Supreme Immortal Demon

Volume 1: Baiyujing of the Tang Dynasty Chapter 1420: Ancestor

Hearing this, Luo Chuan breathed a sigh of relief.

Bai Yiqing was able to communicate with him through the inner lake, and her tone was so relaxed, which at least meant that she was safe now.

"Who did you see?" Luo Chuan asked.

"Ancestor Xingyuan." Bai Yiqing said in a message.

Luo Chuan's face changed slightly. The Third Ancestor of Xingyuan and the Great Sage Kunpeng were obviously unwilling to deal with him. Now he and the Great Sage Kunpeng broke into the Ruins Palace. At this time, the Third Ancestor of the Xingyuan came to Bai Yiqing and most likely took Bai Yiqing as a hostage for blackmail. .

However, Bai Yiqing's next words made Luo Chuan suddenly startled: "What!"

The Black Dragon Lord was thrown away again!


The Black Dragon Lord's already miserable face hit the ground hard, his butt was in the air, his legs were weakly straddling the ground, and he let out an indistinct ** in his throat: "Ah, I'm scared..."

"Hmph! You useless little loach! You are resisting! Didn't you scream and scream unconvinced back then? What happened to you who were so energetic back then? Could it be that you were castrated? Hahaha..." Kunpeng..." A cold light flashed in the eyes of the Great Sage, and he suddenly reached out to pick up the Black Dragon Lord and used a monkey-picking trick to pick peaches: "Huh? Still there? Unfortunately, there is no difference between being there and not being there. It's better not to let him go."

"Ah, I'm scared..." The Black Dragon Lord was so frightened that his whole face turned green instantly. He could not give up his dignity and face, but he could never abandon that... Without that, his bloodline would be cut off.

Not knowing where the strength came from, the Black Dragon Lord covered his crotch, twisted his waist and tried his best to break free from the clutches of the Great Sage Kunpeng.

"Hey, are you finally resisting? Okay, okay, come on, I will give you another 10% of my strength, let's make some good gestures."

The weird laughter of Great Sage Kunpeng came from behind, and Lord Black Dragon's heart trembled. He finally realized that he had just made another mistake that he should never have made. His whole body went limp and a strange ** came out of his throat: "Ah, I'm scared..."


Great Sage Kunpeng was furious. The back of his hand hit the Black Dragon Lord's mouth hard, knocking his chin away.

"What the hell are you calling! You can only call like this when called over and over again! You are also a great hermit after all. The person who makes the rules can't change the number of calls! Huh?"

"Ah..." The Black Dragon Lord held back forcefully. He lay on the ground, his back trembling, his shoulders twitching, his nose sore, and he couldn't help but burst into tears.

He knew that the Great Sage Kunpeng was very strong, and he didn't know the heights of the world when he was young. He has learned it deeply.

However, after so many years, he has grown into the Black Dragon Lord. The entire Ruins Palace and even Xingyuan are said to be an invincible and invincible existence. However, this monster had a ray of his soul stolen from him. He lacked energy sources after leaving Xingyuan and could only sleep. It stands to reason that after being hungry for so many years, he should not be so strong... However, what appeared in front of the Black Dragon Lord was an ancestor Kunpeng who was even more powerful and fierce than that year. It was not that he had never resisted, but he Every time he wanted to resist, he found that all his power was not as good as the opponent's casual slap. It's like using a mantis' arm as a chariot, it's not worth mentioning.

Monster... This monster is back... Why is this happening... Bo Taiqing Yuxia! Why are you two provoking Luo Chuan when you have nothing to do?

Black Dragon Lord mainly regrets as much as he wants, if time can go back. He would rather Bo Taiqing die a hundred times a thousand times. Even if Zhao Yi and other young geniuses were buried with him, he would not provoke Luo Chuan and Bai Yiqing... because there are only a handful of people in the world who can bear the consequences.

Wiping away his tears, the Black Dragon Lord gritted his teeth, his heart was shaken, blood spurted from his mouth, and he passed out.

"Huh? This won't work? It's really useless!"

Ancestor Kunpeng glanced at Lord Black Dragon and shook his head. Then he turned around and swept across the three great hermits of Buddha, Demon and Demon. His eyes flickered, and he said calmly: "You all come to play with me. Come to think of it, I haven't fought with you for a long time. I remember that you were so energetic back then."

The three hermits were originally a little lucky, and were very sympathetic to the Black Dragon Lord's situation, but they did not expect that in the blink of an eye, Kunpeng Ancestor's spearhead was pointed at them, making them stiff and unprepared.

That was many, many years ago, many, many years ago in the Anti-Holy Alliance of the Ruins Palace, and the Great Hermits were not among them. However, at that time and many, many years before that, the four great ancestors were already there. In that year, all the big and small matters in the Xu Palace were personally controlled by the ancestors. On the surface, each of the four ancestors was in charge of their own affairs and did not interfere with each other. However, in fact, the first-ranked ancestor was in charge of everything inside and outside the Xu Palace. The real master of the Xu Palace includes personally training the hermit regiment and the new disciples.

Among the three great hermits, including the Black Dragon Lord, when they first joined the Anti-Holy Alliance, they were all arrogant and unruly, but they played right into the hands of the ancestor.

In the following decades, the three hermits, Lord Black Dragon, Elder Yin, and Buddha Demon were "trained" by the ancestor almost every day. Among them, Lord Black Dragon was the most arrogant, and he was also beaten. The worst thing happened, they had grown up to the level of Xiaoao Xu Palace after dozens of years of talent and talent, but facing their ancestors who had suppressed their cultivation to the same level as them, they could not escape being completely tortured even if they worked together. In the end, it was precisely because of this experience that they stood out and grew into the unique giants of the Anti-Holy Alliance.

However, before they knew it, the inner demons also grew and spread, not only in the hearts of Lord Black Dragon and others, but also spread silently to the middle and lower levels of the Anti-Saint Alliance with their words and deeds. The devil's heart is the most brilliant magic skill. Few of the Anti-Saint Alliance monks and hermits have seen the true appearance of the Kunpeng Patriarch, but almost everyone saw the first sight of the Kunpeng Patriarch, and the unbearable memory of the Black Dragon Patriarch and others flashed in their minds, and they were filled with fear from the bottom of their hearts.

"Ancestor... It's none of our business... It's all Black Dragon..."

"Ancestor, don't fight... The disciples know their mistakes..."

"Ancestor... I really can't fight anymore... Ah, scare..."

Not far away, Yin Lao quietly took two steps back and looked at the three great hermits who were being "trained" by the Great Sage Kunpeng. His face changed, and finally he breathed a sigh of relief, smiled bitterly and shook his head.

Although he did not interfere with the departure of Kunpeng Patriarch from the palace, he hesitated again and again and did not stand on the side of Kunpeng Patriarch in order to maintain the stability of the Anti-Saint Alliance. Instead, he chose to stay out of it. Today in Xu Palace, the Patriarch returned and beat up the Black Dragon Lord first. He beat up the Black Dragon Lord so hard that he could not even recognize his own father and lost face. A large part of the reason was that the Black Dragon Lord's actions in the past indirectly led to the situation getting out of control, and when the seal of Kunpeng Patriarch's soul was finally stolen, the Black Dragon Lord personally participated.

Like Yin Lao, the three great hermits who were being abused in public by Kunpeng Great Sage chose to stay out of it at the beginning, but today they still could not escape the fate of being humiliated and ruined in public.

With the revengeful nature of Kunpeng Patriarch, the reason why he let him go was just because of Luo Chuan.

At this moment, Yin Lao felt a deep sense of relief in his heart.







“可是……在那个什么天星圣门时,你们真的没发现帝Sister is acting abnormal? Sister Di and Luo Chuan are definitely problematic! Besides, you know it. Sister Di married Prince Zhaolan just to form an alliance between the ancient clan and the Xiantian lineage! Why should Sister Di be sacrificed! "

"Humph, it's all the work of those Xiantian emperors!"

"Although Xiantian emperors have the ancient Xiantian bloodline and innate magical skills, brother-in-law may not lose in a one-on-one fight."

"You still call me brother-in-law! But... Xiantian emperors have defeated the monsters of the Holy Court before."

The ancient clan's female masters talked and talked, and the topic was far away, but there were still female masters who stole a glance at Luo Chuan from time to time, with many ripples in their eyes, with admiration and admiration. There was also a trace of expectation from nowhere.

Also full of expectations were Lan Xiaosheng and other Tianbang geniuses, and the cannon fodder camp under Luo Chuan.

A few days ago at the Tianxing Holy Gate. Luo Chuan was blown away and his life or death was unknown. The Black Dragon Lord used his magical skills to capture them all alive. After being thrown into the Ruins Palace, including Wang Hu, Red Beard and other cannon fodder brothers, everyone was somewhat discouraged and gradually lost hope. This time, they were not facing the powerful heroes in the Nine Heavens, but the legendary force above the Nine Heavens, the Anti-Saint Alliance! And it was the highest level of the Anti-Saint Alliance!

But even so, in less than two or three days, Luo Chuan rushed into the Ruins Palace, brought his super thugs, swept the Anti-Saint Alliance headed by the Black Dragon Lord, and rescued them with a tyrannical attitude!

Who in the world can do such a feat? The former Nine Dragon Lord and the current North Pole Emperor are afraid that they can't catch up!

One after another, they cast their eyes on the white robe standing like a mosquito larva.

The white-robed monk quietly floated in the air, lowered his head, his eyes flickered, and I don’t know what he was thinking.


After a while, Luo Chuan raised his head, and a complex flashed in his eyes.

"It's her..."

"That's her." Bai Yiqing's voice came from afar: "She is one of the ancestors of the Anti-Saint Alliance. She called herself the ancestor to me and said that she is the only surviving ancestor of our lineage. Chuan Lang, our lineage..."

"She is talking about the immortal lineage. I am the descendant of the immortal lineage from another generation, and you have received the Taoist fire from me, so you can also be considered the descendant of the immortal lineage. When I was in Taiping Guangzhen, I knew that in addition to me, there was another descendant of the immortal lineage, and it was in Xingyuan." Luo Chuan said, and suddenly changed his tone: "Haha, it's true that I am the descendant of the immortal lineage, but I only practiced the immortal lineage's skills, and I am not a real member of the immortal lineage. Her condition is a bit too much."

(My neck is sore and my head hurts, I don't have the energy to write, so I will only update once today, sorry) (To be continued)

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