader of Kunlun Sect, a Taoist of Kunlun who has the cultivation level of a second emperor and is infinitely close to breaking through the emperor level.

On the left side of the lower head of Kunlun Taoist, a female Taoist stood up and bowed: "Sect Master, I think that Luo Shouzuo arranged trials for his three disciples and did not avoid the various forces in Polang City. This means that Luo Chuan has no ulterior motives for Polang City. I think that my Kunlun Sect should seize the opportunity and make friends with Luo Chuan... A young cultivator with a promising future is much more valuable than a mixed-blood beast."

After the female Taoist finished speaking, the elders whispered.

"I object."

An old man stood up slowly and said loudly: "Everyone knows that Luo Chuan and the Yu family will have a battle. The polar trial is approaching, and the Jibei Sect and Wuxin Sect are both staying out of it. Why should my Kunlun Sect get involved in this mess?"

"According to Luo Chuan's previous record, even if the Yu family sets a killing trap for him this time, he has more than 40% chance of escaping." The female Taoist said without giving in.

"Even if we can escape, what's the point? How can a pseudo-giant who has not yet risen compare with the Yu family?"

"Hmph, Elder Hua, you have been an elder for more than a hundred years, and you only have this much vision? Luo Chuan will grow up soon. Once he grows up, can't he be used to curb the Tiandu Yu family? Even if he doesn't rise, as long as he is there, the Yu family will not be at peace. The more unstable the Yu family is, the less we have to worry about it expanding its power in Polang City. Isn't this the best situation for our Kunlun Sect?"

"But don't forget that Polang City is not just about the two forces of our Kunlun Sect and the Tiandu Yu family... Wuxin Sect and Jibei Sect have always been eyeing it covetously. Humph, if we offend the Tiandu Yu family for Luo Chuan this time, what if the Yu family kills Luo Chuan and then turns around and unites other forces to attack our Kunlun Sect... Aunt Yue, where can you find Luo Chuan then?"

For a while, the Kunlun Sect's main hall was bustling.

The elders were divided into two factions, led by Elder Hua and Aunt Yue, and they were arguing. The depth of their cultivation is second only to the Taoist of Kunlun, and they are both powerful men of the sub-emperor level.

Until the scene in the water mirror changed, showing the scene of Luo Chuan and Wen Daojiang "cultivating with bamboo poles" from another angle, a woman's voice came from the water mirror, and the elders in the Kunlun Hall finally quieted down.

"Bing'er is here." Yue Gu looked at the water mirror, sighed lightly, and her face was a little unnatural.

"Okay, don't worry. My 'Wanli Guanwen' was originally a first-class magic weapon. Later, a Tianmen Second Emperor engraved it with the innate mysterious pattern. Once absorbed into the body, it will become a mobile water mirror. Not only will it be complete, but it will never harm your disciple." Elder Hua glanced at Yue Gu, who was slightly distressed, and added: "It just consumes a little more vitality."

"As long as we can find out the real purpose of Luo Chuan coming to Polang City, it doesn't matter if a disciple is wronged. Li Bingjie has always been sensible and will understand."

The Taoist Kunlun said lightly, looking at Luo Chuan again through the new forbidden water mirror hidden in Li Bingjie's body, his eyes fixed on the "Bamboo Pole Trial" in the river, his eyes suddenly lit up, but he faintly noticed something unusual that he had not noticed before.

"Junior brother, your treasure is really amazing." The Taoist Kunlun said with a gleam in his eyes.

"Of course, my 'Wanli Guanwen' is of heavenly grade after being integrated with the mysterious pattern. It is a good treasure that will not be detected even when dealing with the strongest... In the past, I was successful in dealing with the old emperor of the Yu family in Tiandu Yu family, but the Yu family is still in the dark. Humph, no matter what ulterior motive Luo Chuan has in coming to Polang City, we can find out clearly today through 'Wanli Guanwen'." (To be continued)


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